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  • Post in thread: Trump

    Who gives a rats ass? My god you are weak. I didn't get 'banned' from anything, I'm here for solar, just so happens there's buffoon's in here such as yourself. But, I'll be ignoring you after this. I have better things to do than to banter with a bot/agitator/DA. Insurrectionist is one word...
  • Post in thread: Hunter Biden's Laptop is Russian Disinformation.

    Ahhh ha ha. Noted. Figures he needs to change identity, probably his gender too.
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    You are so completely full of shit it's fascinating to me. Do you really believe the utter bullshit you're spewing? Joe didn't return ANYTHING! They found documents at his house dating back to his days in the senate! They found boxes at his old offices. They found boxes at his beach house. He...
  • Post in thread: Trump

  • Post in thread: Do We Need a Control Group?

    Oh, yes yes. Did you see one of the many undercover videos that Project Veritas did with Johnson & Johnson, MRNA, and Pfizer, their own biologists, saying that children don't really need them? James O'Keefe is a freaking savage. Love that guy.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    They are claiming that Biden is too braindead to stand trial. Yet, he's competent enough to run the Country? I digress. They will be pushing in Kumala for a minute. God only knows what their next scheme will be. Disease X?
  • Post in thread: Do We Need a Control Group?

    It's child abuse.
  • Post in thread: Never mind.

    Never mind.
  • Post in thread: The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

    I'm glad to know they are giving her the $, but she should be getting the medal as well. They should never have allowed that, but as I sit here typing this and see these complete degenerates above my text, it's no wonder they aren't being fair to the contestants, otherwise they wouldn't ever...
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    I don't care if Trump is a former Democrat, he was the best thing that ever happened to this country. My 401k had a 28% return! Under pedo Joe it's now -9%. Now, our interest rates are at a 40 year high! Do you love inflation? Do you love being forced to put chemicals in your body that haven't...
  • Post in thread: The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

    I hope they hammer their asses into the ground with absolutely no mercy. These filthy, corrupt, treasonous perverts need to be stopped once and for all. I think I read last night that Idaho just passed a law that pedo's get the death penalty. EVERY state should enact that law. Learning about the...
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    There you are avoiding the facts again. Pedo Joe's daughter wrote about the disgusting things her Dad did to her when she was young. And even he says himself, 'The kids like playing with the hair on my legs.' And don't forget about the thousands of photos and videos of Hunter with underage...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    That's awesome AF!
  • Post in thread: Trump

    There are multiple eyewitness's that were interviewed on the spot, all saying the same thing. Bullets coming from different directions, and they did see someone on the water tower. There are a LOT of videos going around, but they are being scrubbed just as quickly. I'm saving every one I come...
  • Post in thread: Kamala

    That cackling whore. What about her favorite nonsense line, "We see what can be unburdened by what has been." That's her tag line she seems to repeat constantly.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Awesome. Following.
  • Post in thread: How in the heck does anyone get tech support from Signature Solar?

    I am on the 'installer team', although that isn't doing me any good. I had an electrician here yesterday connecting a load panel for my 6000XP, which is already connected to my solar array and keeping my battery charged. He had a question on something, and I called in trying to get to someone. I...
  • Post in thread: Do We Need a Control Group?

    No, let's get facts straight here. Some vaccines are helpful, in my opinion, HOWEVER..... when you conjure up a cocktail within a few months without doing any human trials, and not enough time has lapsed to see the long term effects of it, and when problems are being swept under the rug, and...
  • Post in thread: Kamala

    Did you see the other video from that same evening where he walked into the plane? That he didn't even fly in on? It was so awkward I even felt uncomfortable watching it.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I don't know if I agree with that. I feel like we're here because corrupt bastards stole the 2020 election....
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Don't forget about the $100 billion we've been funneling to Iran since JoeBama lifted the freeze that Trump put in place. Ukraine is just another drop in the bucket.
  • Post in thread: Hunter Biden's Laptop is Russian Disinformation.

    And again, here, we have another MISINFORMATION SPREADER. Almost like Stormy's legs. So MR. MURPHYGUY - you want to spout off about hypocrisy? Is it different for you to spread lies? Did you not know, that Stormy had to pay Trump a total of $420,000 for defamation? First she was ordered to pay...
  • Post in thread: Never mind.

