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diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: parallel kit trouble shoot Mpp,Voltronic,Growatt

    units ran for over a week no issues
  • Post in thread: parallel kit trouble shoot Mpp,Voltronic,Growatt

    My issue is Mpp tech say it is rs232 yet canbus is rs485 at that point i question their knowledge about the product. I am no longer on jobsite 600 miles away. I asked for new kits sent to me as this is a new system They instead ask for firmware ver which i can not give them now
  • Post in thread: parallel kit trouble shoot Mpp,Voltronic,Growatt

  • Post in thread: parallel kit trouble shoot Mpp,Voltronic,Growatt

    Units are now 600 miles away. I tried to upload video I sent to Mpp here from my cell but no luck. Offgrid system. lifepo4 280ah battery. Mpp want the firmware of both but it will be 2 weeks before I go back in which case I could have replacement cards if they stock or do they order from...
  • Post in thread: LVX6048 Battery Terminal

    Or just use it as a charger controller
  • Post in thread: Reliability LV6048, LVX6048 or LV6548?

    Main board uses aluminum bus bars for battery connection which is poor design they expand and contract under load and will eventually melt solder connection on main board. You have to tear unit apart to tighten the bus bars
  • Post in thread: MPP lvx6048. High or low frequency

    I took the transformer out to mount them reinstalled it. Four nuts and three wires to remove
  • Post in thread: Mpp Solar parallel kit LVX6048 Offgrid system 15kwh battery

    I have seen a letter saying a hardware issue is the cause of unit shutting down. Tech support sent me new firmware which seemed to help as they would run for a few days then one unit would fault and both units shutdown Tech Support has stopped responding Anyone else having issues and heard a fix?
  • Post in thread: Voltronic/MPP Solar/Pow Mr Inverter any good? Work in Parallel?

    I too have problems with LVX6048 in parallel mode. Works for a while then both go offline. I see Mpp stated there was a hardware issue, but No fix as of yet. Anyone know what they plan to do to fix the issue?
  • Post in thread: Getting lost in the JBD BMS systems

    I just got one for my 16S 48v 305ah cells how do you wire this up?
  • Post in thread: parallel kit trouble shoot Mpp,Voltronic,Growatt

    Can anyone tell me what each cable does? The DB15 is that Canbus? If so where are the termination resistors? Twisted pair just current flow from each? MMp says they talk RS232 yet Fault 80 is Canbus error. 2 units run fine for 1 week then faults. Now they just run a few minutes before fault 80...
  • Post in thread: MPP lvx6048. High or low frequency

    I own 5 LVX6048 in an offgrid application running mini splits, and have had No luck getting them to work in parallel mode for more than 24hrs before I get a fault. Does anyone have them running dependably in parallel mode. I have 2 locations that I have tried running in pairs but both location...
  • Post in thread: LVX6048 control boards

    Perhaps the issue is your BMS. LVX it putting out 60v and hence reports it. If the BMS is offline the battery will not charge
  • Post in thread: Heat pump amps spiking (Fixed)

    Fully Charge the Battery it may have a bad cell that does not let the current go as high as needed
  • Post in thread: MPP LVX-6048 x3. So many problems. (wrong battery voltage, floating neutrals, grid feedback failing)

    I am not impressed with Mpp Solar tech support either seem they just resale a voltronics box painted yellow.The app shows the voltronics model not LVX6048
  • Post in thread: LVX 6048 parallel kit can bus error fault 80

    I am not getting any good info from tech support mpp solar. my system has worked for a week and now I have fault 80 can bus error which cable is canbus. Is there built-in termination resistor for the bus? No Dip switches on the board. shut down and restart it cleared the fault. seem like...
  • Post in thread: MPP WatchPower wifi app overview not working?

    Does Inverter need internet acess to use app? I keep having issues with registration of app but not sure if lvx6048 can connect to my wifi router
  • Post in thread: Qucc Smart BMS Relay Contactor for a 48v battery

    I have the JBD 200a relay version 16S. I have the same issue with offgrid system Mpp Solar tells me lvx6048 has to have grid power if battery goes too low. The BMS shuts down on low cell voltage So charge can not get to battery. Once Sun comes up BMS relay keep trying to connect but only for a...
  • Post in thread: RS485 between DJB BMS and Growatt

  • Post in thread: Fault code 80 with LVX 6048 and battery not charging to 100%

    I have fault 80 also which booklet says Canbus fault. MppSolar tech support says comms is RS232 between inverters but Canbus is RS485 I can not get an answer as to which cables in parallel kit is Canbus? I do not see any bus terminators on either cable I suspect twisted pair is Canbus. I have...
  • Post in thread: solar assistant and rasberry pi

    Did you get it connected to your JBD? I need to do that too
  • Post in thread: Will Prouse EG4 6500 48 volt offgrid solar system question

    If mini split has an inverter built in then it will not have huge surge
  • Post in thread: Voltronic/MPP Solar/Pow Mr Inverter any good? Work in Parallel?

    after several firmware upgrades it seems to be working with ver 63.06 Support is slow and I am thinking most technical questions go back to Voltronics for support and delays the response. I wish that my BMS was supported by the LVX6048 I am having issue with my offgrid system with bms cut off...
  • Post in thread: Lvx6048 issues making it unusable

    I have 3 units and 2 are having the same issue. I think anyone using them will have to tear into the unit to make sure those connections are good the bus bars work loose after time. I bought the main board to fix sparking in that area after 2. years of service. I had purchased a 3rd spare unit...
  • Post in thread: JBD 16S 200A BMS

    I have finally gotten the JBD relay 200amp version to work. You have to jumper cell wires to configure for the 16S and then the App on Android seems to work once you figure out how get it configured and unlocked. The App needs work in terminology Locked vs protected is the same thing...
  • Post in thread: RS485 between DJB BMS and Growatt

    I bought the lcd display rs485 and it has comm error. I also tried PLY direct to lvx6048 it seemed to work for a while then a fault light but no fault code. Then inverter goes into standby mode. I do not think JBD has an address set on it needed for multi drop rs485
  • Post in thread: RS485 - Is there ONE standart protocol for all brands, or are they all different?

    RS485 is hardware and denfine what is a 1 and a zero in binary comm. You still need a protocol defined such as Modbus to determine what the 1 and 0 mean
  • Post in thread: JK 4S 200A BMS

    I could not get the RS485 display to work I think i got a unit that was mislabeled. I put a scope on data lines and looks like RS232 2.5v swing
  • Post in thread: parallel kit trouble shoot Mpp,Voltronic,Growatt

    Mpp Solar sent me new firmware that helped with the Canbus issue. Now units run for a few days and then all go offline but still charge. kill all power to units and restart and they work for a few days. Now error is battery voltage. Mpp Solar published a letter saying they have a DSP chip...
  • Post in thread: Lvx6048 Solar input not protected

    I assumed the red wire from my PV disconnect was positive but it was not smoked mppt charger board in my new unit
  • Post in thread: parallel kit trouble shoot Mpp,Voltronic,Growatt

    I see no mention of fault 80 on lvx6048
  • Post in thread: parallel kit trouble shoot Mpp,Voltronic,Growatt

    I have lvx6048 but i see they use the same parallel kit

diy solar

diy solar