diy solar

diy solar

buying single panels


New Member
Jul 7, 2022
I put an add on Craigslist in a solar rich town nearby to buy a couple of spare new 350watt ish panels that someone would have left over from buying a pallet. Places like Signature Solar and many others are selling pallets.... but I didn't even get one response..Should I be surprised..?? I thought lots of people were buying pallets..
Should I be surprised..?? I thought lots of people were buying pallets..
I dunno, if i bought a few extras i would hang onto them as replacements. Its a lot easier than trying to match panels down the road.

I bought a couple 410W extra panels from craigslist. The guy sold his house and did not need to worry about the future and wanted his garage cleaned out (as requested by the new owner).

What area are you looking? It its a solar rich area, i'd expect a lot of ads on craigslist.
Check Facebook marketplace see lot of panels for sale there. I think some are solar contractors have old panels they remove from homes they are upgrading.
I put an add on Craigslist in a solar rich town nearby to buy a couple of spare new 350watt ish panels that someone would have left over from buying a pallet. Places like Signature Solar and many others are selling pallets.... but I didn't even get one response..Should I be surprised..?? I thought lots of people were buying pallets..
I would not be surprised no one responded if no panels are for sale Locally.

My area of Arizona has lots of panels for sale. Other areas of the country I’ve looked at times like Florida, had none. I don’t know why some areas have them and others don’t.

Faceboook marketplace is easer to broaden the search area than search than Craigslist.