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diy solar
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      CarlS replied to the thread Remote 12 Volt Switch.
      The relay arrived and she placed it in the existing metal box and mounted the switch on a wall about 6ft away. Seems to be operating ok...
    • C
      CarlS replied to the thread Remote 12 Volt Switch.
      Thanks. The existing box is metal which is the code in Canada for AC power. Are plastic boxes allowed for 12VDC circuits? Would the RF...
    • C
      CarlS replied to the thread Remote 12 Volt Switch.
      Thanks Q-Dog, I was expecting she would need to run wire through her ceiling and walls to add wall switches. She is handy, but with a...
    • C
      My daughter lives in a cabin in Yellowknife, North-West Territories in Canada. The 12V ceiling lights are connected to her solar...
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diy solar

diy solar