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diy solar

diy solar


Live in the woods in S Texas near Houston. Working up to be self sufficient...eventually. Want most of that to be solar. I have a few gasoline generators with about 20K continuous available but don't want to rely on gasoline availability. Equipment: 2.5hp 240v ac water well, 5 ton central hvac, electric stove (yuck), 40 gallon 240v water heater, typical family of 4 stuff. I figure for self sufficient and same life style I need around 35000watts continuous. That's with intermittent things thrown in like microwave, instapot, etc. Probably won't use that most of the time but I could see it happening. Continuous usage around 15K watts with 25K surge possible. That's stuff we have to have to maintain our current standard of living. EMERGENCY...like last spring when we were below freezing for a week and without power for several of those days...We can survive on 6K continuous and 10K surge.
Current or Future Solar Power System
450w of panels and a few controllers from harbor freight



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diy solar

diy solar