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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Work Trailer Mounting

    I am looking to install 2-yingli 240 watt panels on a work trailer to power lighting, powered jack, and a slew of tool battery charging. The panels are 65"x42"ish i think and It is a 10 foot enclosed aluminum work trailer. My question is... What is the best way to secure the panels to the roof...
  • Post in thread: Does anyone have experience with portable a/c?

    I am pretty handy-capable and able to study up on YouTube, but I don't have the tools needed. Probably cost just as much to have installer take care of it
  • Post in thread: Mating truck 12v with trailer 12v system?

    It is in fact a '04 Ford f150. It will probably be connected more often then not, but if that's an issue I could always just unplug it when I park. Does the alternator charge up your trailer battery?
  • Post in thread: Hello?My 12v setup

    I'm a little confused, these breakers are only rated for DC. What other options do I have? Like the mcb breakers I have from my panels to the charge controllers? But I wouldn't be able to mount my 4/0 wire to that style??
  • Post in thread: Hello?My 12v setup

    Sorry I forgot you mentioned filing and seeing copper robbob, but all in all I guess it turned out to be brass after all😳. This concerns me that litime emailed Liam and told him the bussbars are copper plated with silver, when in fact robbob did the real world test and found a brass interior...
  • Post in thread: Hello?My 12v setup

    It's a 40a scc but I see where the math makes 45.8amps..Weird.. Wouldn't a buck converter or similar device convert the volts to amps? Without figuring in losses and loose estimations, my idea is this... 45amps@24v come out The scc into a 24vto12v converter and outputs 90amps@12v to the...
  • Post in thread: Mating truck 12v with trailer 12v system?

    I am guessing it will be near impossible to keep my shunt calibrated lol
  • Post in thread: Acceptable temperature of wires/lugs during normal operation

    I know it's normal for wires to get warm under load but how hot is too hot? I've seen Temps in my setup reach 125°f at the inverter junction.
  • Post in thread: IntegraRack: Ground Mount with Epoxy Ground Stakes and Ballast Options

    Holy link size😅😭
  • Post in thread: Can Someone please explain the math to actual amps being pulled from the battery to an inverter?

    Thanks, I just edited my post and included the pic. Thanks man lol. I think everyone is on the same page. That is precisely what I'm asking is what size the "main" fuse in between the inverter and battery bank should be, given my wire guage size and my load needs. That being said, I'm still...
  • Post in thread: Hello?My 12v setup

    ???? I tried to move up, but the the powers that be (pun intended) chased me back to 12v? And, yes I intend on staying below 2400watts to not exceed 80% of the 3kw continous rating of the inverter.. so... 300amp fuse?
  • Post in thread: Power-sharing

    Trade batteries from your shop? Or if your shop is supplied with 120v just use a battery charger
  • Post in thread: Forget Sand Batteries. Try Salt

    I'm not seeing the actual process how this works. The video is very vague and the article is very repetitive in saying salt and water is how it works but no schematics. We really do need to find a sustainable future to heating. Natural gas and other fuels are a huge burden on our planet.
  • Post in thread: Hello?My 12v setup

    Being indoors in a semi-controlled humidity environment, is it necessary to plate them? I thought the plating was for use in environments that have a high moisture content in the air
  • Post in thread: Going away for a month. Best Practices

    I figure; ◇Drain lifepo4 to 60% capacity ◇Turn off all dc breakers from solar panels ◇Turn off inverter ◇Set transfer switch to grid only ◇Tidy up space, and close up
  • Post in thread: few questions

    First off Mabuhay!? 736 pesos for that!? Sorry to say but that is not a 1000watt panel. The size comparison to that charge controller is likely correct in the photo ito ang tama. I'm guessing that panel is probably a 5watt fit in your back pocket size especially considering 736php is...
  • Post in thread: CHINS 24v 3000 watt inverter sale $280

    Nowhere does it stage the mppt charge rate?
  • Post in thread: Movable solar panel cart version 2 in progress

    Bigger panel and frame than I thought. I'm digging the progress. Here's a sketchup of something I thought up of from your build. I am going to use 2-100 Watt panels to prototype it. I need to figure out a way to lock them in the open and closed position, also an adjustable angled leg
  • Post in thread: Hello?My 12v setup

    Duly noted??
  • Post in thread: Oversizing mppt controller

    Is there any problems with oversizing an mppt controller? Cons that come to mind: (Although I'm not sure if true) ●Higher power consumption (just afew watts?) ●lower current won't be recognized? Pros that come to mind (Again, I'm not sure if true) ●bigger components, so less loss...
  • Post in thread: MRBF without fuse holder

    Doesn't the stud become one with the fuse once you torque on the wire lug?
  • Post in thread: What is the "normal" average output from a 2.2kw array in November?

