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diy solar

diy solar

Avoid dealing with signature solar. Bad website.

Ok, straight out..... you are gasping at gnats and trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.... i.e. you are wrong and maybe need to step back and think about what you are saying.

Nobody, newbie or otherwise, thinks that a micro-inverter costs $9.... and if someone is foolish enough to order the MC4 tool thinking it is a micro-inverter that is on them.

What about this? Could a newbie think this is a microinverter?
So....you want me to stop buying from SS because their website isn't up to your standards. Whatever you do don't visit Home Depot's website causes you might have a mental breakdown.
Homedepot's site blocks Thailand--zero access. At least signaturesolar.com is accessible here.
So what really happen cause this is the dumbest post I have ever read on this or any message board. Did you even the name of the product? Please stop this silliness..

I would not have to make this post if the company would put MICROINVERTERS in the MICROINVERTER section on their website instead of putting microinverter looking items which are not microinverters.

Just like you don't put the poison in the food area where someone is going to confuse the two. Just common sense.
Homedepot's site blocks Thailand--zero access. At least signaturesolar.com is accessible here.

I'm saying that they call stuff MicroInverters which are not microinverters so make sure that if you buy something, it actually does what its advertised as doing. For example, this is not a microinverter but its in the microinverter section of the website.
I am warning people that their so called " Microinverters" are not Microinverters.

Someone who does not know any better might buy one of these things expecting it perform as a microinverter.

These Chinese sellers do stuff like that all the time. They act like you are buying a car but instead they send you like an air freshener for a car.

I am surprised to see an American company doing the same thing.
If you think someone (not you of course) would be tricked into buying a MC4 disconnect tool thinking it’s a microinverter, they have more problems than search returns.
If you think someone (not you of course) would be tricked into buying a MC4 disconnect tool thinking it’s a microinverter, they have more problems than search returns.

I think they might confused this for a microinverter.

Also its not the 90's, website should be working right and not bringing up radically wrong items.
I am warning people that their so called " Microinverters" are not Microinverters.

Someone who does not know any better might buy one of these things expecting it perform as a microinverter.

These Chinese sellers do stuff like that all the time. They act like you are buying a car but instead they send you like an air freshener for a car.

I am surprised to see an American company doing the same thing.
At least if you have a little search-tool acumen you are able to find things on US sites more easily by narrowing down the results list. Here, if I search on shopee or lazada I get results you would not believe. For example, searching shopee today for "victron" gives me zero results for victron products and yields instead things like D-Link wireless routers, cell phone lithium batteries, capacitors, board games, nutritional supplements, sound systems, optical power meters, Futurekits, etc. . . . hundreds of results like this.

I kid you not, I've put in very careful search terms looking for solar products and gotten things like women's dresses and manicure products instead! Even sorting by most expensive first does almost nothing to help. Naturally, in my case the problem is partly the fact that there are no Victron products sold here--they're not on the market. But I would much prefer to see a "zero results" message than to get total fluff.

The best answer for me has been to use Google to search for results, not the local online sellers' search query. You may find Google helpful in your case, too, if you are frustrated with the results you get.
It a disconnect tool for all solar panels not microinverter. Also, if its a tool, it should be listed as a tool not as a MicroInverter.

there is just 1 example, it pulls up tons of random junk that are not microinverters.

Here is another "microinverter" from their website. Just horrible.

Looks like some sort of plug.

View attachment 267242
Kinda of funny seeing this.
I ordered 3 micro inverters and was sent 3 of these then I had to wait 5 more days for the real inverters to show up.
I think they might confused this for a microinverter.

Also its not the 90's, website should be working right and not bringing up radically wrong items.
I've never bought a micro inverter, so I might think that picture represented one. But I would never buy on the picture alone--I would read the product description and specifications. I would need to know, for example, that it output 220v, not the 110v AC common to the Americas. If, in reading the technical details, I didn't find this information, I would not be buying that unit.
If you just start buying things without knowing what you’re buying, you shouldn’t be trying to build your own system in the first place. I’ve made several purchases from SS and each time I knew what I was ordering and have been completely satisfied with them.
Your troll post has garnered some attention so I’ll give you credit for that. Must be a slow day…
I am webmaster for many, many sites (and if it makes a difference, my first computer was programmed with toggle switches).

