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diy solar

diy solar

Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

second try. @ admin. this is not an issue for normal people but for those like me it is...

now just imagine the turmoil a healthy house/family can have

She does not not yet care about the fact we are going to introduce a turbine that is sick.

All she sees is her lawn destroyed

Now I challenge any and all of you big boys here. Who has gone though the same and who did survive?

How did you spin your words to make it not all disintegrate?

If / when I succeed I expect a large birds wing Up there where I would not like it.

let this be know to the logbook. My better half lets me need help.

No argument there

yet one of those interactions cementing my resolve.

I mean If the best of us can't believe it.. Why shroud our lesser peers (you know the ones we let our self settle into)

in some ways I know you, have the same internals, personally involved. Yet you will never dare to share it.

This is why/when the beast has been tamed. I am cumming after the next stage.

Airwheels anyone?

did you really think I would let such a tamed dragon not spuww fire on airwheels?

Air Wheels ® TM

credit: my main man hedges
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I didn't do that!
Crop circles! (err, Squares!)
Flying saucers did it!

ok ok cool. it looks I found a way to get to make love again tonight.

Just do not mention the war and never ever let her see the yard.

good thing we are already dark here at this location.

a good moment for some romance.

I will tell you the sweet words needed to open the bounty chest, once I can confirm they have worked.

Forget sweet words (well, she would appreciate them) and aphrodisiacs.
No need to beat around the bush (so to speak), just go in for the kill with direct chemical stimulation of desire:

My original plan failed but then I went with Hedges's suggestion.

the result was all of the below;

* uplifting
* down putting
* super exciting

And now I fear of something growing :( (contradictions intentional)

Never fear though. Here is an update of the progress I made earlier today;
1736340847169.pngthis PMA is now more stable as it has ever been. And given my skills, ever will be.

No more wobble yet (I still fear when going +500 RPM)

The airgap between the magnets and the coils is now closer than it has ever been. (difficult to measure but around the <1mm mark)

I will stop sitting behind this desk of mine soon and regroup and get to fine tune the coil alignment.

and then the rest will be history :)
hahah :)


history needs some serious hardware upgrade!!!

I am now pulling so hard on this PMA while the motor has no where to go that it either overheats or trips the breaker.

I have tried most all torque compensation settings I dare to try in this VFD.


I will humbly ask again for advice.
ohh wow.

once the magnets had an actual distance of 17mm disk to disk. and I tried at first with a 3 phase delta using only a single coil per phase

on only a single cell (base SOC = 3.12 VDC)

wowwwww. things started shaking nasty.

The kitten ® TM was still acting kitten like. You know not dangerous but not wanting to come when you pull hard on it.

No the whole construction around it was shaking.



earth shaker (also litteral. my house was actually shaking as it is a light weight build ideal to shake along a bit with outside forces.). i had wished for it before. search for it in this thread :)

but nah. now I need to also tame the stator :(
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If the spinning disk is shaking the house, it may be a safety hazard.
If it breaks or comes off, are you in the line of fire?
I suggest having a setup where it can't take out anyone but itself.
yah, yah, I keep seeing these launch proposals.

Even if it can reach orbit or escape velocity down on earth, it has to punch through the atmosphere to get up there.
Anyone who has reviewed the velocity of reentry vehicles as they enter the atmosphere, and the velocity they have dropped to by the time they are near Earth's surface, would understand you can't go the other way and end up in orbit. At least not unless traveling far faster, and then the forces on it going through air would be incredible.

The ones that might work have an evacuated launch tube run up the side of Mount Everest.
yah, yah, I keep seeing these launch proposals.

Even if it can reach orbit or escape velocity down on earth, it has to punch through the atmosphere to get up there.
Anyone who has reviewed the velocity of reentry vehicles as they enter the atmosphere, and the velocity they have dropped to by the time they are near Earth's surface, would understand you can't go the other way and end up in orbit. At least not unless traveling far faster, and then the forces on it going through air would be incredible.

The ones that might work have an evacuated launch tube run up the side of Mount Everest.
The video shows that the payload has a boost engine in it. The sling only gets the bullet through most of the atmosphere, then the shell drops off and the payload booster finishes the job. The G forces in the sling have to be pretty big though.
orbital payload launching is what my kid does at elementary school. :) Did you really think Elon used his own people to make it happen ? :)

Taming The Beast ®TM is what us grownups do :)

I am again upgrading. Arrrg when will it ever stop?. I need rest and leasure time already :(

* For the rotors finally printing the magnet covers to make sure they do not go projectile like at high RPM. And also create a thin 0.4mm layer on top of that to act as a sort of slide layer that might last long enough for me to get my data complete I so desperately want to share with you guys.
* Get a 11KW motor finally. Never fear though. I found a few second hand that will not completely break the bank.
* Get a 11KW VFD. but I have not found a used one yet so this might mean having to dip again into my retirement fund :(
* Get a large high pressure laminate or G10 carbon fiber disk that I can manually cut into to house the coils regarding the shaking. But please know this phenomenon is a resonance issue. So that means that we just have to push harder and then the shaking stops again. :)
This might also mean that I need to skip the test runs that involve resonance inducing frequencies. in other words if a battery cell count (1,2,4,8,16,32) calls for a frequency of field reversal that makes things shake I will rethink running that particular test.

ohh schoot, I forgot to get my kid back from orbit. I got a call earlier from the teacher that some kids held on while the launcher went upwards and now some kids are orbiting there along Elon's satellites :)
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Dream big. Bigger. Much bigger!

ok brother :)

what is it you meant?

is this a follow up on the 300 watts prediction?

I mean I did ask for you to support your, in my eyes pessimistic, view but I ended up beating around the bush to avoid a scene and lose you as a contributor.

So there is something you are not telling me/us. Please speak up.
so things are slow because I need to monitor/finetune/fix an ageing air to water heatpump. Else risk a cold home, or a very expensive one to heat :(

I also am finetuning the printer. hahah I can get now 90 degree segments for the magnet retainers.


having as few as segments as possible helps me with getting things as true as possible.

You see that when printing things do not turn up like in the 3D model. There are always variations. Some micro some damn straight unusable.

Now pulling this off with an off the shelf low quality printer like mine is not a small feat!!! I am so proud I needed to show off :)

So please just hang in there with me. I'll try and be cool with the clutch :)

diy solar

diy solar