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diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: BMS for 92 cells battery setup

    I suspect is similar to mine. I have 12 panels, 64 cells. 360V 'nominal VMP' at 25C. Open circuit is always above 400V and in the summer I'm likelly to be a bit below maximum, but I don't need to operate it at VMP there, or if I do, battery charging can be paused (or most likelly, battery will...
  • Post in thread: Can I add a socket that only draws from solar?

    It's difficult to get directly from solar, because you normally need a buffer, unless your array is so big it can power your load directly. And if that is the case you probably will have a grid tie system already, which is buffered by the grid itself. Provided you are NOT grid tie (because if...
  • Post in thread: Suggestions for whole house off-grid system?

    Here's another option: This is a hybrid inverter than can work as a backup using battery power alone (without the grid). It can run from 48V all the way to 400V plus. The batteries are rated 2.5KW and can be attached in series to increase capacity, with increasing voltage / capacity, so they...
  • Post in thread: Suggestions for whole house off-grid system?

    That inverter runs it's own branded battery storage and communicates with the BMS, adjusting the voltage to whatever batteries are installed. The higher the number of batteries, the higher the voltage and the storage capacity (they are wired in series). It's a comercial ready made solution. I...
  • Post in thread: Going semi off grid with a FIT

    It's wise advise to calculate the payback over a 5 year period, because after that time, very few systems will provide a working warranty. And the ones that do, will likelly have costed more. Sure, you may be lucky, but will you? In many places the utility buys back unused energy. The prices...
  • Post in thread: Backup solar battery system considerations.

    Yea, that was defined, but I didn't start this thread very clean. Right at the start of the thread I noted on starting with a ready made ~5KW (100Ah/48V) battery. Then I was put off by the similarly priced 320Ah cells with DIY assembly and impulsivelly bought them, but after some discussions...
  • Post in thread: Suggestions for whole house off-grid system?

    Normally there is little point in having the BMS communicating with the inverters, unless they also do charge and want to manage the cells, which an AC coupled or hybrid inverter will do. For Off grid - as long as everything is well they just draw as much as they need, just like a low voltage...
  • Post in thread: Add Battery Backup To Existing Solar system

    I sugest a new hybrid inverter if you want things to play along nicelly and minimal changes to the instalation. It might even be needed for warranty purposes... But if you want to play a bit for now, you could get a Growatt SP1000/2000/3000 and use that tied to your main inverter. I think it...
  • Post in thread: Backup solar battery system considerations.

    I can see why people are not using AliExpress. Still remember paying $15 + duties for my 10Ah's, so good to see the prices today are a fraction! A close check revealed they are now out of stock. How often do they have them? It's funny these days no one seems to separate the batteries. My former...
  • Post in thread: Backup solar battery system considerations.

    I can't blame you on that! Actually reminds me of British power plugs. I can remember more 13A fuses that melted or damaged the plug than those were the fuse actually blown when connecting 20A+ to the damm thing! I also had a dryer were this happened (rated 13A, but for 2 hours) Here's a link...
  • Post in thread: Backup solar battery system considerations.

    I have a grid tie system with a G98 Stecca Coolcept grid tie inverter. In between the solar panels and the inverter goes a growatt SP1000, which acts as an MPPT controller, diverting some of the power from the panels to charge a 48V battery. The actual ammount of power will depend on the setting...
  • Post in thread: whole house power monitor is soooooo cool!

    Planned obsolescence isn't a thing with them - they end up lasting far longer than they should (20+ years is common), often not in the best sealing capabilities.... but cold enough to keep the food from spoiling, and drawing too much attention... They are sneaky... Never trust a fridge /...
  • Post in thread: BMS for 92 cells battery setup

    I can take 11A @ 350V during the summer. When we had a major outage this summer, I had no problems running the kitchen appliances and air conditioner from it. As long as no major inrush is required and no one decides to run a 3KW kettle while the washer is running, the system works fine. Our...
  • Post in thread: Batteries modules for Sale - Lithium-Ion 20 to 180Ah 24 or 48V

    Hi all, I have adquired several lithium-ion batteries when designing my solar storage system and I am selling the excess inventory I'm located in Stockport, in the united Kingdom. You're more than welcome to pop by if you're local and want to see or have a chat or any questions about these...
  • Post in thread: Backup solar battery system considerations.

    Similar! Why do you think the 15KW battery pack will be more cost effective? I've seen that in china you can get a 300Ah pack for twice the cost of a 100Ah... Is that why? I'm still apreensive on having such large batteries indoors, in the very unlikely scenario something goes wrong, on the...
  • Post in thread: Ecoflow Powerstream with two 455W solar panels

    To be compliant with UK law the inverter must he hard wired, example - not be on an extension cord - and have it's own breaker, ideally an RCBO. You can try not to register it, but be aware that unless the meter has been specifically programmed to do so, it will count all power as consumption -...
  • Post in thread: Backup solar battery system considerations.

    My curent set of batteries was adquired 12 years ago for an electric car conversion. Link First 5 years they were used on said car. After that things changed and I had to retire the car. With the 8KW battery it could go on 40 miles, but as life changed, 40 miles wasn't enough and didn't justify...
  • Post in thread: whole house power monitor is soooooo cool!

