diy solar

diy solar

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  • Is there any Privacy Respecting/Ethical hardware out there?

    Is there any Privacy Respecting/Ethical hardware out there? I’m a Prepper for lack of a better word and I’m anxious about a 3rd party shutting down or monitoring my Equipment. Like for instance the Government through Operating system back doors or any others that might do so acting in their on...
  • Is there an hybrid inverter that does all this?

    I want an hybrid inverter that can for example supply a 2000W load If I'm only getting 1000W from a solar array by combining it with 1000W from the grid. but if conditions change from getting 1000W to now 3000W from the solar array I want it to adaptively start using 2000W for the load and use...
  • What cheap solar charge controller should I use?

    I have a folding 160W panel that I will use for camping eventually but over the next 6 months it will be in the back yard to charge a 4S lifeo4 battery. I hooked up the panel direct (just for load testing purposes) to battery when it's at it's lowest terminal voltage (10.4 Volts). I was getting...
  • EVE cell discharge curve seems wrong Am I missing something?

    I've been charging my S4 battery for the first time at 22.3A . It's made from Eve LF280k cells and a JK BMS. Highest Cell voltage was 3.35 volts 5 hours ago and is now sitting on 3.384 volts. Cell voltage difference hasn't been greater than 0.003 volts. Battery terminal voltage is 13.53V due to...
  • Is using a Switch mode Power Supply as a Charger A bad idea?

    Hi I'm building an S4 battery the moment my cells arrive and later on this year an S16. Most of the time I will not be using solar panels to charge these batteries because the S4 280Ah Eve battery is for UPS system and Camping sometimes while the S16 Eve 32Ah will be in an escooter. how much...