diy solar

diy solar

Solar Tracker Design

Good point, the slew drives so have a hole through the middle. Depending on the size, it may not pass a 3" pipe through the middle or 3" may be undersized, but I'm sure the same idea scales to larger and smaller sizes.
How much did you end of paying for the slew drive, and is it 12v or 24 volt?
Too much.
It's been a while, so the cost fades, maybe $500+
Similar cost of the complete tracker I bought from eco-worthy...


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Yes, but mine doesn't have metal c-channel sticking out on each end and I've got confidence that it won't blow over (or up and away) in the wind.
Hey, I am not criticizing your project. I am just showing the cost of a tracker off the shelf ready to be assembled so that people can have a comparison. As you said, your project was more of a hobby than a saving cost project, and the learning from your son is invaluable.

By the way, those channels can be cut, and the tracker can be bolted to cement, but I am just testing the location before doing something more permanent.. and that wood base is currently anchored so the wolfs cannot blow it.