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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Thanks, I don't know that, could you explain what the problem is and why it's junk and dangerous? Also, could you recommend an alternative that would perform the same function? Kind regards Steve
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Ok thanks, I will do. Appreciate your help.
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    Sorry, I did not think to explain the photos: The photos are of the fuse removed from the system, It shows the components and order of mounting. When it was attached and in use it was FULLY tightened, and not left finger tight as in the photos. kind regards Steve.
  • Post in thread: Is it looking ok ?

    Hello Sunshine_eggo, could I just check something else with you please? This is my thinking for cabling purposes: With my 2 string 4 parallel array, each string will create 2 x 38.12v ( 76 v ) and 1 x 10.2a. I am intending to use the: ECO-WORTHY 6 String PV Combiner Box & 63A Circuit Breakers (...
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    Thanks for input, no I have not tried either, will do. I'll learn how to do the v drop test, and complete. thanks.
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    Thank you for your advice, I don't think after speaking to you that i want to put another variable in the system that might fail. and it sounds as though the net benefit is negligible at best. thanks.
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    Thank you for your reply, really appreciated.
  • Post in thread: Is it looking ok ?

    Hello Sunshine_eggo, Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, it is appreciated, your comments are well received. I have a E/W array, half on east side, other on west side. This is why I am over panelling, thanks for your observations. Concerning fuse size, here is the data on the...
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Thanks very much, very helpful.
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    as previously clarified, the picture was when NUTS NOT TIGHTENED...if only it were that simple ...
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    i have observed the heat starts at the fuse lugs, and then spreads along the cables, until the who cable heats. the last place to heat seems to be the bat terminal. I'll try bypassing the fuse and bolting the lugs together... thanks for you continued thoughts.
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Hi, no I don't. Honestly I don't know what that is, the only thing I have is a victron temp battery monitor.
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Does this perform something different to the victron MPPT controller?
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    Hello, ( Heads up, I'm a newbie) I am installing a solar array: 3s2p , 3 series 2 parallel 330w each panel 10.2A each panel VOC 39.12v each panel. Each series of 3 panels combined output is: 117v and 10.2A ( with a total array output therefore of: 117v and 20.4A, 1980W) I have the Victron...
  • Post in thread: Is it looking ok ?

    Thanks very much, I will proceed........ kind regards Steve.
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    The battery is a KS Energy UK 300Ah, I'm using the victron 150/70 solar charge controller and from that I'm getting the data on the battery and charge data. I also get soc from the batteries BMS itself which also is Bluetooth. I do not have a separate battery monitor.
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    respectfully, please read my original post. thanks for trying to help.
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    Thanks for the chart, its helpful. I'm a little confused with the wire gauge: The Inverter states its spec as 12v 1200 watts continuous power , it does not state its amps. however If my calculations are right the amps value at 1200 watts is 100Amp. The Inverter states in the user manual the...
  • Post in thread: Combiner box limits?

    Hello, I would be really grateful for experienced persons thoughts / input as I'm trying to avoid a mistake.... I have a 2S4P system that I am installing. 8 identical Panels, each panel: 330W, 32.6V (VMP), 10.2A (IMP) 10.9 (ISC) My array is East / West, as a result I am over-panelling. My...
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    Cable is good, (no heat when connected directly without fuse).
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    Could you explain what the 150v comes from please?
  • Post in thread: Is it looking ok ?

    Thank you very much. steve.
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    thanks for your responses so far... but both are not relevant to posted question. Question remains unanswered..
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Hello, Just to recap, the issue I'm having is that ( only ) when the mmpt begins charging the battery in the morning, the battery immediately indicates its charged (wrongly), this causes the transfer switch to activate solar, as the inverter responds, it finds the battery is in fact too low...
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    I can buy off the shelf, but they do not meet spec. The panels only contain BYPASS diodes for different purpose I believe, not relevant to question, thanks anyway
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    off the shelf diodes do not meet the min requirement as described, thanks anyway
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

  • Post in thread: IS THIS WHAT I SHOULD EXPECT ?

    Hello, I've just mounted my solar panels and I'd very much appreciate someone to spend a couple of minutes to check if my results are to be expected..... Here's the spec: Solar self build Generator Spec: 300Ah LifeP04 battery, max continuous charge rate 150A < 150v/70-Tr Victron SmartSolar...
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Hi. Thanks for your reply. I've checked everything with a meter. Ask checks out.
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    sorry, didn't mean to come across rude, apologies.. problem a little frustration coming out ( sorry ) I would not have even thought of them until I watched one of Wills videos, explaining why you should use them on a east / west roof. I give way to your testing experience, and if as you say...
  • Post in thread: Is it looking ok ?

    Thanks for your answer, If I've understood what you have said, in summary: 1: Although the array can generate a theoretical 2,640w, the MPPT will throttle that to a max of 1015w, which is within the 1080W limit of the combiner box ( so it's what is flowing through the combiner box, not what...
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    Thank you, will do. I'll let you know tomorrow. Steve.
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    Hi TorC Here are the results for the following points you suggested I do, Your observations and thoughts would be very welcome: Big picture: A) I'm not sure if it "normal" to generate this heat under these conditions? B) understanding heat is wasted power, when I remove the fuse and wire direct...
  • Post in thread: Is it looking ok ?

    Thank you LakeHouse, your explanation is helpful. Steve
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    That's helpful to know, thanks. seems a consensus they have minimal impact at best. So I'm now leaning towards not include them. Can I ask your opinion ( on the comments ) made by another purchaser on Amazon re MC4 30A 1000V blocking diodes. "..... do not contain a Schottky blocking diode...
  • Post in thread: Is it looking ok ?

