I ordered some eve lf280k v3 cells from the latest batch 18650batterystore received in stock Feb 2024 .
Ordered Feb 18 , they shipped Feb 19 , received Feb 26 (NW AZ).
I had to handle each cell 3 times to get them out of the road and under cover. I did not see any scratches , dings or dents ...
Heads up , good deal.
Just ordered another JK B2A20S20P BMS for my system build from hankzor at ali
- 1.72 coins
- 8.00 coupon usaff8
+5.25 my local sales tax
- 2.45 paid with amex through pp for 3% more.
= 79.11
Free choice shipping , has taken about a week-10 days for delivery...
I am interested in finding out the AIC requirements (or even better a simple formula to calculate the AIC requirements) for fusing my eve lf280k v3 16 cell battery banks(5) (both individually and all 5 combined ) I am building without taking the time to get a PHD in the subject of LFP...
Tried to order some parts last week and their online ordering does not work , have been trying to contact them for a week by phone and email with no luck. Someone posted on the alte store facebook page they were told by another vender that alte store shut down / bankrupt.
Anyone know anything...