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diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Future of the US solar tax credit

    I had a reply typed out, but decided that I should just shut up and not get banned.
  • Post in thread: Powering a small chest freezer in my garage.

    Make sure you plan very well before you buy anything. I decided I didn't want 48v due to the cost of expanding the battery bank. Well it's a good thing I can series 24v batteries to make 48, because I'm looking at needing more capacity for what I want to run.... I will still have to replace the...
  • Post in thread: Class T fuse holders?

    No less expensive than 2 Blue Sea Class T holders, so I don't understand how it helps. Looks nice though. I have fuses and holders, I should have just kept my mouth shut. I still haven't accepted that solar is a rich man's toy that I should have stayed away from, but I'm getting there. The only...
  • Post in thread: Any recorded line worker deaths/injuries from domestic grid tie solar?

    I work in power generation. Everything I have to touch is double isolated and triple checked before I get anywhere near it. I have a friend who is a lineman, I have great respect for what they do, and make sure I will not be the cause of something bad. Part of why my system is completely...
  • Post in thread: average solar panels for very cheap price or the super efficient ones for triple the price per watt?

    I bought 200w cheap panels because they were on sale as I was supposed to be building a fun little project...... 2 months later I found better panels, cheaper at regular price. So I think it also depends on your status in the universe. (I am also 95% guaranteed to be in the slowest checkout line...
  • Post in thread: Solar Charging Station

    Happened to think, there are also videos about building a small solar generator. Some small enough to fit in an ammo can. Again, less expensive, educational, and maybe fun...
  • Post in thread: Another MC4 failure

    More nightmares.... Reading this forum has me concerned about every part of my project. As I have mentioned before, for the first year or so, everything will be outdoors (weather protected of course) so when the fire starts, it'll be easier to put out.
  • Post in thread: CHINS 24v 3000 watt inverter sale $280

    Thank you, @42OhmsPA!!! Should have built a 48v system, have to work with what I have....
  • Post in thread: never mind, dead before I even got started

    Thought I would ask questions while studying the subject. I see now that this is a fools errand in my case. No budget. No space. I would need way more system than I can afford. Kill-a-watt and a little math took this right off the table. I have 4x 195w solar panels in SE Texas for sale, new in...
  • Post in thread: Will's new Fall Out shelter is cool, but why stay in Vegas?

    45mm!?! Dang I want one of those! I'm sure it would do the job on bear, moose and lightly armored vehicles! :LOL: The lead problem is mostly solved by using copper projectiles, though there is still some lead in the primers & probably propellant as well.
  • Post in thread: Future of the US solar tax credit

    While we're on the topic, I didn't realize that my system was big enough for the tax credit, however after reading the tax code, I now know it does. Since it is DIY, how would I prove when it went into service? It will be stand alone, only powering a window AC unit and our cell booster. No...
  • Post in thread: Cheapest inverter window AC or soft start

    Daughter has one of these Midea 8000btu in her room. She seems to like it, it is however running on the grid. https://www.amazon.com/Midea-U-Shaped-Smart-Inverter-Conditioner/dp/B0DJPQWVGB I got a renewed 12,000 BTU to run off solar, but it isn't installed yet. Unfortunately there doesn't seem...
  • Post in thread: LiTime 3,000w inverter

    Since you are convinced that the problem is in the inverter, send it in and purchase a new one from a different company. Worst case, you will end up with a spare. https://www.amazon.com/WZRELB-3000W-110-120V-Inverter-System/dp/B07XRP1GTF/ref=sr_1_5
  • Post in thread: never mind, dead before I even got started

  • Post in thread: Li Time 24v 230ah 20% off until Nov 11

    Was reading the thread about the killer deal on the 48v Eco Worthy rack battery and decided to look... $936 with free shipping until Nov 11. Not as good a deal, but one of these keeps me from having to buy a new inverter for a while. https://www.ebay.com/itm/354896667384
  • Post in thread: Class T fuse holders?

