Trying to plan out a 48V 800 Watt PV Panel system using (4) 200 Watt BougeRV 16BB N-Type (High Voltage) panels. Working with area about 60” x 120” for panels.
Voc x 4 = 36.4V x 4 = 145V
Vmp x 4 = 31.7V x 4 = 127V
For each panel…
Isc = 6.6A
Imp = 6.3A
Was thinking about All in One EG4 3000EHV-48…
Will the Input voltage from the array be sufficient?
The max power voltage reported for each panel says +/- 5%
I’m aware the idle power consumption is high for an 800 Watt array, but thinking about the ability to expand the array in the future.
Or if staying with a smaller system with lower idle power consumption….
Could I use a Victron MPPT 150/35 charge controller with Victron 48/1200 Inverter?
Other options to look at?
Voc x 4 = 36.4V x 4 = 145V
Vmp x 4 = 31.7V x 4 = 127V
For each panel…
Isc = 6.6A
Imp = 6.3A
Was thinking about All in One EG4 3000EHV-48…
Will the Input voltage from the array be sufficient?
The max power voltage reported for each panel says +/- 5%
I’m aware the idle power consumption is high for an 800 Watt array, but thinking about the ability to expand the array in the future.
Or if staying with a smaller system with lower idle power consumption….
Could I use a Victron MPPT 150/35 charge controller with Victron 48/1200 Inverter?
Other options to look at?