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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: 18650 store delivery

    I ordered some eve lf280k v3 cells from the latest batch 18650batterystore received in stock Feb 2024 . Ordered Feb 18 , they shipped Feb 19 , received Feb 26 (NW AZ). I had to handle each cell 3 times to get them out of the road and under cover. I did not see any scratches , dings or dents ...
  • Post in thread: Stacking and Angling Panels to Increase Output

    Amazing breakthrough , Investors needed
  • Post in thread: Will's new Fall Out shelter is cool, but why stay in Vegas?

    Just a heads up. Las Vegas is not the only city in the Vegas Valley . "The Valley is home to the three largest incorporated cities in Nevada: Las Vegas, Henderson and North Las Vegas.+ Eleven unincorporated towns governed by the Clark County government are part of the Las Vegas Township and...
  • Post in thread: Ordering MB31 or the lf280k?

    I ordered 80 280k v3 cells from 18650 and I have tested 52 of them so far with ZKETECH 40 amp testers. I am charging to 3.5v and stopping at a tail current of 6.44 Amps then discharging to 2.5v (2 cycles recording the 2nd cycle )The lowest capacity is 301.4 AH and the highest is 309.3 AH , 37...
  • Post in thread: Why do Energy companies make Grid tie next to impossible for DIY

    OP Use crayon , write CAD at the top of the page. Use a different color for the installers qualifications/certifications. You should be good to go.
  • Post in thread: alte out of business?

    I sent a message to alte on their facebook page April 22 and I just received a reply this morning. "Hi , I'm so sorry, but altE was abruptly shutdown. Fortunately, the company's assets have been acquired by a very capable renewable energy product and service company, GoGreenSolar. We expect the...
  • Post in thread: circuit breaker spark

    Ok so they call those bullet breakers , I have seen those in my parts searching . I am using something similar but a little bigger for disconnects on my DIY battery builds , 2 pole F series Carling Technologies DC breakers rated at 50,000 AIC DC along with A6T fuses rated at 100,000 AIC DC .
  • Post in thread: Solar Sovereign -- Any experience?

    I recently put in a large order with solar sovereign and after 17 days of getting the in stock " Item will ship soon " response's I canceled the order and received a prompt refund . I won't waste my time again.
  • Post in thread: circuit breaker spark

    Could someone translate this please.
  • Post in thread: MC4 connectors a massive scandal

    You got a linkor part number to the connectors you use??
  • Post in thread: Help in NM

    Here is some help. Don't waste any money or time on the wind , unless its blowing 20mph most of the time you will get more power production out of a (1) 100w solar panel than those 2 400w wind machines combined + they are noisy and high maintenance compared to photovoltaic's
  • Post in thread: Beware of Amazon's class t fuses

    I would agree with most here , copper to copper with NO-OX-ID A-Special is best practice. Anything else is a nogo unless it is silver. I like to squeeze a dollar until it yells uncle So I bought my blue sea class t fuse holders here...
  • Post in thread: Who’s Afraid of Retail Electricity Rate Reform?

    Has anyone ever wondered why Surprise Valley Electric in far NE California and Trinity PUD in trinity county California can charge on average just about 1/3rd to 1/2 the cost for their electric service (Overall , connection charge + electric + delivery) compared to the rest of California. And...
  • Post in thread: Deye Inverter Shutdown Reason (Possibly found)

    Ok I don't have a dog in this fight but this screen shot says a lot . I would venture to guess the companies listed here with the corresponding countries have sole contractual distributorship for their areas with Deye and the affected inverters were sold by someone not authorized to sell in...
  • Post in thread: Wireways. Where to buy?

    Did you know there is 12% cash back on that with the rakuten app. Ya I squeeze every dollar for all its worth.
  • Post in thread: Wireways. Where to buy?

    I didn't either until I clicked on the link and the app I have popped up, looks like I will buy 1 as I was in this thread for raceway suggestions for my 2 lv6548's
  • Post in thread: PV Voltage Being Limited by my new EG4 12000XP

    I think Ampster has the answer , reduce your series string by 1 or 2 panels and see what happens. I leave a minimum of 20% room for the VOC to account for cold mornings.
  • Post in thread: alte store closed ???

    Looks like I missed a thread already started on the 16th about alte. https://diysolarforum.com/threads/alte-out-of-business.82455/#post-1073083
  • Post in thread: alte store closed ???