    (Deleted frustration post)
  • Post in thread: Solar Panels

    No you do not need a charge controller. The AC180 comes with an MC4 to 12v "cigarette lighter" adapter. Connect the panel to the adapter then plug the adapter into the 12v connector on the AC180.
  • Post in thread: Plugged 48v charger into 12v solar generator

    Have to agree with @Mattb4 ; find some screws and open it up. Hopefully just a fuse, but potentially the charge controller is toast. If no screws, I would use extreme caution should you decide to continue disassembly. (Don't come looking for me if something bad happens) I just looked at the...
  • Post in thread: Balancer for 2s 24v batteries finally exists

    Thank you, thank you! Been trying to figure out how I would (eventually) go from 24v to 48v without scrapping my current batteries. I've looked, but apparently not as hard as you did. I guess I need to go get a prepaid visa from the store so I can order through Alibaba.
  • Post in thread: Sumry Eco-LV 3.6KW Hybrid, Unboxing (updated with operational review)

    The Sumry unit is back up to $369. I saw it over the weekend, but thought about it too long. I had hoped to ditch my components and go to the AIO just for the grid charging capability. (System not built yet, but concerned about having enough battery to make it through the night)
  • Post in thread: Need 2nd opinion on Reliance Controls correspondence of 50A manual transfer switch questions

    I just downloaded the manuals for both the transfer switch panel and the inlet connection because I am planning to use them in my home as well. The installation instructions for both the 510C and PB50 state that AWG6 minimum AWG4 maximum cable should be used for the inlet connection. Are you...
  • Post in thread: Panel Compatibility Check - Bluetti AC180

    Looks like it should work. Isc is short circuit current and is useful for installing a fuse. Imp is the maximum current available under ideal conditions. The AC180 will accept what it wants and ignore the rest. In theory, under ideal conditions, you will be charging at 36v & 8a-10a.
  • Post in thread: Dead Inverter: Repaired

    Watched this thread, just in case. Several links to components that I might need in the future. Thank you for taking the time to post your repair journey.
  • Post in thread: Add 3 12v batteries to a 48v system

    They are on sale over on e(vil)bay for a couple more days (coupon code). Buy another and see what you can do. https://www.ebay.com/itm/126603581566 While you are at it, get yourself a balancer. (same couple code) https://www.ebay.com/itm/355621309482 Maybe not on a hand truck, but maybe on a...
  • Post in thread: Future of the US solar tax credit

    So because most of the components are made overseas, I shouldn't be able to reduce my tax bill???
  • Post in thread: Port shutdown shortages?

    My only comment is that we lose either way. Higher wages means higher costs past down to the consumer. Companies are in business to make money, 99.8% of them will not take a cut in profit for the benefit of their employees.
  • Post in thread: Are Renogy Class-T fuses okay?

    Eaton-Bussmann shows the aic for the 125LET fuse to be 50 ka @ 150v DC. Sounds plenty good enough to me... But then I'm just a dumb bilge rat... https://www.eaton.com/us/en-us/skuPage.125LET.html
  • Post in thread: Piggybacking Purchase for EG4-LLS 48v-100aH Battery

    @Marobel Just did a quick search. Renewable Outdoors shows free shipping, (plus, at the moment a Labor Day Coupon)... Might solve the problem.
  • Post in thread: New battery build (16S4P)

    I think I am going to have to do a couple "practice" crimps and see how what I have works before I get elbows deep and find out I should have listened to @robbob2112 instead of utube when ordering my crimpers ;) Windy Nation cable, Selterm lugs, but YUZES hydraulic crimper & iCrimp manual...
  • Post in thread: Any idea why this happened? Is the moisture inside from an exploded battery cell?

    And I thought only us down in the bilge believed in PFM (and for that mater the "I Believe" button)
  • Post in thread: 48v down to 24v using a MPPT charge controller,it works!!

  • Post in thread: Any recorded line worker deaths/injuries from domestic grid tie solar?

