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diy solar

Battery Capacity of Power Staions vs LifePO4


New Member
Jan 24, 2025
Hi Guys,

I'm hoping you can help me. I'm struggling to get my head around the different rating used for power stations compared to regular LifePO4 batteries.

I'm am considering getting a 100ah battery for my RV, but starting considering the portable power stations, because they seem very convienent. But struggling to make a comparision, as they never use amp hours, so it seem hard to compare the battery capacities to a regular LifePO4 battery.

Any advice on this would be much appreciated. I get a sense you have to pay a lot of money to get the bigger capacity power stations, is that correct?
considering getting a 100ah battery for my RV, but starting considering the portable power stations
Although attractive. power stations are not ideal in a RV. Typically power stations work best with AC charging and AC loads. The 12v charge and discharge ports on a power station are limited to low currents. Where solar is uses, there are voltage input limits on many power station that don't allow easy connection of readily available solar panels.
The basic stuff on your RV will be 12v , lights, water pump, heater control units and fans, so the design should concentrate on having power for those systems.

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diy solar