Good evening.
I have a small grid tied +10years old Solar system in my house, consisting of 21Panels with 4.1kWp, and a Sunny Boy SB3600TL-21 Inverter.
I live in Denmark, and my system currently delivers power to my house if i use any, if not it is send back to the grid and sold.
The power i sell yields me next to absolutely nothing in money, and i currently buy the same amount of kWh every year as i am overproducing and selling.
My house runs at about 100w idle, and in Denmark when its Winter/Spring/Autumn the Sun is there when im at work, explaining why im "selling" more or less all the power i generate in Weekdays. I get home, fire up a lot of stuff and pay the price
Common situation i guess.
Long story short.
Im looking to add a battery solution to my house, say a EG4 Wall mounted 14,3 kWh battery for instance.
I would like to be able to tie the battery into a setup where i use the battery (charged by solar) if battery power is available, and buy power from the grid if not.
I know these questions have been answered before, and do apologize if this is redundant but i sure do need guidance when it comes to the following.
Ive been reading, but wont propose what i think is a solution because my knowledge is next to none, and i get things mixed up - so heres the basics.
- Is it possible to add a battery and have my current setup manage it - that is charge the battery if solar is available, and have the house use battery power if available?
- If not, should i look at exchanging my current inverter, or add a extra inverter or other hardware to my system ?
- Last but not least, i would idealy love to have a system that i could build out in battery capacity to also charge a EV with (Not necessarily fully charging it).
Again with power from battery if available, if not from the grid.
Thanks in advance, and have a nice weekend
I have a small grid tied +10years old Solar system in my house, consisting of 21Panels with 4.1kWp, and a Sunny Boy SB3600TL-21 Inverter.
I live in Denmark, and my system currently delivers power to my house if i use any, if not it is send back to the grid and sold.
The power i sell yields me next to absolutely nothing in money, and i currently buy the same amount of kWh every year as i am overproducing and selling.
My house runs at about 100w idle, and in Denmark when its Winter/Spring/Autumn the Sun is there when im at work, explaining why im "selling" more or less all the power i generate in Weekdays. I get home, fire up a lot of stuff and pay the price

Long story short.
Im looking to add a battery solution to my house, say a EG4 Wall mounted 14,3 kWh battery for instance.
I would like to be able to tie the battery into a setup where i use the battery (charged by solar) if battery power is available, and buy power from the grid if not.
I know these questions have been answered before, and do apologize if this is redundant but i sure do need guidance when it comes to the following.
Ive been reading, but wont propose what i think is a solution because my knowledge is next to none, and i get things mixed up - so heres the basics.
- Is it possible to add a battery and have my current setup manage it - that is charge the battery if solar is available, and have the house use battery power if available?
- If not, should i look at exchanging my current inverter, or add a extra inverter or other hardware to my system ?
- Last but not least, i would idealy love to have a system that i could build out in battery capacity to also charge a EV with (Not necessarily fully charging it).
Again with power from battery if available, if not from the grid.
Thanks in advance, and have a nice weekend