diy solar

diy solar

Another 420 AH battery capacity test.


Solar Wizard
Jun 21, 2020
'Offgrid Van Life' just release his final of three Youtube videos on his testing of the 420 AH cells.

Same physical size as the 280 AH cells. The weight was actually a little less at 5.1x Kgs.

The final numbers on four cells ranged from 240 AH to 244 AH. Surprise, Surprise. He jokingly suggested they must have transposed the first two digits of AH rating.

I think this is third or fourth testing I have seen on these "420 AH" premium priced cells. All with similar results. Do not buy.
I think the dead give away is the weight/dimension of the cell, too good to be true as always.
And if you buy battery pack, you cannot just go by the weight either since they may put in a couple bricks inside, LOL..
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