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diy solar

diy solar

$175 for 100AH LiFeP04 with Bluetooth!

No name battery, new seller with 3 fake reviews. What could go wrong? ;) I have one inbound.
Ton618, Sweet find!
I was thinking it would be some time before used LiFePO4 batteries find there way to
Facebook marketplace so I could try them out, at $175 the fun could start soon.(unless they are charging $100 for shipping)

SE Wisconsin
(new to Solar)
Ton618, Sweet find!
I was thinking it would be some time before used LiFePO4 batteries find there way to
Facebook marketplace so I could try them out, at $175 the fun could start soon.(unless they are charging $100 for shipping)

Free shipping.

Seems unbelievable.

Better get busy to complete 15,000 cycles during the 5 year warranty. ?

Agreed. I don't believe in the warranty either. I'll verify capacity, Bluetooth functionality and the ability to do a ~100 amp continuous discharge.

I've sent the seller a few questions (regarding the Android app, max charging and discharging current) to test their responsiveness.

I took a chance on the battery because of the Bluetooth connectivity. It is for small projects I am tinkering with. It will save me from needing to connect a shunt and the Victron shunt I was going to buy costs almost as much as this battery.
I've sent the seller a few questions (regarding the Android app, max charging and discharging current) to test their responsiveness.

Seller responded within 90 minutes and answered each of my questions.

"Happy New Year, you can go to Google Play to download the corresponding app (there is a QR code in the manual that can be scanned); Maximum discharge current of 100A (continuous discharge within 80A is recommended); The maximum charging current is 100A (recommended charging current is 20-50A)."
No name battery, new seller with 3 fake reviews. What could go wrong? ;) I have one inbound.

Mehrpow 12V 100Ah LiFePO4 Lithium Battery, Bluetooth Lithium Battery,100A BMS,Up to 15000 Cycles, Max.1280Wh Energy with 10 Years Lifetime Low Temp Cut Off, Perfect for RV, Solar, Trolling Motor

Looking at the amazon listing I saw that one of their picture panels said "Do not mix ELEFAST batteries with other brands...." so I did a quick search on 'ELEFAST' within Amazon. That brought up a listing for the same 12v 100Ah battery under a different brand name. In fact the bluetooth optioned battery shows up for $165.99 but under yet another brand name, 'FEENCE.' Only rated for 8000 cycles though... darn.

FEENCE 12V 100Ah Bluetooth LiFePO4 Lithium Battery, 100A BMS,Low Temperature Protection with Up to 8000 Cycles, Max. 1280Wh Energy LiFePO4 Battery in Small Size, Perfect for RV, Solar, Trolling Motor​

Gotta thank Amazon for bringing a new dimension to the old axiom "buyer beware." On the other hand, I hope this signals the start of 2024's free-falling LiFePO battery prices
Seems I saw a Will Prowse video on the elefast/feence. Almost went that route but the Aolithium was cheaper at the time, but of course what I choose is no longer available.
Seems I saw a Will Prowse video on the elefast/feence. Almost went that route but the Aolithium was cheaper at the time, but of course what I choose is no longer available.
Can you post a link? I've seen the Aolithium videos, but not one for elefast or feence from Will.

I could only find this video from another Youtuber. Jump to 5:40 for a chuckle.

I received the battery today.

It came via FedEx from CA. It looks like the box had prior shipping damage which was covered over with tape.

The there was a little over an inch and a half of padding around the battery. Easily the poorest packaging of any 100AH battery that I’ve personally received. Still, in my case it was adequate, and the battery appears to be undamaged.

The battery came with two brass M8x12 bolts. A 12 mm bolt is too short and there was no flat or lock washers. I have spares, so that’s no problem.

The battery was at 13.1 volts when it arrived.

I topped it off with a 20 amp charger then started a 150 watt (~0.1C) discharge test.

For the Android Bluetooth app, I’m just using the XiaoXiangElectric app from the Google Play store. So far, the charge rate shown in the app matched my clamp meter. For discharge, the app also matches my clamp meter and the load tester.

More later...


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$20 cheaper than my chins 12v is going for and it has bluetooth which my chins doesn't have so pretty cool if it tests out ok.
1 of the boxes my aolithium arrived in looked a bit like yours, must be a fed x thing.
Yes, but the damage was taped over.

I think it is more likely that the CA office for Elefast/Mehrpow taped over the damage from being shipped from China than FedEx taping over damage incurred from CA to my house.
Throughout the load test, the Bluetooth app and my load tester stayed in agreement.

I am very happy with the 104 AH result!


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Hi guys, you can see my post related to these batteries

i was catching up on amazon reviews i try to post if items meet my goal. but this battery was in recommendation line the basic 12v 100 ah$139.00 but $40 del which seems as prices are dropping more are adding del of course in small print . but seems cells are becoming more plentiful in china and like will has shown many are decently built some not so much and depending on use there posting 7000 charges more like most others so if you using in home and don't need Bluetooth and a moderate draw seems worth it . i have 2 decent brand with low temp
my idea to use in a van but i bought a lower priced one for lighter usage if i didn't have that i grab this unless will ot the old guy with white coat find something wrong i certainty trust wills reviews and a few others that are not just send it i give great review for cash . now to get finished my solar charge setup done have all stuff but health's got me down to doing minutes of work instead of a few hours when i first retired but i get it done
I almost bought the Elefast on Amazon, but noticed a $40 shipping charge per battery.
Feence, made by Elefast has the same $40 shipping charge.
I have 4 of their Lisuateli brand. Prices the last few days have gone up about $10-20 on all of the Feence/Elefast brands. Contacted them through Ebay and was able to get them to send me an offer at the old price for a few more. Not sure why they are going back up in price.

diy solar

diy solar