    Ahh, I'm sorry. Everyone is just hung up on my government and not comprehending how they are behaving and seems that's the topic for everyone. I am already talking about that constantly with electrician's, upcoming commissioner's, other county inspectors, friends, etc. etc, and I didn't want to...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Are you fucking kidding me? Only a pussy would sit behind a keyboard and post a threat like that. Are you going to call the cops on us? Gosh, I'm shaking in my boots. "Sir, you've been arrested for a mean tweet." :ROFLMAO: 😅 🖕🖕🖕
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Well even Russia knows that it was a hoax, and in their history books, it even spells out, that Trump was robbed of his presidency from a stolen/illegal election.
  • Post in thread: Trump

  • Post in thread: Trump

    I couldn't agree with you more on every single aspect.
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    Yes it does suck. I would much rather pay someone from this forum instead of these big conglomerates. I apologize if there is something like this already and I'm repeating, but....... Wouldn't it be handy/neat/cool to have something in here for local people near you? For example, in Oregon...
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    I completely agree with every word you said Bob. Thank you.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Makes you wonder why he's even in here?
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    You must've overlooked his post. He is already doing mandatory withdrawals, and he is on the plus side. And I'll add to that, I am as well too. Even though I've lost a lot under this current baboon, I am still very much in the plus. I took a loan out once for a down payment and paid myself back...
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    You got me. Yep. We are. I have nothing better to do than to come to solar forums and present myself as multiple people to entertain myself and pass the time.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Exactly, dead men tell no tales. Offshore accounts? That's hilarious. That little pipsqueak wouldn't have a need or the means to acquire money for an offshore account, unless Soros was funding him. This kid was also in a Blackrock commercial a few years ago that I saw. He was a pawn, it's sad...
  • Post in thread: How in the heck does anyone get tech support from Signature Solar?

    Well I'm up and running, although we have no idea what the problem was. A tech enabled the bonding feature a couple weeks ago on my inverter. Okay fine. Then my electrician connects my subpanel, and does not bond it. So we were wondering if the main panel it's coming from is bonded, and it's...
  • Post in thread: Do We Need a Control Group?

    Do you know of Epoch Times? They are amazing. They had a great article on this just a week or so ago. Here's a portion of it: The nation’s primary early warning system used to detect possible safety problems with vaccines is “overwhelmed,” raising concerns the system may be broken and isn’t...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    You are a child. God help your parents and anyone else that has to be near you.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    The people that think he's too dangerous, are either of the two.... Pedophiles/perverts, OR, the simple minded people that wear masks in their car while they are alone. :ROFLMAO:
  • Post in thread: Do We Need a Control Group?

    Tommy - are you insinuating that you don't believe that Covid and the vaccine was a government plot?
  • Post in thread: Do We Need a Control Group?

  • Post in thread: Trump

    Speaking of sucking, I think you're referring to the wrong party. Would you like a cigar?
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    So, I'm a member of a pinball / arcade game site, called Pinside. Similar to this, people from all over make posts, sell items, etc. Each person, is a 'pin' on a map. You can drill down to see your location and who else is next to you, click on them, see if they have anything for sale, or what...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! TRUMP 2024!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️
  • Post in thread: Trump

    yOUR cAPS lOCK iS oN
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    Let me just curb this before I start getting inundated with 'women power' posts. For the first half of my adult life, I worked for the power company. Hundreds of journeyman linemen, metermen, estimators, laborers, etc. Of all of the offices I worked in, there was only ONE female estimator...
  • Post in thread: The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

    Is that a show he made that comes out tomorrow? O'Keefe is a freaking savage badass. I love the information him and his people get. It's jaw dropping. Love that guy.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I'm not sure for the 'word', but 3 words for it is, 'TRUMP WAS RIGHT'.
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    I'm in Grants Pass, and I assure you, there is no one here. I'm going through a similar scenario trying to get help. I think I finally found someone, we meet Friday. In Medford, there are big solar companies that just want to sell you a large system. PureLight is a big one, and they are...
  • Post in thread: E020: EPS connection fault - 6000xp - system down and can't charge

    Good deal. Yeah, I'm a bit ghetto at the moment I suppose with the tape. :ROFLMAO:
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Tell me why the hell you can send me a message when I ignored your jackass?
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    You'd have to be to support another one. You are a fool. Trump is the one who encouraged the original charges against Epstein, after kicking him out of his club years ago when he witnessed Epstein treating a 14 year old girl inappropriately. He never spoke to him again. He said his daughter is...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    So awesome to see Hulk Hogan at the RNC tonight. He has the utmost love and respect for Mr. President Trump. Loved seeing that this evening. ❤️🤍💙
  • Post in thread: Trump

    He didn't message me in my inbox, just in this thread. But I don't even want to read his comments in the thread. It was showing he was ignored, not sure what changed. I'll poke around later.
  • Post in thread: EG4 6000xp 480v max input,

    Negative freaking 40? Where are you??
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Are you a paid agitator? Your responses are ridiculous and nonsensical. Because I point out that other Countries can see through the facade of our election, that means I should move there? Your grammar is terrible, maybe you're a bot. Regardless, Putin doesn't need any help handing Ukraine their...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Thank you for the information. I don't even know why he comes in here. Seems like just to spread hate and discontent. I don't mind having a civil and logical debate with someone, but, common sense must be a factor.
  • Post in thread: Never mind.