Anyway, rather than waste time telling everyone that you have found problems with the website, why not tell the Webmaster?

Now just an FWIW. My buddy the consumer advisor says that if you are ever dissatisfied with a company (even if you decide to boycot it and march in front with signs) NEVER tell people not to shop there. That can open you up to a lawsuit if the company wanted to sue you. You tell people your story stating just the facts and why you are not going to shop there and tell people that they should decide for themselves.
Now just an FWIW. My buddy the consumer advisor says that if you are ever dissatisfied with a company (even if you decide to boycot it and march in front with signs) NEVER tell people not to shop there. That can open you up to a lawsuit if the company wanted to sue you. You tell people your story stating just the facts and why you are not going to shop there and tell people that they should decide for themselves.
In Thailand, not even the news is free to post the name of the company involved whenever something bad happens. Here it is not a matter of getting sued, though. It's a matter of potential jail time for "computer crimes" offenses. And conviction here needs no proof of falsehood--it can be fully factual in everything one has stated, and yet run afoul of the law. So when we see something especially egregious done by some disreputable company and published in the news, we have no idea whom to blame or boycott. All we know is that the unsafe business practice exists somewhere out there.

True freedom of speech is not something to take lightly, for granted. Be thankful for every freedom one has. I appreciate the rights that Americans have traditionally enjoyed, including the right to be wrong.
I think they might confused this for a microinverter.
Have you figured out this is a you problem?
While that's in the micro inverter category, nothing about it says micro inverter. If your theoretical shopping idiot knows what a micro inverter looks like, why would he buy this (which doesn't say micro inverter anywhere) what specs? The tool you previously posted about said micro inverter in its name, because it was a tool for disconnecting a micro inverter.

Slow down, learn more while you lick your wounds from the previous poorly researched purchases. These aren't clothes and it's not fast food. There are spec sheets, instructions, and real world experience you can learn from.
Those are accessories not Microinverters. Maybe you have those off to the side or under " customers who purchases these might be interested in these accessories" You don't falsely list them as being microinverters when they are not. That is just being dishonest.
Ok, I have never gotten random bits from a menu selection.
MAYBE you have something odd selected on your browser?

A better title for this thread could be: how do I search for a micro inverter on signature solar website?

Maybe your browser has some redirect spyware on it?

How did you get to the page?
IMG_2568.pngIMG_2567.pngOk… I see what OP did…
The options under the microinverters menu are
Aptos: which offers lots of inverters
Enphase: a ton of inverters and stuff
NEP: which lists a ton of well identified items and a pair of microinverters if you scroll down a few items…
I mean… if you cannot read, and you select nep, and just click on the first item, I guess you could mistakenly buy a gadget thinking you were buying an inverter… but, I mean… REALLY?
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If you go to a pizza restaurant do you complain that they also have salad?

Or because Home Depot has nails on the lumber isle?
If you are going to go off on home Depot do it because you can buy auto parts on the their website .
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After reading this whole thread, I feel I missed somthing….how strange….

In Thailand, not even the news is free to post the name of theet.

True freedom of speech is not something to take lightly, for granted. Be thankful for every freedom one has. I appreciate the rights that Americans have traditionally enjoyed, including the right to be wrong.
Most countries don’t have freedom of speech. The moment you mention a companies name in a negative light you can be sure that a defamation lawsuit will be coming.
It appears SS has the page defaults to use ascending order as first preference.
I would think this thread needs to be moved to chit chat for all the responses to the op.
Also, i think the title needs to be changed to a complaint of SS search catagory... idk

Some people really have a problem with technology, and really get upset when default searches show irrelevant iems.

I can see how getting all these random related items popping up first could irritate people, but for the life of me, cannot imaging ANYBODY making a mistake ordering it accidentally.

My dad sold my moms mercedes because he didnt like the cruise control stalk functions.
He liked the way chevy has it all in one turn signal, and just couldnt adapt.

diy solar

diy solar