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diy solar

diy solar

Battery compatibility issue (SOFAR , SEPLOS , lifepo4)


New Member
Jun 21, 2022
Hi dear Forum
Here is my installation short description
  • SOFAR HYD3000 ES (last firmware 3.5)
  • 12 solar panels (2MPPT)
  • BMS seplos 150A 16S lifepo4
  • 16 batteries lifepo4 280 Ah
No load wired on inverter , only gris , PV ,batteries . No injection on the grid

My story :
Formerly I had LEAD ACID batteries (4x12V) and the inverter worked very well (Setup un DEFAULT batteries).
I've decided to upgrade my storage system and I bought 16S lifepo4 batteries with BMS seplos (https://www.seplos.com/sale-1370672...ring-system-battery-management-system-wi.html) , as I describe above.
I made the wiring with the CANBUS . You can note than I can read the informations from the BMS to the INVERTER , so I consider the canbus works well. (GENERAL LITHIUM setup)
When I turn on the batteries , the inverter shows an ID05* alam and try to "reboot" during 60 seconds , after 60 s , ID05 , reboot ,60s , ID05 .....
So I decided to set up INVERTER in DEFAULT Mode, I set all different limits of voltage and current . When I turn on the batteries , the inverter shows an ID05 alarm ....the same scenario.
I check the limits setting up in the INVERTER and the overprotection LIMIT (58V) is above the voltage of the batteries (53.4V)
I don't know what is going wrong
By chance , I've made a test : During the 60S reboot , I shut down the grid , the inverter goes in EPS statut ,(the batteries are connected : GENERAL LITHIUM setup). All the power of the PV goes to the batteries , and the batteries charge very well.
Note : I disconnected all loads on the inverter , only grid , pv , is connecter
To conclude, batteries works only in eps statut ...I don't understand why
there is an ID05 , overvoltage alarm even when the voltage of batteries is under the limites setting up on the inverter

*ID05 : BatOVP , The battery voltage is too high , If the alarm occurs occasionally, wait a while to see if the problem is solved. If the alarm occurs frequently, check whether the battery overvoltage setting is inconsistent with the battery specification

Have any idea about this alam ? Where does it come from ?

thank you for reading me
I have two questions. Did you contact the Sofar support? What is the inverter you have? I know the HYD EP series, but you mentioned the one you own is HYD 3000 ES. Is this your inverter?
Hi, Yes I contacted sofar support in Asia , and after many email the answer is always : battery incompatible (that mean noting)
and my inverter is HYD3000 ES
Hi, Yes I contacted sofar support in Asia , and after many email the answer is always : battery incompatible (that mean noting)
and my inverter is HYD3000 ES
Hi, I have the same error "BatOVP" with a HYD 6000-EP inverter after 18months without any problem, seddenly I got that error, The voltage of my batteries is 53v but usually it was around 47v or below on the morning before the PV starts the production.
Finally, did you solved your error?
Hi dear Forum
Here is my installation short description
  • SOFAR HYD6000 EP (firmware_V060020)
  • 17 solar panels (2MPPT) 6.8kWp
  • BMS seplos 150A 16S lifepo4
  • 16 batteries lifepo4 280 Ah
After one year without problem, since several weeks, I got BatOVP event every minute when the battery voltage is above 53 volt and the inverter starts the discharge after displaying "Checking"

So finally to be able to use the battery, I disconnect the battery, discharge it until the voltage reach 52,5 volt and connect the battery again.
To prevent such behaviour, I disconnect one string to not reach more than 53v on my battery.
Sofar Solar hasn't sent me a solution, except to buy a compatible battery, but refuse to check remotly any internal failure.
Hi dear Forum
Here is my installation short description
  • SOFAR HYD6000 EP (firmware_V060020)
  • 17 solar panels (2MPPT) 6.8kWp
  • BMS seplos 150A 16S lifepo4
  • 16 batteries lifepo4 280 Ah
After one year without problem, since several weeks, I got BatOVP event every minute when the battery voltage is above 53 volt and the inverter starts the discharge after displaying "Checking"

So finally to be able to use the battery, I disconnect the battery, discharge it until the voltage reach 52,5 volt and connect the battery again.
To prevent such behaviour, I disconnect one string to not reach more than 53v on my battery.
Sofar Solar hasn't sent me a solution, except to buy a compatible battery, but refuse to check remotly any internal failure.
Sounds like your cells may be out of balance
I have the same problem, at the top charge the maximum voltage difference is 22mV.
What is the Insulance-resistance Cathode to ground measurement?
Below the 150KOhm the invertert restarts. I solved the issue with BMS V3 substitution.

Insulance-resistance Cathode to ground to about 200Kohm inverter restarts with 54V or less in some cases
Insulance-resistance Cathode to ground to about 680-739Kohm no restart.

diy solar

diy solar