    Thank you, you have been an enormous help, steve.
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    thanks useful tip I will follow up
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    That's helpful to know, thanks. seems a consensus they have minimal impact at best. So I'm now leaning towards not include them. Can I ask your opinion ( on the comments ) made by another purchaser on Amazon re MC4 30A 1000V blocking diodes. "..... do not contain a Schottky blocking diode rather...
  • Post in thread: Is it looking ok ?

    Hello, I am about to mount a further 2 panels to my small emergency system, and I would very much appreciate if an experienced person here ( not a newbie like me- thanks) would take a quick look and comment if it's wrong! ( or right ? :) ) Please take a look at my numbers / panel configuration...
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    Thank you so much for your reply and advice, clearly I've been over cooking this ( personality trait )
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    it's now about 4 hours later than the event, I've taken updated voltage and current readings, looks like they have changed a bit....? also included the cells charging..
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    How do you buy someone a beer on here ?
  • Post in thread: it's all in the connections

    I'm nearly there... advice please: My system: 2S4P, each string has 2 x 330w panels, each panel output is: 32.6v (VMP), 10.2 (IMP), & 10.9 (ISC). this gives a max output of 2640w to the charge controller. QUESTION: 1: Do I HAVE to use a combiner box, or could I use the standard mc4 connectors...
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    Hello Bud, Here are pictures of the fuse and cable setup. I made the cables up, ensuring everything including crimps were very tight. the fuse holder is the Victron Energy Mega Fuse Holder, and a Mega Link Fuse Current Rating: 150A. One end from battery, other to inverter. Steve.
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    Finally, can I please query: "0.75v @ 10.2A = 7.65W heat/wasted energy. 0.22v @ 10.2A = 2.24W heat/wasted energy." Mine are 117V and 10.2A they are not the same as above ? ( I'm probably misunderstanding something here so apologies) thank you.
  • Post in thread: Blocking Diode Question please:

    thanks again. I'm done!.... shows once again, you just need to ask the right people!
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Anyone have any idea what is causing this? battery voltage "phantom spike" ? thanks.
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Hi, I'm taking info from the battery Bluetooth BMS, which gives: V level, Ah Capacity, SOC, Cell status. Am I missing something do you think? kind regards Steve
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    could you tell me more about load disconnect please ?
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Hello, I would really appreciate some help... I installed a solar system a couple of years ago and it has been working very well without fault until very recently when I've been getting the most bizarre results that I cannot understand! Please bear with me as I explain my setup is as follows...
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    hi thanks for your reply, 1. The BMS is a integrated part of the battery as supplied by KS Energy UK. ( I've contacted them, discussed it ) 2. I've removed the connections, cleaned ( although they still look perfect) and replaced = still doing it. 3. As in my original post, the battery is low...
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    Hello, Can I ask for advice please? I have a heating issue that I do not understand, My positive lead to the inverter is going above > 50deg c. (and would go higher if left) I have 1 x 300Amp battery, with a 12v1200 watt Victron inverter. When the inverter is near load max output at 1130...
  • Post in thread: Is it looking ok ?

    If I could ask..... In the parameter data for the 6 string Eco-Worthy combiner box that I intend to use, it states the following: "Max input solar system wattage (12v) = 1080W" "Max input solar system wattage (24v) = 2160W" "Max input solar system wattage (48v) = 4320W" My battery is a single...
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    Thanks for your reply. Are these voltage drop values to be expected ? I will make a new cable ( the one I will be removing is new ) from battery to fuse, paying careful attention to ensure the lugs are securely fastened, and test again.
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    My transfer switch point is 14 volts I have attached the snapshot with the "expert mode" switched on as you requested “how the battery immediately indicates its fully charged” is the reason for my post! regards Steve
  • Post in thread: Is it looking ok ?

    I do not have a data sheet, the numbers are direct from the label on each panel, thanks you have been very helpful. Can I please one final question: (just ask for my own education): The fact that the power is coming from 2 panels, (not 1) on each positive cable, does not require a larger...
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Thanks for your suggestion I'm hesitant to start opening the battery as it is still under a seven-year warranty and the BMS is reporting its in perfect condition, including all the cells being monitored
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    It does give current measurements, but no history. However, I know the battery is at a low state of charge because it has been disconnected by the transfer switch at the predetermined low voltage level. I have verified this to be correct. So I'm confident the battery is in fact at a low state...
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Hello thanks your question, The transfer switch is one that I saw Will Prouse demonstrating on his website. having included a link below. I have applied a meter at the in Feed before it reaches the transfer switch and the anomaly occurs before the transfer switch. The transfer switch I...
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    Yes I made a whole new cable with no fuse, connected and tested = no heat, perfect. I have not bypassing the fuse and connecting the two cable ( fuse ends) together, will try and see if any difference...
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    yes they are heat shrunk, maybe I'll make a new section ( bat to fuse ) as last comment, check lugs are really connected well and test...
  • Post in thread: WHY THE HEAT ?

    who? whole cable
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Hi. No it's been happening for a month.
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Could you explain that please. And how might I test/ confirm? Thanks, Steve
  • Post in thread: Combiner box limits?

    Thank you, for your time in answering my questions. kind regards Steve
  • Post in thread: Help! It was working until...

    Thanks, I will do, next time it happens. I I've attached the info you requested from a previous incident, if this is useful. Kind regards

diy solar

diy solar