    Holy necro-thread Batman! I can tell you that during a power failure a couple years ago, the power company knocked on our door asking if we were running a generator. In my before solar life, but we were using battery lights and Luci lights. Bright enough to cause concern even tho my house sits...
  • Post in thread: Please give a look and comment, first build

    Panels will most definitely be ground "mounted". The spousal unit says nothing permanent in the yard. Maybe if it works, she will let me build something. For now they will remain "portable". I saw some nifty PVC 'lean to' type stands on U-Tube that I will probably be using. They will have to be...
  • Post in thread: Stupid AIO function question

    Want to make sure my thinking is correct... When batteries are depleted, does an AIO, such as an EG4, (if properly configured) shift to grid power for the system load until the panels have recharged the batteries? Along the same line, can I use a stand alone SCC in parallel to help charge...
  • Post in thread: Please give a look and comment, first build

    This is my first build. I am building a small system to run a Midea 8000btu inverter drive AC unit. One line drawing made with paint, so not professional. Would you please critique my plan. I do have a question, you will notice a breaker inline with the Blue Sea disconnect switch, should it be...
  • Post in thread: Class T fuse holders?

    Thank you. I kind of figured that was the case. I found and purchased the LET (European?) style. I ordered Eaton-Bussmann fuses to replace the unknown quality fuses that came with the mounts. I'll save the unknowns for emergency spares I guess. (they are 150a when I need 125a anyway) Spec...
  • Post in thread: Got The Blues In S Louisiana

    Sun finally came out today in SE Texas. Been a week, I feel/think, due to the "tropical wave" that parked itself out in the Gulf right off the coast. I guess this means I have to get out of the recliner and install the new mailbox. (Someone bashed the old one about a month ago and I'm now out...
  • Post in thread: New generator help please

  • Post in thread: Finding a LiFePO4 Power Charger That Will Actually Work?

    Except the Manual for both my Bluetti units recommend a 60% state of charge for long term storage.
  • Post in thread: Stupid AIO function question

    Thank you for the response! In my case/plan, solar is daylight power, batteries are night time power (until the batteries are expended)
  • Post in thread: Looking for a LiFeP04 battery recommendation

    Use the label plate data from the AC unit to look up the power requirements
  • Post in thread: Li Time 24v 230ah 20% off until Nov 11

    Assembling my system is scary enough, I am not ready to start building my own batteries.
  • Post in thread: Class T fuse holders?

    What is the physical difference between the small (up to 200A) and large (>200A) class T fuse blocks? I get the impression that I cannot mount a 125A fuse in the large fuse block.
  • Post in thread: Off-Grid array w/ battery storage powering Mini Split on a grid connected home.

    That is kind of what I am building, except I am using a Midea 12k BTU window AC unit. (No heat) (Assuming I get past my paranoia and actually assemble the parts I currently have out in my barn)
  • Post in thread: Best way to add an extra battery to my Bluetti AC180

    Just for back ground, I found that my fridge plugged into my AC180 ran for 10 hours. 1150wh(the advertised capacity of the AC180)/10hour = 115w average usage, so the external batteries should be able to keep up within the 10A/400W limitation. I would run 4x 12v batteries gives 4800wh...
  • Post in thread: Do I need to balance two Wattcycle 12V batteries in serial?

    If you do a web search for HC-01 balancer, you will find what @wpns was talking about EDIT: I'm too slow....... They are also available through Amazon or eBay, etc if you don't trust the ali-sites....
  • Post in thread: Looking for bus bar suggestions

    Is there a reason you cant just change the lug on 1 end of your cable to fit the Victron buss bar? https://www.amazon.com/SELTERM-10pcs-Terminal-Connectors-Adhesive/dp/B0CS6NCZLY/ref=sr_1_3
  • Post in thread: Could use a product recomendation.

