diy solar

diy solar

EG4 purchase

Thank you so much for the honest information. Will needs to see your post as he has been bought by them, selling us out on this forum. He could make this right if he wanted but as long as he is paid for his services and we watch his youtube video’s he is making money and they are as well. I have lost alot of respect for what he says.
Do you have any recommendations other than using Signature Solar and EG4.
Thank you so much
I just now seen this post. I think you are mistaken, Will has not been bought out by them, I have seen him post these same negatives in his videos. He may not be near as blunt as i am and that's fine, few are but he has commented on their customer service issues before. While he does mainly try to focus on the products and does review them more so than a specific company I have seen plenty of comments from him regarding various companies when they are failing in some way or another.
Make this right? I've complained about their customer service and have spread the information more than anyone else on the internet. Have you seen my videos? I mention this all the time.

And you can purchase everything they sell by going through current connected. Which again, I mention all the time.

I also created this forum so people can complain about ANY solar equipment distributor you please.

What have I said that makes you lose respect for me? What did I do wrong here?
Will, I am very thankful for this forum and the users input, and for your Truthfull statements concerning the product you review.
I have learned very much from you.
Thank you, Thank You
I want to apologize to you, as I was frustrated and should not have vented the way that I did. I have learned so much from you and subscribe to your channel. We are blessed that we have this forum to learn from each other and sorry to say vent. I was also watching other videos that were promoting Signature Solar. I didn’t know who to believe as they were getting product to evaluate from Signature Solar. I work with the public and my business could not survive with this negative. I went to BBB and there are many problems needing to be resolved by Signature Solar but as you said with the volume of business they have, they will have complaints. I re watched your video’s and you did give alternatives to purchase. Please accept my apology, I am sorry.
Anyone can see that the BBB claims we have resolved all claims and gives us an A+ rating... proving once again that you can do the right thing and still have someone on the internet smear you and use you as a soapbox... I don't care personally, what bothers me is that we have made hundreds of solar jobs for people who have achieved more than any other team in solar distribution and feel that they will be the favorite for smearing here no matter what.
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Anyone can see that the BBB claims we have resolved all claims and gives us an A+ rating... proving once again that you can do the right thing and still have someone on the internet smear you and use you as a soapbox... I don't care personally, what bothers me is that we have made hundreds of solar jobs for people who have achieved more than any other team in solar distribution and feel that they will be the favorite for smearing here no matter what.
this is my personel opinion and is offered as advice, not criticism.

you personally, and by proxy Signature Solar lost a lot of credibility when you lost your shit in a thread awhile back. since then you, and signature have been working to clean that PR mess up, but it will take time.

That left a really, really bad taste in a lot of folks mouths even if they were not affected by the whole slow motion train wreck.

Hiring a new person to be the CS rep was a good idea, my advice let her handle the PR while you make the strategic decisions behind the scenes. you just do not have a thick enough skin to deal with people on the internet in a customer service position.

Once again not criticism, advice.


BTW tidy up your email reply system... you lost two orders from me to one of your many competitors when your folks could not reply to a simple email in a a timely fashion. (this is criticism).
BTW tidy up your email reply system... you lost two orders from me to one of your many competitors when your folks could not reply to a simple email in a a timely fashion. (this is criticism).
Hi! Would you mind sending me your email address? I’d like to ensure they’re not getting lost somewhere! Our emails have had less than 24 hour response times for a while now :)
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