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diy solar

diy solar

90AMP charger OK for LIFEPO?

W. Factor

New Member
Jan 25, 2025
Hello Everyone,
Looking for guidance on if my IOTA DLS90 (90AMP) charger will be compatible with planned lithium upgrade, and if so what about charging a single battery per mfr instructions for initial first charge. We've been off-grid for 6+ years and plan to replace 1000ah (10 x 100V) AGM's with 4, 12.8V, 230ah LiFePo's in parallel. Thanks
The Iota doesn't put out a high enough voltage for LiFePo batteries. Usually, internal cell balancing starts at 14v and can go as high as 14.6v. You should set your charger for whatever voltage the manufacturer recommends. You don't have to charge that high all the time, but every now and then you need to in order to properly maintain the batteries.

90 amps is fine. You could even double that. A common recommended charge rate for LifePo is .2C
So, 230 x 4=920Ah. 920 x .2 = 184Amps. Less is fine, but it'll take longer.

If charging one battery, 90 amps is probably too much. Manufacturer recommendations for C rate are best.
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13.4-13.6v will not be enough for lfp. While you're upgrading the batteries, upgrade the charger preferably with adjustable settings. You've been off grid for 6.5y splurge a little on the charger. ;)
13.4-13.6v will not be enough for lfp. While you're upgrading the batteries, upgrade the charger preferably with adjustable settings. You've been off grid for 6.5y splurge a little on the charger. ;)
Hey Sojourner,
Was able to work new controller into the budget. Really hoping that I won"t need battery charger very much with lifepo's. Charger powered by generator powered by fuel = $$$.
PV runs everything most days here even in winter. Battery gets us through the night. Coffee, toast and computer at sunrise, replace batteries after a few years.
IOTA tech sent data suggesting that the "IQTURBO" module I have on charger now would provide higher voltage more in line with what you and others on the forum are suggesting. Back in the day I was advised to get iqturbo with the charger and NOT the IQ designed for agm's. It was due to similar issues to what we're discussing here. New batteries to arrive in a couple of days so...do some more math, look at chargers, look at specs do more math, repeat.
Do you have thoughts about single battery (230ah, 12.8v) on 90AMP charger for the initial 1st time charge?
Thanks for listening.
Really appreciate the "real world" aspect of this forum. Thanks to all.
Which 230ah battery are you getting? Being dropin style not much to do other than hook up the charger and charge to full. If there's issues with out of balanced cells the over voltage protection should protect them. Can you see individual cell voltages?

How much solar do you have?
As long as the 230 is rated 100+ amps charging and the temperature is mild, there is no issue.
Yes and IF the op does not have the IQ4... needs to get one. I recommend the IQ-LIFEPO for an LFP battery.

diy solar

diy solar