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diy solar

diy solar

Advise needed for ground and neutral bond, thank you


New Member
Mar 23, 2023
So i have an off grid system with grid assist (use as by pass) from 2 EG4 6500ex that are wire as follow:
From grid side: there is a disconnect panel after the meter from power provider that have ground and neutral bonded, from there i ran L1-L2-neutral-ground distribution panel, than from that panel i ran the 2 legs into each inverters grid input. Than from the inverters output i ran L1-L2-neutral-ground to a disconnect panel than from there i ran into the main panel inside the house contain all the house circuits. Also i have the ground from the disconnect panel connected to the ground in the distribution panel, and have setting 42 on the inverters as enable. Am i have the ground and neutral bond? Or not? Majority of the time the inverters power the house off grid from solar and battery, so am i still have neutral-ground bond in this case? Thank you
So i have an off grid system with grid assist (use as by pass) from 2 EG4 6500ex that are wire as follow:
From grid side: there is a disconnect panel after the meter from power provider that have ground and neutral bonded, from there i ran L1-L2-neutral-ground distribution panel, than from that panel i ran the 2 legs into each inverters grid input. Than from the inverters output i ran L1-L2-neutral-ground to a disconnect panel than from there i ran into the main panel inside the house contain all the house circuits. Also i have the ground from the disconnect panel connected to the ground in the distribution panel, and have setting 42 on the inverters as enable. Am i have the ground and neutral bond? Or not? Majority of the time the inverters power the house off grid from solar and battery, so am i still have neutral-ground bond in this case? Thank you
The enable/ disable settings on that model are confusing.
The only way to be sure is to test it.
Remove all load connections.
Turn the units on in inverter mode.
Check for voltage between line and ground. (Should be 120v)
Check for voltage between neutral and ground. (Should be 0v)
This will verify that the N/G bond is active when inverting.
Between L1 and ground is 120, L2 and ground is 120, neutral and ground is 0. Thank you. So no need to bond neutral and ground in any panel right?

diy solar

diy solar