That was very thoughtful of you. Signature Solar and others replied and EG4 has a legacy section located here THANKS EVERYONE!!
K5...when you say DIY on batteries do you mean you built your own out of individual cells? I'm looking into that and wondering if there's any downside as long as you use 100% (equal or greater than 3.2v) cells?
OK. I think I'm getting least I'm understanding more than I are a wealth of knowledge. Can't thank you enough.
the Vmp is what I was lookin at around 40.9v. The Voc is around 49.2. So that would mean 4s3p should get me pretty decent power for starters and 50Voc of cushion...
Maybe I'm too tired...or too dumb! I can't find a firmware update of the EG4 6500EX-48. I've looked on and no luck. the youtube videos from several years ago show a whole different website setup. So, they've upgraded their website and now I can't use it! Typical!! I'd...
Hi rmaddy! Bet you thought you lost me!! NOPE! Just been so busy with year end holiday stuff. Toy runs, grandkids' parties, etc. I pushed the button on the audit just now and I'm going to get that filled in. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with 12 panels in 4S3P and start out with one 48V...
Here's what I think I understand.
-I will need min 4/0 wire from the inverter to the batteries.
-I think I need the same to the breaker box for the house...just like what's coming from the grid now. Big ol wires...fortunately, I have a few dozen feet out in the shed.
-I need fuse(s) between...
I found these really cheap. Looking for yall's feedback please. I'm planning to purchase the new 12kW 48V 250VDC 120A Off-Grid Inverter and, for starters, one 100AH 48V lithium battery to get going. Want to use one leg to power low wattage stuff all the time and the other leg for when the...
looking at a glly rebranded to eg4.
48V 100AH LiFePower4 Battery by EG4
it comes with a pro-rated 5 year warranty...reduced by 1/4 every year. They offer a 10 year prorated warranty for $250 that reduces by 1/9 every year.
Rated at 7000 80% deep math says that comes to 20 years...
During daylight and assuming full power from the panels, running thru a Growatt
12kW 48V 250VDC 120A Off-Grid Inverter
will 3800w of panels + one 100ah 48v lithium battery run a fridge (900w) a freezer (600w) and a window unit a/c (1400w)...5kW total.
But almost never running all three...
I'm finally getting my 6500EX up and running. Been buying them one at a time for a few years along with all the other stuff. Now I need to do teh firmware upgrades. Where can I find those? thanks
I'm working up to self sufficient energy thru step at a time. I've got a very little now...450 watts...gotta start somewhere! It opens and closes the automatic chicken doors I built! And a couple lights. I learned the hard way about pure sine...had a chest freezer running in the...
rmaddy...thanks for the practical information. The growatt max input voltage is 7000W @ 120A...and max VDC 245V...if I'm reading the chart correctly. Here's a pic of the specs. I'm planning to get the 12KW unit.
At that spec, and with the panels I'm planning on (395W, 40.5V, 9.75A), I should...
MS...Love your icon!
I was more looking for general opinion..."yup, these are good brand" or "nope, crappy panels"...I understand used panels are expected to be degraded to some extent and that can only be measured hands on.
And, I assume you're not referring to Altair!
R...great catch! I set up all my stuff in excel...and didn't double check...turns out the formula for this stuff captured 2kw for my 2.5hp 240v water well inadvertently. THANKS!
Without the well, and yes, I overestimated the appliances on purpose to give me a larger load equation than what's...
NC...nope...$10K is just a start. That's why I'm looking at the most important stuff first. I figure I can get a great inverter, 100amp hours of lithium at 48v and MAYBE something copper or a panel or two.
Again, very astute. Thanks so much for chiming in. The 12K with 3x surge is in preparation for full self sufficiency. Gotta start somewhere and I don't want to underdo now to save $$. Then, when I need it, have to upgrade for more $$$. Spend $$ now on what I need for "the plan" and be good...
Well, somebody thougt these used panels were good...or maybe they didn't think...12 panels went for $2900+tax...geez! I think I need to start selling used solar panels! I found some brand new 360watt S-Energy for $210. Buying them now. Thanks yall!
the specs on that growatt says it supports li ion. would it support lifepo4? or is that the same thing? they sell a liefpo4 battery in 100ah at the same place for around $1500. Is there a better deal somewhere on the battery?
I found some great 48v solar cells on great sale...only problem, they don't have enough for my needs. They do have some more of same brand and very similar amperage, but they're 40v.
the 48v are 7.5 amp
the 40v are 7.9 amp
If I understand correctly, mixing those would give me a 40v with 7.5...
I saw a post that said to beware If they have a serial number/version range for the update, be sure that you adhere to it. Wrong updates can brick a device. I looked briefly at the documentation in the zip file and I can't see any such range mentioned. To be safe...don't like bricks!...Can you...
Thanks. I did not know you needed higher voltage. Very good information.
Yes, I'm looking at the growatt
12kW 48V 250VDC 120A Off-Grid Inverter by Growatt