    Some say that DIY is cheaper. You need to decide for yourself, based on your skill set. You would need a 100ah battery, inverter, charger, circuit breaker, cable, and something to build it on/in. I will tell you that I can run my full size side by side refrigerator for 10 hours with a Bluetti...
  • Post in thread: Mounting components question

    I like that idea. Maybe 1/2" ply & threw screws with nylock nuts though. (Cheaper and even easier to handle) For the first year all the components will be on a covered porch, free standing with a frame of sorts. (Out in the country, so should be safe, and hopefully less damage from the...
  • Post in thread: CHINS 24v 3000 watt inverter sale $280

    The fine print in the ad says it's 50hz..... Saw that as I was about to pull the trigger, can anyone confirm that they are in fact 60hz??
  • Post in thread: Busted with non-permitted Ground Mounted Solar Panel Array

    Not to hijack, but I need to show my ignorance... Where should one start with "permitting", the office that does building permits?? I'm putting in a system similar to the OP; ground mount, stand alone, not connected to my homes wiring, will only run an AC unit and cell phone booster. I...
  • Post in thread: LifePO4 100AH 1280wh in Series

    Your batteries may not be charging equally. If you don't have one, you should have a battery equalizer (or balancer) connected between your 2 batteries. The most commonly recommended is an HC01 (has voltage displays) or an HA01 (no display). They are available from Amazon or Temu or Aliexpress...
  • Post in thread: Powering a small chest freezer in my garage.

    Thinking of how I can re-arrange but keep bumping against the "4p" limit... Enough hijack, the point is, plan, plan and re-plan.....
  • Post in thread: Mounting components question

    No updates, I've been extremely busy with work. I hope to have time to work on this in the coming weeks.
  • Post in thread: Please give a look and comment, first build

    Thanks. Cable from MPPT to Batteries is 6AWG and from Batteries to Inverter is 2AWG (all from Windy Nation) The panels are Eco-Worthy: (Still in the box) Rated Power 195W Solar Cell Monocrystalline Maximum/Peak Voltage(Vmp)...
  • Post in thread: never mind, dead before I even got started

    Edited to remove. Still want to know what "lurb" means. Y'al have a great day!
  • Post in thread: Piggybacking Purchase for EG4-LLS 48v-100aH Battery

    Apologies, I thought I saw it on the web site.
  • Post in thread: [Failed]Wzrelb 24V 3000w Inverter Mods/Repair

    Watching.... Have the same inverter for the build I'm doing, not sure I have the skill to replace components, but at least with the links you provide, maybe if I have to, I at least have a reference for a new part. Unfortunately my brother, an electronics engineer, is 1000 miles away. It...
  • Post in thread: Porch pagoda build

    Not sure that I would top the tree. Realistically it looks like you would have to cut the "forest" down to make a big difference, is it worth it?
  • Post in thread: Mounting components question

    The manuals that came with my inverter & SCC say to mount these components on flame resistant material. The photos I see in various threads, components are mounted to plywood. I was thinking cement backer board, am I over thinking this? I bought a piece of 1/2" backer board which I will put...
  • Post in thread: Solar Charging Station

    Deleted, reread the OP, they are looking for solar charging, not another power bank
  • Post in thread: Solar Charging Station

    @pteiavn , you might look into a small solar generator (Bluetti EB3A is the one I have). They are designed too be charged directly from a solar panel setup. If you go with a folding solar panel, I would suggest looking into one of the larger ones marketed to the RV crowd. The small ones like you...
  • Post in thread: Can X inverter handle Y startup "draw"? Question about inverter selection based on appliance amp rating

    You can't use European anything in the US. Their 220v is wired the same as our 120, our 220/240 uses 2 legs of 120 'added together'. (That's simplified).
  • Post in thread: Best way to add an extra battery to my Bluetti AC180

    In theory, yes. Make sure you put battery balancers / equalizers in your build. You might want to run your AC180 with the intended loads to see how long it lasts. That should help you decide if what you envision will actually work.

diy solar

diy solar