diy solar

diy solar

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  1. N

    CALB 100 Ah smells bad during operation

    No, I have not found out anything new. My supplier told me it was safe as long as there where no leakages from the battery cells. Not 100 % comfortable with that answer either, but it will do for now...
  2. N

    CALB 100 Ah smells bad during operation

    I am using a Daly BMS and the batteries was top balanced to 3,6V and then I had them paralleled for a few days without any charging. Everything else with works fine. I have a 0.004 voltage difference between the 16 cells so far... They are currently set to float at 54.4 V. I have a MPP 10kW...
  3. N

    CALB 100 Ah smells bad during operation

    I found this when I googled it: Someone working with it doesn't seem to think that the smell is toxic at least...
  4. N

    CALB 100 Ah smells bad during operation

    Hi, I have some kind of problem (I think) with my CALB 100 Ah LFP cells. They are brand new and only cycled a couple of times and stored in a closed cabinet. However, after a few days inside the cabinet it smells really bad when I open the door. What could be the problem? Is the smell...