diy solar

diy solar

JK-BMS-CAN with new Cut-Off Charging Logic (open-source)

Trying out the latest version this weekend with EG46000xp (Lux Power), single jk and 2p16s pack. So far it’s working great, the dynamic absorption is awesome and really allowed for cell balancing to .005v. Great job all.
Great job on multi-bms version. Thank you all on your hard work and time spent on this.
Just connected my Growatt SPF 5000 ES with my two DIY 16kWh batteries with JK PB series BMSes using BLE connections from AtomS3 with CAN Unit module - had to change gpio pins in yaml. Working good.

My questions are:
1) how do we control absorption time and float time? It is controlled automatically? Even if Auto Current and auto voltage buttons are off? Is the timeout option responsible for this?
2) when Force Bulk button is working? Tried right after Bulk phase - do not working, tried at 53,6V - do not working. Should I raise Rebulk value first than turn on Force Bulk?
EDIT: tried raising rebulk value than used force Bulk button, status changed to Bulk/Force bulk but inverter did not started to charge. Looks like this is not working for Growatt SPF 5000 using Pylon 1.2 protocol?
EDIT2: setting rebulk voltage and restarting ESP is the way to do rebulk. Looks like force bulk button is not working as expected. After turning it on and back off and on again it stays on at some point not allowing to turn it off. I know it's a beta that's why I post my observations ;)
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In addition to the main YAML, you must have the packages folder as well as secrets.yaml (with your wifi credentials) in order to compile.
Hello, I recently buyed a JK BMS PB2A16S20P, Hardware version V15.XA, running V15.10 firmware and have issues compiling the code for ESP32 - C3 board or for standard ESP32. I have copied packages folder as well as secrets.yaml and i get the following error:

from src/main.cpp:3:
src/esphome/components/jk_rs485_sniffer/binary_output.h:18:7: error: redefinition of 'class esphome::eek:utput::BinaryOutput'
class BinaryOutput {
In file included from src/esphome/components/binary/light/binary_light_output.h:4,
from src/esphome.h:15,
from src/main.cpp:3:
src/esphome/components/output/binary_output.h:18:7: note: previous definition of 'class esphome::eek:utput::BinaryOutput'
class BinaryOutput {
Generating LD script .pioenvs/smartbms/memory.ld
Compiling .pioenvs/smartbms/app_trace/app_trace.o
*** [.pioenvs/smartbms/src/main.o] Error 1
========================= [FAILED] Took 607.51 seconds =========================

I have created a new board file for C3 board, and i cannot find what is the issue for not managing to compile.
The content for C3 board is as follows:

# Updated : 2024.05.19
# Version : 1.1
# GitHub :

board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1
type: esp-idf


# UART 1
- id: uart_esp_1
tx_pin: 21
rx_pin: 20
baud_rate: 115200
rx_buffer_size: 384

- platform: esp32_can
id: canbus_node1
tx_pin: 9
rx_pin: 8
can_id: 1
bit_rate: 500kbps

- platform: gpio
pin: 2
id: esp_led
inverted: true

# ESP Light
- platform: binary
output: esp_led
id: esp_light
name: "${name} On board light"
internal: true

C3 has no onboard led but i will attach one on GPIO2 if it will manage to compile and run successfully.
If i choose board type esp32-s3 the code is compiling successfully but obviously it cannot be flashed to C3 board.
Any ideas?