I think the issue is eg4 batteries are a resell item, so they get marked up above their cost.
Sucks for us, but i wouldnt wanna have a supplier not offering support.
Eg4 builders likely have zero support.
So the resellers have to pad in profit to pay for support team.
And "They" have labeled you an "Administrator" and/or "Staff member".
Do your own an EG4 or ECO-Worthy battery. I own both.
Have you looked any any documentation for either battery. EG4 provides more documentation than ECO-Worthy.
Have you looked at or tested any communication software. EG4 provides a direct download link whereas ECO-Worthy has only recently provided one.
Have you requested technical support; EG4 (Signature Solar) is much more responsive than ECO-Worthy (
@Bill Young)
I have documented the protocols for both, the interoperability with other solar system products and with technical support.
EG4 scores better than ECO-Worthy (
@Bill Young) although ECO-Worthy does seem to be trying to improve.
EG4 via Signature Solar is much more responsive to technical and/or other support than ECO-Worthy.
ECO-Worthy has made a number of promises on this forum to make individuals who purchased their original (V1) battery whole but have yet to fulfill the promise.
If or When you are in full control of all facts will I accept your conclusions or even consider that they merit a positive/supportive response. I would expect that you as an "Administrator" would remain neutral and only offer an opinion if circumstances in dire straights require a "neutral" party to defuse or rectify a complete set of posted misinformation and only if you hold in your hand a complete and full set of facts direct from the manufacturer/distributor that reflect truth and where the manufacturer/distributor is/are willing to be named in the disclosure.