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diy solar

diy solar
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    • B
      BossHosss replied to the thread Solar Pond Setup.
      Thanks for all of that. Any chance you have a diagram from when you designed your system that I could take a look at?
    • B
      BossHosss reacted to Brucey's post in the thread Solar Pond Setup with Like Like.
      Speaking as someone who started off with 150/35s and a victron 48/1200: I would skip the eg4 v2 and go with an ecoworthy 48V 100Ah rack...
    • B
      BossHosss replied to the thread Solar Pond Setup.
      I want to build out a solar setup that will be expandable in the future for other things so this is where I am starting. I also want to...
    • B
      So, I am new to solar in general which will likely be obvious from the diagram I've included. I have been designing a 48V system to run...
      • solar setup.jpg
    • B
      Hello, I am new to the forum and solar in general. I have been designing a 48V system to run a pond pump and I have a few questions...
      • solar setup.png
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diy solar

diy solar