    I sent a message to alte on their facebook page April 22 and I just received a reply this morning. "Hi , I'm so sorry, but altE was abruptly shutdown. Fortunately, the company's assets have been acquired by a very capable renewable energy product and service company, GoGreenSolar. We expect the...
  • Post in thread: Las Vegas solar panel retailer

    a1solar has a fulfillment center in Vegas. Their inventory changes often. Here is a link showing what they have in Vegas at the moment. https://a1solarstore.com/fulfillment-center-nv-las-vegas.html
  • Post in thread: MPP LV65 Failing Over to Utility When Battery Fully Charged

    How much total output amp limit do you have from your batteries bms , could the surge be making the bms shut the batteries down. thus switching to grid ?
  • Post in thread: circuit breaker spark

    Ya I was going to go with the mnedc 250A at altE but they closed before I could order so in my searching I found the 2 pole carling breakers for cheap and snapped them up. I have found that for some reason that eludes me electric switches make a big jump in price at certain levels , Like the...
  • Post in thread: PowMr 24v AIO

  • Post in thread: How to unpack a pallet of vertically stacked panels

    That's what I did with the 2 pallets of panels the truck dropped off in the dirt road out in front of my place , I used my suburban and some padding.
  • Post in thread: Heads up JK B2A20S20P BMS deal

    Heads up , good deal. Just ordered another JK B2A20S20P BMS for my system build from hankzor at ali 86.03 - 1.72 coins - 8.00 coupon usaff8 +5.25 my local sales tax =81.56 - 2.45 paid with amex through pp for 3% more. = 79.11 Free choice shipping , has taken about a week-10 days for delivery...
  • Post in thread: 12V 100Ah $129

    Probably made with pouch cells.
  • Post in thread: Ultralight Backpacking Phone Charger Idea

    Everyone I have known that tried using solar for charging while hiking went back to just taking a battery bank. That Nitecore nb10000 at 5.3 oz looks good. I am still using a Anchor powercore lite 10000 at 7.7oz that I paid $20 for when I am out for a week or more. I should have added I am not...
  • Post in thread: Superstrut Gold Galvanized-- how does it hold up to the weather

    I used to run the plating op in sparks NV for superstrut before american electric corp was sold off in pieces and they moved the superstrut mfg to nuevo laredo mexico in the early 90s . It was zink plated followed by a yellow hexavalent chrome dip then a clear hexavalent dip back then which I...
  • Post in thread: Need advice RV 50amp solar only

    In a former life I was an RV tech . 50 Amp RV outlets are split phase 240 . If you run 2x120v from a single phase at the RV outlet you run the very real risk of overloading the neutral wire running from the 50 amp male plug to the breaker box in the RV. I have seen more than a few RVs burn up in...
  • Post in thread: Best off grid fridge suggestion

    That will not work anymore as they build the heat dissipation coils just under the metal sides.
  • Post in thread: Need advice RV 50amp solar only

    The 50 amp RV system is only split phase up to the breaker box in the RV, everything after the breaker box in the RV 50 amp system runs on 120v so If you can switch the RV wiring between the RV breaker box and a separate solar breaker box you can keep your solar inverter 120v , as long as the...
  • Post in thread: Magic Smoke came out......... ##it happens

    So lets see if I am understanding this correctly. In the video it shows the scc is using 14 awg wire for the PV imput and eg4 thinks that is OK(because they are selling them in that configuration) for the rated 22 amps PV imput limit of the scc. While I see the wire is rated at 105c I would...
  • Post in thread: Breaker size

    VOLTS . Multiply your voc x 4 for 4 panels in series and add 20% to be on the safe side as the voc goes up when the temprature goes down. AMPS . Amps stay the same , Isc (13.93) 1 string in parallel = 1 x amps 2 strings 2 x amps , etc. Not sure how bifacial panels effect the numbers as I am...
  • Post in thread: Constant 14.4V not OK for charging LiFePo4 batts with internal BMS?

    I have a few of the LiTime 12v 100A TM batteries I use in my boat in a 2s2p configuration for running a mini fridge , microwave , coffer maker, etc When I was checking their capacity before installing them the bms would shut down charging at 14v according to the bench power supply I was using...
  • Post in thread: Large Server Rack fusing

    The 200k AIC at 300v in the specs for that fuse is AC not DC. https://www.eaton.com/us/en-us/skuPage.JJN-350.pdf In the spec sheet linked above it just shows 300 v (V what , why do they always have typos in the spec sheets???) but if you look farther down on the second page under (Electrical...
  • Post in thread: circuit breaker spark

    I'm making up 5 - 16 cell eve lf280k v3 batteries and will be putting the A6T fuses as close to the + side of each bank as I can and a JK-B2A20S20P BMS off the - side , then the + from the fuse and - from the BMS on each bank will be going to a 2 pole 200A breaker(for shutdown and isolation of...
  • Post in thread: Who’s Afraid of Retail Electricity Rate Reform?

    “income-graduated” fixed charge. Oooh that sounds so much better than Gibsmedat
  • Post in thread: Stacking and Angling Panels to Increase Output

    The statement on their sign "2 - 5 times the energy from the same space" and not having any solid numbers to share does not instill confidence.
  • Post in thread: Breaker size

    You have 1 string of panels in series , your Isc ls 13.93A , your maximum series fuse rating is 25A , you have a disconnect switch from your panels to your scc so you have the disconnect covered. A breaker (or fuse) would serve no purpose. You would not need a breaker (or fuses) . There are a...
  • Post in thread: Newbie: Are Battery Switches Necessary

    Just a heads up . make sure to precharge the capacitors in your inverter before you hook the battery to it.
  • Post in thread: Solar panel hotspot?

