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diy solar

diy solar

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  • Victron Charge Controller Price Crash

    Does anyone know why Victron charge controllers price just went WAY down? I recently purchased a 100/50 for over $300 and now I see it is on Amazon for $184!! Will these prices last? New pricing strategy? New models coming out?
  • MC4 diode

    https://www.amazon.com/ACOPOWER-Line-Diode-Connector-Connectors/dp/B01M0Y4TJI/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=mc4+diode&qid=1573050544&sr=8-3. I ran across this MC4 diode on Amazon. Under what circumstances is this appropriate?
  • LV2424 Anyway to ground this in an RV?

    Got my LV2424 all hooked up and running in my RV. I have the AC output running through a GFI breaker. When I plug in my AC tester it is showing open ground, is that normal? Is there anyway to ground the LV2424 in an RV?
  • What is going o here? 6 bad panels?

    I bought 6 used panels and they are testing at 65v and 11.5 amps so volts times amps is 750 watts or so. But these are 190 watt panels. What am I doing wrong, or are they bad panels? All 6? Here is a video of my test:
  • Daly BMS with temperature protection

    https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000385644251.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.15e74c4dTkuXjv I messaged the seller to see if this will cut off the power/charging when the temperature gets below freezing. From the listing it appears that is what it does, but I am not 100%. I will post what they say...
  • Weize 48v 100 ah Server Rack Battery

    Does anyone on here have this 48V 100 ah Weize server rack battery? Compared to other server rack batteries, the price seems too good to be true. That and free shipping, apparently from a US warehouse? What's the catch...
  • Is leaving the relay always-on safe and prudent?

    In this diagram it shows a relay hooked up, but it appears it is always on. It that safe and prudent? Is there any fire danger there? Maybe I should add a switch and only turn on the relay when I want to use inverter power? Here is the relay I have on order:
  • MPPSOLAR All in one with LifePo4 batteries

    As I have learned in a couple other threads, you can't rely on the MPPSOLAR all-in-one units to cut off the batteries before they discharge below the safe level. So in order to protect the batteries you need a good BMS or a battery protect that will cut off the batteries independent of the...
  • How does "parallel" work for MPP all on one units?

    When you connect in parallel for the 2400 watt model (for example) does that mean you hook up all A/C loads to one of the units outputs and can draw 4800 watt from that one units output? What about the solar, all panels hook up to one units solar input? Edit: nevermind, I figured it out

diy solar

diy solar