I have an EG4 6000 48 EXHV and 2 of the 48v LL V2 batteries. SS in general, Ben, Rachael, and Tech support, have all taken good care of me, and have worked with me on the purchases, and to resolve whatever issues I have had. Tom
Update: First of all - thank you to all those who posted in this thread trying to help me. Last week I bought the “splitter” referred to above. Today I finally had time to work with my system. With my EG4 LL V2 batteries set as position 2 and position 3, and my 6000EX inverter set to “User”...
So I couldn’t wait. I just tried multiple settings again. B1/B2 as 3/4, 4/5, and 5/6, having to change dips and re-boot the battery each time. SA NEVER “connected” to the batteries unless B1 was in #2 position, which meant that B2 must be sequential in #3. Very frustrating, but I appreciate...
I have an EG4 6000EX. I use it purely OFF grid, with NO AC in. I have NOT done any previous firmware updates, and am on what I presume is the factory original. It shows a build date of 5/22. I got it in Sept/Oct 22. Since this thread is supposed to relate to both 6000 and 6500 models, here...
Thanks guys. I am going to fire everything up today, but if everything is working correctly, at least for me, I am NOT going to change firmware yet. Tom
There Is another member on here who is having what sounds like a similar issue with a 6000EX, which is what I have. I do not remember which forum it was in. Let me see if I can find it.
Here it is: Akitawpo posted in the thread that I had started about issues with my EG4 LL V2 batteries. Here...
Much of North, Central and East Texas were impacted last week by the multi-day ice storm. In one of his posts last week James said they were running at partial staff. I would reach out directly to James or Ben again and see if you can make connection. In the meantime, you might start...
Thanks Robby. I just went online and Registered my 2 LL V2’s. However, I have sent SS an email specifically asking whether Registration is required of my EG4 6000EX, and how that is supposed to be done when no link seems to be provided. I will follow up if/when I hear back.
Scott - is this AFTER you installed the supposedly latest 6000 firmware update of yesterday (which is the same number and size as the one from 2/10/23)????
I had been having some minor ”fluctuations” in the light bulb in the refrigerator running on my EG4-6000 when my batteries were near fully charged, with strong PV input. So, after MUCH hesitation, I finally did BOTH of the newest FW updates posted on 2/17. Fortunately, both installed without...
According to Ben from SS, the Firmware from 2/10 is exactly the same as 2/13. Apparently they just deleted 1 file from the folder which was not needed, to clean it up. I had not yet installed either version. Based upon the report from Scott today in the 6500/6000 firmware thread, it did NOT...
Update: I totally disconnected battery #2 from my system, leaving #1 as my only battery. I then went into “settings” using solar only, and verified that setting 14 WAS set to EG4. I tried to reset, and reboot. Still NO lights and NO screen, with voltage in the 55-56 range, but battery did...
Thank you Ben. “Power cycling” is not defined in the manual, but I did a complete shut down and power up after making the setting. Interestingly, when I press and hold enter, and go into settings, it SHOWS EG4 there, but then shows “USER” on the display screen of the Inverter. Good news is...
I saw this last night. Thanks for doing it. However, for someone like me, who has NO AC input on my off grid Eg 6000, which apparently DOES have the N-G bonding screw, it took HOURS of research to determine that since I had the N-G bond inside the unit, I did NOT need or want the N-G bond in...
After seeing this morning Scott's latest post of last night, I went back to the EG4 Software website, and sure enough, the FW download for the EG4 6000 does now contain TWO exe files, and a revised "readme" file, which is different from what was posted on 2/10 and 2/14. I have downloaded the...
I just wanted to post an interim update. SS has been in communication, and I have a Tier II Tech Support with whom I am communicating. I have provided additional information, and we have troubleshooted and thinktanked over the phone. Tonight I decided to attach a Windows laptop computer running...
Thank you for responding again. I just 5 minutes ago connected by Windows laptop to each battery separately. It will not see them unless I have the dip switches in position zero (d,d,d,d). Both batteries did communicate. ??? Will the SS BMS software see BOTH batteries at the same time?, even...
Thanhrodke. Again, much appreciated. I just went through your checklist, line by line. All the settings and all the cables were correct. I get “connected” for both the inverter, and battery, but I can still only see ONE battery. See attached screen shot of battery detail page from SA...
After numerous further communications with Ben and others at SS (thanks Ben), I was authorized and instructed to remove the entire faceplate of B1, and "check" all of the wiring and connections. I did so. I carefully removed the faceplate. I did NOT see any dangling wires or disconnected...
