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diy solar

diy solar

Bigbattery and eg4


New Member
Feb 1, 2025
I've been building my cart at S2 with a flexboss/gridboss configuration and 3 powerpro batteries. I'm over budget. I can get it significantly cheaper at bigbattery but wondered if they are even an authorized reseller of eg4. I sent eg4 a message asking but received no response. They are not listed on the eg4 site either. Does anyone know if they are and if they would be ok to purchase through?
Thank you
Eg4 replied and they are an authorized vendor. I called S2 hoping to get a slight discount 1/3 of the discount I have offered by big battery, but they split up the packages and made it more expensive, so the discount was $40 in the end. I was kind of put off by that kind of game. I was trying to be fair and still pay much more before taxes and shipping so I could purchase through them. I didn't ask for a discount on shipping or items that I could only order from S2 either. I'm surprised by the game.

diy solar

diy solar