HUGE RED FLAG: "Chariot Energy reserves the right to charge Customer the highest energy charge rate applicable... without regard to such product's time-of-use terms, conditions, restrictions, or other provisions."
All these "products" are just selling the same thing, electricity. It's like what many companies used to do with mail in rebates. They make you jump through hoops so that you think that you might save a few bucks. They are the judge, jury, and executioner to decide if they will pay your rebate or deny it due to some loophole. Kinda like how insurance companies are today. They decide how much to charge you, what to cover when you need it, how much to pay you, and deny your coverage due to some loophole. With these electricity "products" they are just creating all these hoops that you have to jump through to try to outwit them and get a better price. When it's all said and done, it's just one product with dozens of gimmicks to get you to sign up for their multiple "products" of the same thing.