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diy solar

diy solar

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  • TCT & MPPT

    Background info I have an MPP Solar Hybrid LVX 6048, which uses Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). TCT refers to a "total cross-tied" panel array wiring configuration, like the configuration pictured at https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Total-Cross-Tied-TCT-configuration_fig2_316359468...
  • Apexium 280 BMS charge profile settings - translating from English to English

    I assembled the Apexium 280 battery box, and am trying to set the charge profile in the BMS Bluetooth app. Here are the default settings that appeared when I opened the app. https://photos.app.goo.gl/XksgCUqSC4hkMQ9q6 I want to set this charge profile, taken from...
  • Apexium 280 battery box gap next to cells

    I'm assembling a Apexium 280 battery box I got from Jenny Wu / Docan Power. Its build quality seems excellent. I noticed there is a small gap between the left group of cells and the central metal frame member. The gap is about the thickness of the foam pads provided in the kit. The assembly...
  • 5kW 48V system sizing, circuit & safety check

    Hi, I'm designing a 5kW 48V system to upgrade my camping trailer from having 12V batteries and a 120VAC to 12VDC converter to having 5kW of solar panels, a 48V MPP Solar Hybrid LVX 6048 all-in-one, a 17.9 kWh 48V battery, and a 48V-12V DC buck converter. My current design is attached. Did I...
  • Insert all-in-one & LiFePO4 battery into RV's existing system with converter

    I'm designing a solar power system for my trailer, to permit me to power my computers during work hours and travel with my family. I want to insert an all-in-one and LiFePO4 battery into my RV's existing electrical system, which includes an AC to DC converter, but I'm not sure about the precise...
  • Mixing 12S1P + 4S2P to stay at 48V but increase capacity

    To make a 48V battery with at least 17.9 KWh of capacity, I intend to buy 5 packs of 4 Lishen/Eve 3.2V cells, which is 20 cells. I can make a 48V battery using 16 cells in series, making a 16S1P battery, but then I’ll have 4 cells left over, unused. I want to use those 4 leftover cells in...
  • Unexpected voltage drops in panel array

    As I mentioned at , Our panels are in a 7 series 3 parallel array, labeled 1-7 and A-C, respectively. We tried shading various panels in the array to see how it affected the whole array’s open circuit voltage, so we can discover if a total-cross-tied configuration produces more power under the...
  • Fact check: Do All-in-ones burn off unused PV power as heat?

    The fellow behind the counter at a solar store gave me some good advice, but stated a few things on which I'd like to get a second opinion. Here's one: The MPP Solar Hybrid LVX 6048 all-in-one inverter will waste excess power coming from the solar panels by burning it off as heat. Is that...
  • Fact check: Higher volts requires larger gauge wire

    The fellow behind the counter at a solar store gave me some good advice, but stated a few things on which I'd like to get a second opinion. Here's one: 8 AWG wire could handle 9.6 A over 40 feet if there were only 1-3 panels put in series (creating 37 - 111 V), but since I plan to put 7 panels...
  • Do I need to top balance?

    I purchased 16 LFP cells and an Apexium battery box kit which includes a BMS from Jenny Wu. Everything seems to be in perfect condition. I am very pleased. On my first voltage test after opening the boxes, 12 of the cells each have 3.256 volts. The other four cells vary by only one millivolt...

diy solar

diy solar