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    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Kamala.
      Your inability to see those same faults on both sides [save for the convicted felon] makes you nothing more than a partisan hack, but...
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      klystron reacted to Bob B's post in the thread Kamala with Like Like.
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Kamala.
      Do you? If so, then you know that the political bullshit isn't limited to one side. With that in mind, perhaps you can understand...
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Trump.
      I hope he follows through since he was talking about closing the border and access to energy resources in the US. Funny how your types...
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Trump.
      More breathless hysteria from the left. Good grief, give it a rest. What did "democracy" have to do with Harris being selected to run...
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Trump.
      I am all for a woman president too, just not Kamala because she is a complete dunce and a phony that was chosen because she can be...
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Trump.
      Shallow as in making your decision based on skin color. How ridiculous is that. As to the immigration problem, my concern isn't with...
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Trump.
      How shallow can you get?
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Trump.
      It matters to me. Not for myself, but for the future of the country I owe my life's opportunities to. I want that to remain for future...
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Trump.
      Hate always consumes the hater, never the hated. If you let hate take ahold of you, it will eat you from the inside out.
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Trump.
      You seem to have a very naive sense of trust in the legal system and its ability to find truth, but if that was actually the case there...
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Kamala.
      For 2021... In all, the top 1 percent of taxpayers accounted for more income taxes paid than the bottom 90 percent combined. The top 1...
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Kamala.
      If you knew anything about taxes in the US you'd know that this is how they typically start; don't worry, only the wealthy are affected...
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Kamala.
      The value of your home today is 350G more than you paid for it. That is an unrealized capital gain, and democrats want to tax you...
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Biden.
      Not to mention that 25% of the new jobs are in government which does little for the economy. He is far too invested in this to be what...
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Biden.
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Biden Thread #2.
      Make no mistake, the biggest threat we face in terms of the future of the US is the mass influx of...
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Biden.
      That says it all. You have no idea of what is happening in the US currently or just how bad the illegal invasion is. I know that...
    • K
      klystron replied to the thread Biden.
      All people entering illegally should be deported or otherwise prevented from entering, using force if necessary. Deportation will be...
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diy solar

diy solar