the issue of better performance with parallel when there is shading isn't clear to me - if there are two panels (say 38v, 9amps max) - one in full sun - one in full shade -with parallel one panel will still be sending 9amps @ 37v to controller - no problem; with series will the shaded panel...
Renogy AIO 48V system. Brand new with remote and Bluetooth dongle. Selling because of needing to down grading to 24V system. Shipping extra from Vancouver BC. Or Blaine WA.
I switched from the Renogy AIO 48V to a 24V configuration because of shading at the site. And replaced Renogy AOP with Victron 100/50 SCC and an off brand Amazon inverter (3000W). For the money it looks promising 8W idle load , not the Victron 2000W idle load of 1.7W but very good and...
I'm doing initial testing of a 48V system - 2 Jenko 465W panels in series, Renogy AIO 3500W system, 4 100AH Aolithium 12V batteries. The renogy app shows 200 to 300W PV charging watts (cloudy day so seems reasonable), the Renogy panel is showing .07kW load ( a test light with 60W incandescent...
I found the information I needed - while most site just say power is reduced for panels in series if one is shaded - it usually isn't clear if it is just voltage or amperage or both - this example shows amperage drops right off but voltage not so much - so perhaps enough voltage left to charge...
a few follow up questions:
1) let me make sure I have basic structure correct in main .ino file
paste a_libs.Vars.ino that has the include statements
paste c_Setup.ino ie void setup()
paste s_Scheduler.ino ie void setup()
paste all the other ino files
getting many redefinition compile...
1) I have already downloaded zip files for 8266 and 32. Paste is perhaps not the best word - I'm trying to understand how to add the .ino modules to the main file "ESP8266_Victron_on_Steroids.ino" which is just a comment header.
c_setup.ino is clear ie the Arduino required void setup()...
The Renogy inverter/charger states:
For PV to charge 48V battery banks, you will need a minimum PV Voc voltage of 60VDC
if 2 50v/11a -panels are in series -in sun no problem but do panels drop voltage in partial shade or amperage or both?
If voltage drops below that 60VDC then system would only...
FYI I asked Aolithium for their recommendation for long term storage of their 100Ah 4s 12V batteries in a 2s2P setup where the batteries are unattended for 8 months in temperatures low but mostly above freezing. Leave connected to solar charger or disconnect? - they came back with the...
I have 4 Aolithium 100ahr - 4s - that I intend to use in series for a 48V system. Putting the 1st battery on a charger that claimed LiFePo4 profile, I could see from the Aolithium app and Overkill that the BMS was in balance mode after some time but while the battery now shows 100% the cell...
this is very helpful and a great project - the photo shows 4 wires from victron direct port - white as shown in schematic but also yellow, black and red. Could you please explain those and pinouts? I assume black is a necessary ground? thanks
good white TX & black ground - could you please give some guidance on a minimal "Hello World equivalent" data logger - ie just able to handle case V? I can't quite figure out which modules are need - c_setup is clear and config.h - what is needed in void loop() besides menu & serial? thanks...
much better! thanks
the ntp aren't defined - configTime(GMT_OFFSET_SEC, DAYLIGHT_OFFSET_SEC, NTP_SERVER);
I can add but perhaps you have a preferred location?
the LEDs definitions are commented out in Config.h - I'll put them back in but with my setup have to set all to std - blue one
How to reconcile Will's procedure for battery balancing (ignore voltage in YouTube 12V LiFePO4 Battery Series Configuration 101) with my battery manufacturer's (Aolithium) requirement of matching batteries to less than 50mv before putting in series and also the Aegis 24V charger manufacturer...
I'm complaining! The system isn't feasible if it can't use 300W of solar to run a 70W load and at least to some degree -charge batteries with say at 150W. It seems there's a loss of over 150W in the system with a small load on. The 70W represents avg load of a fridge and some LEDs. Perhaps...
I have a small system that will occassionally go below freezing and I was intending to count on the BMS stop any below freezing charging while unattended during the winter. I was somewhat surprised to get this back from support:
Hi,Mr Fraser
BMS will automaticlly switch off the...
in trying to use telnet - and set #define TERM_IS_TELNET
get this Compilation error: TelnetStream.h: No such file or directory
using Serial - it doesn't respond to any command.....
My Aolithium 100Ah 12V batteries are in a 2s2p battery bank and are charged by panels via a Victron 100/50. I am considering
adding some 7/24 load (small fridge) and given sufficent cloudy days will need to charge it from a generator. Researching
high charge rate 24V chargers - the Aegis 25...
I have been able to get softserial working on an ESP32. See below. When I get time
I'll get back to V on Steriods and sort out the issues there and update you. Thank you again for all your help.
15:32:20.189 PID= 0XA057
15:32:20.190 FW= 161
15:32:20.190 SER#= HQ23189PW9P
Is 147 voc (3×49) using notc value enough margin for a scc with Max Voc of 150V?
The scc an renogy aio claims over voltage protection as well.... Would my panels (at sea level, 52N, when cold no direct sun) ever see Voc Notc values? And voltage drop on my wire run will take that down to 142V...
A simple way to view application screens remotely is to use a low end android phone or tablet and an Automate by llama(free) script to take screen shots of each app and email them home on a desired schedule. Attached script for example screen shots renogy and aolithium apps daily at noon and...
so to recap:
compiles without errors (ESP32) serial & telnet
wifi gets IP address
NTP works (not always - will try different NTP servers)
in SERIAL mode console input not responded to - if I replace with Serial.readString(); menu system
runs but not serialRun - is a...