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diy solar

diy solar

Can I charge my LifeP04 batteries with a generator?


New Member
Dec 29, 2021
With winter and near constant cloudiness I am having trouble keeping my 4 x 12v 100ah Chins style LifeP04 batteries charged. I have a very small inverter generator that has a built in 12v battery charger that puts out 4A. Is it okay to boost my batteries up a bit with this generator?
Are they in series for 48v or in parallel for 12v? If in series it probably won't work. In parallel you'll only see 1a per battery charging which will take about 100 hours to top off from empty.
Buy a charger and plug it into the generator as mentioned above. It’s way more efficient than the 12v option
My AIMS charger can push 70A into my bank when plugged into the generator. I'm in a trailer and could also connect it to the generator and get another 60A from the onboard converter.
OP mentioned a very small generator. I assume 1000w Honda or similar and will max out at 30 amps into a 12v battery.

diy solar

diy solar