diy solar

diy solar

Question about Hoymiles MI-1500 inverter and attached panels


New Member
Apr 12, 2023
Los Angeles, CA
Question, I am getting a 14.8 watt system installed. I apologize in advance if this post isnt clear, as i am learning. My system is to have thirty three (33) 450w panels. The vender wants to use eight (8) 8 Hoymiles MI-1500 and one (1) MI-700 for the array. I am trying if figure out if one MI-1500 will handle four (4) 450w panels? I am sure there is energy loss in the conversion, but just looking at the numbers four (4) 450w ios 1800 watts and i read the max output is 1500w. Is an mi-1500 sufficent to handle four 450w panels?
I am also looking into Hoymiles but I am a beginner. From the little knowledge I have, the 450w panel will never actually deliver 450w. That is the theoretical power in the lab. The real life maximum power will be closer to 350w and that will happen only ever happen momentarily at the highest point in the day, and that is assuming your panels are mounted at the optimal azimuth and elevation for your location. Most of the day you will be generating a lot less power than 350w. I may be wrong.
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