You can sometimes wedge a tap between the Meter and Main breaker on the designs where the two are connected with wires.
Otherwise, you can use plug-on feed through lugs. It looks like the following picture - lugs in plug-on breaker form factor, that goes on the bus. These spark joy for me as DIYer. Yes, they are expensive and cost a significant % of a new CSED or panel, but they save a lot of time and trouble.
(EDIT: also 200A breakers as hedges said, those are I believe less common than 200A feed through lugs in most panel accessory lineups)
The Feed Through Lug accessory facilitates the installation of sub-panels in combination with Leviton Load Centers that do not have sub-feed lugs already installed. This product has a short circuit rating of 22kA for Main Breaker panel applications, and 10kA for Main Lug panel applications -...
With a 225A bus on the CSED my calculations above indicate that the plug-on lug is OK for a single 18kpv
What does the interlock on the subpanel do? Does it select between the CSED directly (IE bypass 18kpv), and the 18kpv, as the input?
(TBH I feel like we're slightly going in circles here/more slowly than I would expect; I think most of the info & options have already been dumped here, and you seem to be quite familiar with this equipment)