    I wrote some firmware to enable BK7321 smart plugs (the ones based on BL0942) to measure whole house consumption. While it is still on experimental phase, I'm using it with good results. It can be integrated in Home assistant. The measuring device would likelly be this or preferably (but...
  • Post in thread: Going semi off grid with a FIT

    They can measure and if payments change dramatically run an inspection and fine or revoke the contract. That's on the fine print signed. Don't mess with FiT unless you're replacing like for like. But some early FiT weren't actually metering your self consumption (only what came out of the...
  • Post in thread: Backup solar battery system considerations.

    I’m currently looking to add some limited battery storage capacity to my solar system and looking for some thoughts / sugestions. I have about 7KW of panels on an East / West configuration, producing roughly 5KW on the AC side. I’m exporting up to 16A (3.6-4KW) according to G98 limits and my...
  • Post in thread: Backup solar battery system considerations.

    I apreciate the advice and it's sound, but I already defined the scope of the system on the first posts. UPS as main aim, summer grid injection (small ammount for self consumption) as secondary, whenever there is spare capacity available.
  • Post in thread: BMS for 92 cells battery setup

    I have a 360V solar array which I use with an inverter to provide power to AC loads in a an off grid setup. Naturally I'm limited to a given power output from the panels, so I want to add a battery to buffer it. A 96 cell battery pack from a hybrid car would be ideal and readily available and...
  • Post in thread: Backup solar battery system considerations.

    I've seen the insulation sheets, pretty standard. I wasn't aware they recommended limiting thermal expantion. Always learning :-) It isn't done on all batteries, so I'm wondering if they are built differently? Coud be the case for EV manufacturers typical usage of various parallel cells instead...
  • Post in thread: JK BMS Screw threaded vs cable version

    I have a number of JK BMS's running 24V systems using threaded screw connectors. Anyone knows if they also offer this for their 8+ cell variant? They only seem to have the variant with the welded short piece of cable, which seems a bit of a hazard to me. They have, on a previous order of mine...
  • Post in thread: Batteries modules for Sale - Lithium-Ion 20 to 180Ah 24 or 48V

    Just bumping this. Thanks!
  • Post in thread: Solaredge EVSE with Energy Meter for Charging with excess solar

    I don't know about the intricacies of your specific solar edge system and how technically inclided you are, but the power regulation can easily be acomplished. The communication between EV and EVSE in AC charging is through a PWM signal over the Control Pilot signal. The 'charger' (Technically...
  • Post in thread: whole house power monitor is soooooo cool!

    I have data, usually from the day before. But I need real time metering data to run automations, such as turn on loads or inject into the grid to ofset consumption, if I have spare storage left at night. With this data I can also set my inverter to dinamically adjust export. For example rank it...
  • Post in thread: Backup solar battery system considerations.

    I guess I messed up with that ALiExpress order, but let's see. They will be slowly cycled depending on what available spare capacity I have, just not to a high discharge and charge rates as typically home storage batteries are used, where they are intended to supply the full household load as...
  • Post in thread: BMS for 92 cells battery setup

    I'll give it a look, seems interesting. On this ocasion I'm trying to avoid multiple conversions steps with an existing 360V array. I've seen it. It's a rather neat solution, I'm looking for exactly such a thing but with a smaller battery.
  • Post in thread: 24v Bank Dead - upgrade to 24v LiFe or scrap system for 48v - WANTED recommendations

    I don't think 24V is going anywhere soon. For grid tie operation 48V are more common, mostly to cut copper costs and avoid the complications of synchronous rectification. Do you use any loads directly from the 24V bus? There is large ammount of RV type equipment that operates at such voltages...
  • Post in thread: Suggestions for whole house off-grid system?

    If I was going offgrid I would go with a high voltage battery system rated for 410V. I did that with an EV years ago and it was amazing. I was pulling 40KW peak to the main traction inverter. If you're in a 110V country, halve that and use two systems for split phase, or run everything 240 and...
  • Post in thread: Efficiency Insights: Solar Grid Tie Inverters Under Partial Load Conditions

    Out of curiosity, for those so interested, I have measured the efficiency of some inverters at partial loading. Tests were conducted with a CC-CV power supply of variable current limit, AC side was measured using a calibrated instrument. Feel free to add your unit to the thread too! Enphase...
  • Post in thread: Preparing for Blackouts: Looking for Fast and Cheap Charging Solutions for LFP Batteries

    Most hybrid chinese solar inverters in the 3-7KW range would probably do what you need. They are relativelly well built, only drawback is relativelly load fans and high quiescent current, none of them should be a problem if you plan to use it solely as an 'add on' charger. There's an example...
  • Post in thread: Panel V mppt below enphase microinverter MPPT input voltage range. Enphase calculator says ok????

    I have an IQ8M. Open circuit starting voltage is 22V and MPPT range down to 16V with input capped at 12.5A. Perhaps you could consider that.
  • Post in thread: Purchase considerations

    They claiming it would cover 75% of your usage sounds on the high side, unless they have some sort of yearly netmetering? I would check how they came to that conclusion before signing anything and get it on writing for future reference. We're pretty diligent on our consumption. On April we...

diy solar

diy solar