  • Post in thread: The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

    I saw the date 8/5/2024 on it, so I'm feeling like it's tomorrow. :) I can't wait to see it.
  • Post in thread: Brightmount Rack

    Very, very nice set up. Clean, I like it. I just got one of those racks last week and need to start putting it together. They (Sig Solar) are offering free shipping through the 27th. I'm thinking of grabbing a few more to copy what you did. Great job and thank you for sharing.
  • Post in thread: The Great Reset. Globalist Scumbags. Things that don't fit somewhere else.

    Fuck that dictating trash Maduro. Funny take away, Elon trolling him. Why is that? Simply because he was showing some posts on what was happening in Venezuela? I saw a few other posts stating Elon was showing him up or stalking him, some crap along similar lines. But literally, I'm over here...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    That would be, gay sex. Why am I not surprised you'd join in on some of that Romosexuality. Are you top or bottom? Actually, I don't want to know.
  • Post in thread: Signature Solar/EG4 Upgrade Program

    Howdy WildBill, fellow Oregonian here. I got the email regarding the upgrade as well but I don't know enough to know how good of a deal it is. I currently have 3 of the 6500EX's, but haven't even fired them up yet. I had a cable fiasco and Sig Solar just resolved it with me last month. Anyway...
  • Post in thread: Do We Need a Control Group?

    I've been subscribed to Epoch for a couple years now. I like supporting them. Do you have another source you'd recommend?
  • Post in thread: Brand new EG4 6000XP randomly shutting down throwing "W028 EPS overload code"

    Hey there, I appreciate your post, and that is really terrible no one ever reached back out to you. I fear I may be having something similar happening. I had just got my 6000XP up and running yesterday, then after a few hours, out of nowhere, I lost power. I have a 'notice - W027 - Open Battery'...
  • Post in thread: Signature Solar/EG4 Upgrade Program

    Yes. I'm thinking of trading in two of my 6500ex's for the 18KV, and then my 3rd 6500 exchange for a 600xp.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Lol. He was replying to my comment. I went and looked at my ignore list and realized it was a different jackass I had ignored. There's so many in here I was getting confused. I have now ignored him as well so I shouldn't see his BS any longer either. Not Starex, but the Rujin guy. But.... the...
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    Thank you for raising it. And yes, while it could be a can of worms, there could be some way to make it simple too I feel. I would love to see who is near me to check out their builds, but all I can do is search for my state and read past posts to see where someone is from. 🤷‍♀️
  • Post in thread: How in the heck does anyone get tech support from Signature Solar?

    I just provided my number for the 3rd time and am awaiting a call. Is this what needs to happen every time? A coordinated planned time for a call? I'm honestly wondering how to get tech support in the future. I'm wanting to know from everyone how they've obtained it, what methods, etc. Yes they...
  • Post in thread: How in the heck does anyone get tech support from Signature Solar?

    I switched it to lead acid and now they are charging but at an extremely slow rate.
  • Post in thread: Local electrical help needed in brookings OR

    Fellow Oregonian.. I'm sorry you are going through this, and I'm also sorry that I don't know anything to help you, but I'm following the thread. I'm only 2 hours from you, for what it's worth. I'm here and I have acreage and RV hook-ups. P.S. I love how people rise up in help for others in...
  • Post in thread: Trump

  • Post in thread: Where is off-grid utopia?

    I'm in Southwest Oregon, and we get a LOT of sun year round. From Roseburg, OR to the south, is much different than the northern part of the state, fyi.
  • Post in thread: Communication between 6000xp and Lifepower4 battery without update

    I didn't see an answer to it either, and I'm curious myself as well. Hopefully someone chimes in. Thanks for asking.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Have you?????
  • Post in thread: Shuttle Bus Conversion - New Installation with an EG4 3000EHV-48 - Looking for some guidance on design and installation please.