So I just reopened the SS BMS software, left B1 set a position 2, and B2 set at position 3, forced a new search, and the BMS SW found BOTH batteries - one on Com 5, and one on Com 7. However, I have no idea which is which, because the only Serial number of each is apparently the same build...
I was hesitant to change the positions while the system was under load, so I changed the dip switches while it was powered down, and then fired it all up with the switches in the positions called for by SA. I can certainly try doing it the other way tomorrow.
Never did get SA to be able to see both batteries separately. SA did try to help for a day or two, but I have not heard anything in several weeks and frankly I have not had time to mess with it. The system is working, I am just not getting the full Use of SA. The inconsistency of settings...
The lights and LCD screen have been working for a couple of weeks now. I have been discharging and charging with normal use with NO issues EXCEPT for now the dreaded error 61 is back. I have seen references to firmware updates for other devices. I still think that a firmware update will fix...
I have been waiting to do the deep discharge, because the 48v charger that I ordered last week has still not even shipped (?????). However, based upon my experience of last week, where B1 seemed to be working again, I spent 3 hours tonight building a subpanel, and outlet boxes, to be ready to...
Sadly, there is NOTHING to tell us what is different in the version supposedly uploaded yesterday from what was made available on 2/10/23. This morning I downloaded (AGAIN) whatever is available for the 6000's. SAME version number, same exact file size, and NO change log. I guess we will be...
Hi Ben: I have my LL #1 and LL #2 dip switches set exactly as specified in the manual. My inverter setting 14 is for EG4. The error 61 occurs, with some beeping and the red error light, and then seems to go away for seconds or even minutes, but comes back. Is that what you are referring to as...
James. Sorry for not wording my post more clearly. There are multiple posts running right now about flicker, and firmware updates, and it seemed like more than one had mentioned anticipated videos. I apparently misunderstood which issue this video was addressing. I have done the FW update on...
I believe that he is still working on resolving this, but no word from SA since late yesterday. I had thought perhaps I had a BMS issue, but the SS BMS software was able to see both batteries simultaneously (using 2 yellow cables on 2 usb ports, showed up as comm 5 and comm 7), and display all...
SS never seems to have in stock the 48V charger that I would like to have gotten . It is frequently recommended that the battery voltages be very close before you connect them. However, mine were within .01 of each other, so I connected them, and charged them with solar several times before the...
Two weeks ago I bought an EG4 6000EX0HV, and TWO EGL4 LL V2 batteries. I had everything hooked up and running. I resolved the dreaded error 61, and even ran some light 120V loads via a power strip. However, today, when went to power up the system, and pushed the “on” button, my #1 battery did...
I appreciate the reference, but the older Lifepower batteries use a different comm protocol, and different dip settings. It is still possible that the newest LL V2’s require settings for which SA has not made corrections.
Ongoing updates. First of all, Signature Solar (SS) has been engaged in ongoing communications with me, as we discuss and try various things. Latest is that I WAS able to get the SS BMS software to talk to B1. I had to set all 4 DIP switches on B1 to down position. So, the BMS is reachable...
Since I never was able to get my Eg4 6000 in "EG4" mode to let me see all of my batteries, I was never sure what communication was actually occurring with my batteries, so I switched to "user" mode, and rely upon SA to get me details. The Inverter and BMS still "communicate", but apparently on...
Verify condition of each battery using a Voltmeter. Alternatively, access each battery from a laptop using the BMS Software. I only get the error 61 when the batteries are close to fully charged. There is also a firmware update available for the EG4 6000, which is what I have. I downloaded...
The DIP switches on my LL V2s do appear to be oriented correctly, and as described in the manual I was given, but to get SA to see both batteries I had to start with position 2, and use separate direct rs485 connections to a splitter. and then to my RP. Daisy chained communications did not work.
Welcome aboard.
Interesting that they have gone to 6 DIP switches on the LL V2’s. My two batteries have only 4 DIP switches.
The only way that I could see more than 1 battery in the BMS SW was to have them separately cabled into separate USB ports using the SS “yellow” cables.
I never had any...
I have the KG140F on my 24V off-grid system. I like the display, and use the App to connect via BT to my iPhone or iPad, but I have not tried to connect the RS485 to any computer. I do not recall it coming with any kind of software.
Thanhrodke: thank you for your detailed and helpful replies. I have been sidelined for a while now with heart issues secondary to covid. I am hoping to re-focus on this SA/LL V2 issue in the next couple of weeks. My batteries are V2, with the new style screen and breaker, but only 4 DIP...
There is a very small sticker on the side of the 6000 next to my SN sticker, which had 2022 at the end, and then only 1-12 for months. On mine, the 5 is blacked out.