    I did not mention the model. It is a Linex 350-500a https://www.amazon.com/LNEX-Portable-Automotive-Battery-10V-120V-Programmable/dp/B08V1VZNGH
  • Post in thread: Hello?My 12v setup

    This is great stuff, I'm sure that my bussbars are crap now, I mean they are literally the thickness of 2 dimes. The millimeter dimensions vary slightly from what you gave chatgpt (actual is 19mmX2.4mm) which without running the math or metal testing tells me that they are severely underrated...
  • Post in thread: Alot of new/no-name brands on amazon again for dirt-cheap found another for $99

    https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM639586? I enjoy watching all these immediately dissappear after everyone buys them😅😭
  • Post in thread: De-frosting Solar Panels?

    It seems like this should have been addressed before here, but I've been crawling around the forum looking, and can't seem to find anything. I live in michigan, and have a roof mounted system. Setting a 2 story ladder up to push broom snow off of my panels is not really an ideal situation on...
  • Post in thread: Paralleling/Series Charge Controllers

    I suppose I have 4 in parallel too lol I'm wondering what would happen in series. Presuming there is a load, would they just shake hands at output and shed the combined voltage? Or would the voltage from Controller-A backfeed into the internals Of Controller-B?
  • Post in thread: Do solar panels degrade if being stored indoors away from light?

    Basically I'm wondering if solar panels degrade more if being used in the sun. I'm curious if it might be good or maybe even bad to store them.
  • Post in thread: What should i be wary of buying used cells?

    I seen these on marketplace, seems like a steal to me, but I have 0 experience with raw cells. I have 4- 12v 200ah factory built batteries with a bms etc... And I'm familiar with fusing, wire guage, powering my AC appliances etc.. Is this a good deal? Listing says never been used. Am I in over...
  • Post in thread: Hello?My 12v setup

    I have a few of those, well similar anyhow. Which is great for a stand-off insulator! But I was referencing to the actual bus bar, can it be sheathed in rubber like a heavy guage wire? Maybe like do a liquid rubber dip, with spare lugs attached, then after it dries cut back and remove the lugs...
  • Post in thread: Alot of new/no-name brands on amazon again for dirt-cheap found another for $99

    If you scroll thru the marketing graphics, one shows a rendering of what's inside. Are those "C" batteries?😅
  • Post in thread: Alot of new/no-name brands on amazon again for dirt-cheap found another for $99

    Yes that graphic lol
  • Post in thread: Ideas for securing ladder to roof

    As a roofer, I always use a chunk of 1x6. 2x6 can be a bit heavy for "flimsy" gutters. I temporarily tie off the ladder to the gutter spikes, but for a more permanent solution... Perhaps buy a nice thick ratchet strap, lag bolt the ratchet to one side of the fascia and then lag bolt the strap on...
  • Post in thread: DC House 24v 100ah ($393)

    I think it's $199 plus 20% discount at checkout
  • Post in thread: Santan 🚨 Tariff Alert Aug 1st!

    Yup checked my email and found this too. Fear mongering eh
  • Post in thread: What is the "normal" average output from a 2.2kw array in November?

    Hi all its been a while. I have a 2.2kw array facing south. I tend to get 350ish and no more than 600ish watts during high production. Is that normal expectations?
  • Post in thread: Acceptable temperature of wires/lugs during normal operation

    Ambient temp was 70°f I didn't peek at my shunt to see the actual amp draw but I was pulling 2200 watts to inverter thru 5ft of 4/0 copper welding wire. The wire itself only gets lukewarm but the connection points on the fuse I saw at 125°f... which is pretty far off from 450°f lol
  • Post in thread: Advice on wiring configuration of 4-200ah li-time batteries

    Thanks for the input guys :) Now, I'm wondering... how far should positive, and negative contacts be from eachother for no chance of arcing? Especially bussbars, because lugs/MRBF holder would possibly be even closer to the opposing bussbar. So, you are suggesting fusing both terminals, and...
  • Post in thread: Cheapest AIO that utilizes a small system

    https://powmr.com/products/all-in-one-inverter-charger-1600watt-220vac-12vdc I did find this, but was pondering if I could use 120v tools with it? Do I need to modify the output with some kind of step-down transformer, or can I just wire out 110v from it?
  • Post in thread: Oversizing mppt controller

    I'm curious to know this... I'm currently looking for a new 40a to over-do it or 60a to way over-do it. Edit* And my budget is $100 lol
  • Post in thread: Movable solar panel cart version 2 in progress

    I have the same symptoms 😳
  • Post in thread: Oversizing mppt controller

  • Post in thread: What happens if you take 1 half depleted battery...

    ..and connect it to 4 paralelled fully charged batteries. What's the science?🤓
  • Post in thread: Should i turn off inverter loads before charging my batteries from the grid?

    I have a hybrid on/off grid setup. I choose which circuits I want to run either on or off grid via transfer switch. Everything in my brain tells me it would be fine to continue to run light inverter loads while charging via grid. I was thinking maybe I might lose a little efficiency if I...

diy solar

diy solar