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diy solar

diy solar

A question about the MC4 connectors and the connection between solar panels and hybrid inverter


New Member
Jan 16, 2025
Hi everyone, glad to join this forum. In US I found that most hybrid inverters do not use MC4 connectors?
Used to be in Europe and we use MC4 connectors to connect the solar panels and the inverter. And of course inverters in Europe already built in the MC4 connectors.
Is there any problem with the MC4 for hybrid ivnerter here in US or it's because the code requirements?
In most cases the mppt inputs will be expecting bare wire. Just cut the mc4 connectors off and feed in? Note that some sccs specify fine threaded wire versus 7 strand pv etc.
Oh yes it can be hard to cover mc4 connectors in conduit, in the US PV cabling that enters a dwelling has to be in metal conduit etc.
The MC4s are not allowed under the US NEC for connections other than those on listed PV modules. So you won't find them on inverters or MPPT controllers in the US except for use in RVs or other applications which aren't being inspected for Code compliance.
The MC4s are not allowed under the US NEC for connections other than those on listed PV modules. So you won't find them on inverters or MPPT controllers in the US except for use in RVs or other applications which aren't being inspected for Code compliance.
Got you, thanks a lot.

diy solar

diy solar