    Common Solar Panel Defects: Solar Panel Discoloration & Delamination https://www.greenlancer.com/post/common-solar-panel-defects#:~:text=Recognizing%20Solar%20Panel%20Discoloration&text=Panels%20may%20develop%20brown%2C%20yellow,uneven%20energy%20distribution%20across%20cells.
  • Post in thread: Inside, ONE, Our Next Energy's New Michigan Factory

    1 gigawatt capacity in 3 years is not much , average about 80 cars a week worth at 80kwh battery size.
  • Post in thread: Lv6548 voltage problems

    Well that behavior is odd , I have 2 lv6548s (250v pv input max versions) in split phase with 1 of my spares working as a charge controller only without any issues , before that I was using 1 of my victron 150/45 scc in addition to the lv6548s again without any issues.
  • Post in thread: MPP LV6548 Ground/Neutral Safety?

    Nevermind I found what I was looking for.
  • Post in thread: JK Bms - lock out

    Nevermind I see SpankyOatmeal already posted the link above.
  • Post in thread: Inside, ONE, Our Next Energy's New Michigan Factory

    Its 1 gigawatt in 3 years from the video. it is just a pilot plant. your calc is off by a factor of 10 and 3 years. 1,000,000 kwh /70 kwh per car is about 142,000 cars per year, 2700 cars per week. 1,000,000 kwh /70 kwh per car is about 14285 cars / 3 years = 4761 cars per year / 52 weeks = 91...
  • Post in thread: Lv6548 voltage problems

    Is your 3rd lv6548 connected to the others with the com cable?
  • Post in thread: Solar amount

    So you have panels with a pmax of just over 30v and you have 8 hooked together in series and you are getting 210v instead of 240v which is 30v short of what it should be. Could it be 1 of the panels is defective causing problems???????
  • Post in thread: Question About Preventing Grid Backfeed

    Nevermind I did some searching and found what I was looking for.
  • Post in thread: Battery fuse AIC calculations

    I am interested in finding out the AIC requirements (or even better a simple formula to calculate the AIC requirements) for fusing my eve lf280k v3 16 cell battery banks(5) (both individually and all 5 combined ) I am building without taking the time to get a PHD in the subject of LFP...
  • Post in thread: Breaker size

    Got it I saw the switch and misunderstood . I am using an IMO si32 PEL64R 4 Enclosed DC Disconnect Switch for 2 sets of 5s2p hyundai 300 watt panels (196.15 voc , 19.54 Isc total each set ) the IMO switch has Max. rated current of 32A@600VDC and is rated to be switched under load. it has 4...
  • Post in thread: alte store closed ???

    Tried to order some parts last week and their online ordering does not work , have been trying to contact them for a week by phone and email with no luck. Someone posted on the alte store facebook page they were told by another vender that alte store shut down / bankrupt. Anyone know anything...
  • Post in thread: Avoid dealing with signature solar. Bad website.

    If you are going to go off on home Depot do it because you can buy auto parts on the their website .
  • Post in thread: Exploding Solar Panels

    I'm thinking explosive laden walkie-talkies plugged into roof top solar systems being recharged when the signal to go boom was sent.
  • Post in thread: Solar amount

    In series amps stay the same 8 and volts multiply 240v In parallel volts stay the same 30v and amps multiply 64 amps
  • Post in thread: Solar amount

    You got the wattage right.
  • Post in thread: Ok you bloodhounds where is the best deal on 3.2v 200+ah cells

    I'm seeing eve lf280k v3 cells at 18650 battery store for $85+shipping. (16+/$83 , 32+/$82 , 100+/$80) The 80 I bought mid Feb @ $99each+shipping all tested 300ah+
  • Post in thread: how old are your flooded batteries

    I have/had 8 (7 now , 1 went bad about 3 years ago) 4/2005 dated C&D Technologies UPS12-475FR rechargeable sealed lead acid battery's I bought new from a canceled job in the fall of 2005 that I use for backup for my pantry fridge and 3 chest freezers when the power goes out. They only get used a...
  • Post in thread: Off grid or self consumption

    Can you show us your power bill? And what model a/c are you using.
  • Post in thread: Large Server Rack fusing

    Thanks I did not know that.
  • Post in thread: Inverter that does split phase 120/240

    The 2 low frequency 5 and 10 kw inverters at the bottom of the page at this link can do both 110 and 240 split phase. https://powmr.com/collections/low-frequency-inverter
  • Post in thread: Battery fuse AIC calculations

    Thanks here is what the evlithium site says about the lf280k cells I am using ( impedance resistance:≤0.25mΩ ) I plan on placing fuses as close to each battery bank as I can and was looking at class t 300A 20ka AIC blue sea units + I want to put in high quality breakers as a disconnect for each...

diy solar

diy solar