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diy solar

diy solar

4 MPP LV6548 / 47 kW EVE DIY LiFePO4 battery/ 14 kW PV array

Why did you go with 4 wires?
Did you have to buy the box?
How much was it?

This was an Item that came from a plant I do work for. I would only use three of the four poles on the transfer switch. It is a prebuilt unit. But the switch by itself runs around $1100. https://www.automationdirect.com/ad...a-_switches/manual_transfer_switches/41504026
I bought it for a fraction of that price. Sad thing is, I have almost talked myself into keeping my two pole transfer switch. The more I have thought about it I think I'm going to remove all the ground/neutral bonding screws in the inverters and use a common neutral. So the 4 pole switch may be put in my inventory.
I just slotted a hole near the bottom of the inverter and stuffed the excess into the wall. Out of sight, out of mind.
I love the wire way method you did, much cleaner than mine. Next time. If had to do it over again I’d build a plenum box from hardybacker to mount them on to draw the hot air from the sweet spot. Mine get hot in summer and I don’t want to risk heat damage or de-rate the output so I rigged up this ugly contraption. But it works lol!
I hope the update goes smoothly. I’ve been thinking about getting a backup inverter or two and that’s been on my mind too.
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Had to relocate all my DC distribution blocks on order to be able to make all the cables equal length. I also made room for the next battery that will inevitably find it's way into the cabinet.
Just FYI. Ancor cable has a bit less resistance than Windy Nation cable. You can measure it with an internal resistance meter once the lugs are on. So you don’t want the two bands the same length to two different banks. But it may let you run a foot or two longer with the Ancor.
I would have been doomed if it were not for youtube. The first two inverters did fine on the firmware update with the cable that came with the units.
The second older to units not so much. Fortunately a youtube video explains how to add a 3.3k resistor in order to make them work.

 The next question is do I have to update the U2 firmware as well in order to make them work together??

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I was a little dissappointed after reading the title and only seeing two LV6548's on the first page. After seeing the two you used to help your friend out, I figured that was where the four came from. But....

Page 7 delivered!!!

Everything looks great and I hope you come back to show off the finished install.
Finally filling the top row with a new set of cells. $76 per cell for 314 EVE was to good to pass up. It was $600 dollars less expensive for a set of 16 than the first cells I ordered from China. Had to wait 3 days compared to 3 months the first go around. Very satisficed with my experience with 18650 battery store.
Now just waiting for my BMS to arrive.
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diy solar

diy solar