    I got it all connected and it's working. Fine tuning it, but it'll work for our Friendsgiving trip at the dunes this weekend. I'm pretty happy with it already. I found the instructions for the fridge and it called for 14 gauge wire for a 3' connection or less, so that's what I used.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Mr. Murphy, I think you need to pipe down.
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    Are you kidding me? They have already introduced articles for impeachment. Do you not know, that other countries have current lawsuits against the Biden administration for attempted murder, murder, and treason? They have a crap ton of evidence, but the Rhino McCarthy was making backhanded deals...
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    That's humorous. If you think that the economy has nothing to do with the fluctuation of the stock market, then, I don't know what to say. I couldn't disagree with you more, but, that's okay.
  • Post in thread: ez ground mounting system

    This is freaking awesome. Great job. Simple yet perfect and sturdy. Boom. Thank you for sharing this.
  • Post in thread: Do We Need a Control Group?

    If you haven't come across Dr. Ryan Cole from Idaho, check him out. His credentials are impressive, and he has been speaking the truth since the beginning and shares the data to back it all up. He has been put through the wringer for it, of course.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Yes she is. I was a bit taken back at how arrogant she was on the stand. 'I won't be on trial no matter how hard you try'. Wow. Pretty sure of herself.
  • Post in thread: Oops, great deal on the panels but pigtail leads are too short.

    I thought the leads were coming out of micro-inverters? What are RSD's?
  • Post in thread: E020: EPS connection fault - 6000xp - system down and can't charge

    Mother hubbard. I'm so embarrassed. I thought, 'I better double check the breaker on my subpanel'. I went and looked at them, and they were both turned ON. I turned them both to the OFF position, where they should be. Restarted the inverter, and I'm back in business. I guess when my husband went...
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    In my local community, our FEMA maps are deliberately skewed by my local government. They never updated the flood overbanks, so there are many, many people living in the 100 year flood zone, that have no idea that they are. I took printouts from my stormwater engineer into a Land Use Hearing and...
  • Post in thread: Discharge cutting off before it reaches the set SOC cutoff. 6000XP / 48v Lifepower4

    I just hung up with Sig Solar. Funny, EG4 rep in here gave me a phone number for them, but when I called, it was Sig Solar. Anyway.... what he said to me was.... Change my discharge to voltage instead of SOC, and switch back to the lead acid battery setting, to allow all batteries to charge up...
  • Post in thread: E020: EPS connection fault - 6000xp - system down and can't charge

  • Post in thread: E020: EPS connection fault - 6000xp - system down and can't charge

    Ya I know, but this way, I don't have to dick around with the county and power company. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into that.
  • Post in thread: Never mind.

  • Post in thread: Trump

    Oh dang, I hadn't heard that one yet. Another thing I'm wondering about, is, where are his parents and what do they have to say about this? Also, thank you for knowing the different between since, and sense. LMFAO.
  • Post in thread: Shuttle Bus Conversion - New Installation with an EG4 3000EHV-48 - Looking for some guidance on design and installation please.

    Thank you for a response. Yes, a 48v system is overkill, that's why I was wanting to transform it down to 12v. But I was going off a suggestion from Prowse on getting the 48v battery even for a 12 volt system. I got the inverter for it's small form factor. We might add another panel or 2 later...
  • Post in thread: 6000XP, Lifepower4's, and BMS funkiness. Update failed, can only charge on Lead Acid setting.... ?

    Well this is where I'm at now. I joined all 6 of the batteries together. I used one of my batteries that was operating well and I had the updated BMS on it, as my master battery. So good battery in slot 1, all dip switches down, and then all the other batteries in various dipswitch positions so...
  • Post in thread: Never mind.

    Cancelling this thread as it's turned into a discussion I didn't intend on having. I wanted advice on hardware but I'll try to figure that out another way.
  • Post in thread: EG4 monitor app

    I use my app constantly over wifi and never turn it off and on. I utilize it on my desktop, laptop, and my cell. It was tricky getting it set up initially, and sometimes when on my cell, it will say, 'Network issue', but if I back out of the app and go right back in, it's flawless. I think...
  • Post in thread: Signature Solar

    You sound just like me a couple years ago. I thought they were the best thing since sliced bread. I was sticking up for them on youtube constantly, asking people to have patience, that they're doing the best they can, etc. Unfortunately, this last employee Ethan, in my opinion, was dishonest. I...
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    You're deflecting again. And, your grammar is subpar. I'll not be responding to you again.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Oh, interesting. How did they notice it was missing I wonder.
  • Post in thread: Never mind.

    Never mind.
  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

  • Post in thread: Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

    LMAO, yes..... I've noticed that too. I can't stop laughing right now.
  • Post in thread: E020: EPS connection fault - 6000xp - system down and can't charge

    I don't have a transfer switch, so it's a manual process for me when I want to go to solar. So in my office is my house panel. I switch that to the off position, and then go out to my pumphouse where my solar set up is. We have a subpanel out there beside the inverter with two breakers in it...

diy solar

diy solar