diy solar

diy solar

BattGO Wiring


New Member
Oct 4, 2019
So I am trying to wire up my BattGO to my BYD battery through an adapter from logic tech. The BattGO harness has nine wires and the 8s wiring harness has of course 8 wires. Has anyone figured this out? offer me advice pls. The harness that came with the adapter has a different end that doesn't match the BattGO.
I tried to put an 8 wire connector to the 9 wire harness that connects to the BattGO But I don't get any signal from the number 8. I tried leaving the black wire unconnected and tried twisting the red and black together. the limited diagram shows the negative having one port for two connections, that's why I tried connected two wires at once. I did not butcher the nice wire harness that came with the adapter since I figure it most likely fits right on a BMS. I have a few extra connectors.
At least I haven't seen any smoke or smelled any burning wires!
Are the 8 wires on your 8s wiring harness connected to the + terminal of each of the 8 cells? If so, you will need a wire to cell 1 - terminal to adapt to the 9 wire BattGO harness.
On the connector, position 1 is the negative terminal of cell 1, position 2 is the positive terminal of cell 1. The voltage between these should read around 3.3v.

Position 3 is the positive terminal of cell 2. The voltage between position 1 and position 3 should read about 6.6v.

Position 4 is the positive terminal of cell 3. The voltage between position 1 and position 4 should read about 9.9v.

Seeing the pattern here? Voltage difference from position 1 and position 9 is the voltage of the entire battery.
I think I have it figured out after watching a Davidpoz video. I ran the negative wire(the extra wire) to the battery post. the unit showed all eight. It was kinda strange, the numbers were all different, two were low, 2.7 and the numbers showed 4 something for the voltage for one cell. The BattGO lowered that voltage quickly and the BattGO got kind of hot and when I smelled something getting hot I unplugged it. The fun we have in life.
Maybe this will help someone else.
Which BattGO? I recently got the BattGO 8T and like it quite a bit.

You should check the voltages across the pins so you see an increase in voltages across the connector pins. This is the easiest way to know you have it wired correctly.
I am not familiar with the "extra wire" you just introduced but make sure that its connected to cell 1 (which is on the negative end of the battery), to the negative post of course.

Check the voltages. Good luck.
Since the directions were kind of vague it took a little for it to dawn on me that the extra wire was negative.
The numbers on the BattGO were all over the place so I took your advice and looked at what volts the pins were at. They were about perfect. So the BattGO is not accurate. A waste of money is what it was, at least for me. I was freaking since the number eight was showing 4.5 on the BattGO, I am glad it was wrong. Now I will consider using a BMS.
The pins all go up about 3.3 with a voltmeter. 3.3, 6.6., 9.8 13.1, 16.4, 19.8,23.1 26.4 My two batteries are together for 48v The voltmeter shows 52.8= 3.3. Plugin the BattGO and the numbers are all different and the number eight is over 4.0. The BattGO is way higher. 59 something.
The pins all go up about 3.3 with a voltmeter. 3.3, 6.6., 9.8 13.1, 16.4, 19.8,23.1 26.4 My two batteries are together for 48v
This can't be right. Well it sure isn't wired right. What is your setup?
Sounds like you have 2x 24v batteries in series. Or is that 4 12v batteries in series?

No matter how you do it, an 8S loom is NOT going to work. How is this wired?
Let me step back from all of this, it is beyond my experience. I was not thinking BYD when i wrote a lot of this.

Check this thread, i think it will help:

Also let me summon the BYD wizard with the incantation: @jasonhc73
The black wire goes only to the 1st negative. 2-9 go to cells 1-8 in order. Every cell will be about 3.2V higher than the next when measured to the negative with a voltmeter.

If you are getting some bizarro world volt numbers, most likely the lead next to that weird reading is not connected to the + on the cell you expected.

The BattGO is crap. I have the two 24 BYD batteries disconnected and checked each 8s battery than connected them both back together. The numbers off the pins match on both batteries. I trust the voltmeters numbers. I used the stock leads and used an adapter to hook up the BattGO.
I do not see how an 8S unit, wired correctly would ever see more than a single 24v battery. Its made for 8 cells.
It was not intended to span 2x 24v batteries- if you are seeing 48v on the loom leads, you are not using it as it was designed to be used.

I think you need either 2x 8S BMS’s or a 16S BMS. But i know almost nothing about the internal wiring of BYD batteries.
I'm not sure I am going to use a BMS after reading more about them.
They internal wiring is a simple green printed circuit board with basic trace wiring. It is very simple and does nothing other than provide a clean wire setup to each cell. There is no circuitry, just simple wires.

The black set of wires are only temperature sensor wires.

Once again, if you are getting the voltage on the voltmeter, your battgo wire harness is wrong. Test the battgo one lead at a time. It is extremely robust and very simple.
They internal wiring is a simple green printed circuit board with basic trace wiring. It is very simple and does nothing other than provide a clean wire setup to each cell. There is no circuitry, just simple wires.

The black set of wires are only temperature sensor wires.

Once again, if you are getting the voltage on the voltmeter, your battgo wire harness is wrong. Test the battgo one lead at a time. It is extremely robust and very simple.
As I explained the BattGO works but the numbers don't make much sense. its junk. I trust the voltmeter. maybe I will hook it up again and take a photo to show you and others here. I think the wires are hooked up fine.
Here are the numbers from my voltmeter. then the two batteries hooked up separately to the BattGO. As I said before when I go off the pins everything is at 3.3 or close to it. Not anywhere close to this. I think the difference between the BattGO and the voltmeter is an issue with the BattGO Unit. I used this adapter from tech direct.


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I do have one of my 8 packs that is wired differently and I fixed it by redoing the connectors to the white OEM connector. I suspect that TE connector more than anything.

Are you reading the Volt on the TE connector or the BYD battery connector?

Put your volt meter - on the battery -.
Next, write down each reading on each pin of the 32 pin connector.
Only 8 will have any value, don't use the end that looks like the battgo connector end.
That 4.865 reading on the Battgo is what mine would show when one of the wires is disconnected.
I have read the pins from the connector end that goes into the BattGO. I guess I should check the other pins considering the money I have spent. I will update.
I am waiting for my new soldering iron. mIne died. I have some more connectors and with the correct ends so it will be a while since Amazon has slowed down. There may be a chance I wired the harness wrong. I'll fess up to what happened in the future.