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diy solar

diy solar

Accessing IoT devices that sit on a Starlink boat network


New Member
Jan 10, 2020
Hello All,

I use Starlink on my boat. It works great for my usage pattern. When away from the boat, I can access my Victron Energy devices, no problem using their VRM.

But I am looking for a way to access my REC BMS devices that are using the REC WiFi module.

I'm told that this is not a simple request and most of the people that I talk to, mention that Starlink uses CGNAT, and that you need to try <fill in your favorite technical solution> to be able to access your IoT device that sits behind the Starlink. But I have not met anyone that has actually done it.

I am not a network person so am bewildered by the various suggestions of using NoPort from AtSign, IP tunneling, VPNs and such.

Has anyone found a way to access their home/boat/cabin local network that is served by Starlink and is willing to share what worked for them?

Thanks in advance!
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I haven't done it but I read it's now possible for remote regular android & iPhones to link directly to communication satellites without using a special Spot phone.
Idk if that helps but you may want to look into that too. Seems related.
A better question to ask might be what can your REC BMS communicate with? It looks like it may be able to communicate with VRM directly, in which case your problem is very easy to solve.
Many, many BMS's can connect to VRM using the driver located here: https://mr-manuel.github.io/venus-os_dbus-serialbattery_docs/ I use this to communicate remotely with my JKBMS through VRM. I use Starlink on both ends (home, where I am now, and at the cabin, where my solar power system is installed) and it works seamlessly.

Alternatively, if your BMS can communicate with Node-RED or Home Assistant, you should be able to access either remotely using starlink. Node-RED can be added to your existing GX device (or whatever you have running VRM). I don't have any experience with Home Assistant, but as I understand it's not hard to use.

diy solar

diy solar