diy solar

diy solar

ChatGPT will make 2023 go down in history as the time everything changed.

Exactly, "why limit it to people of color"?
To qualify, of course, all they have to do is have a child.

And, transgender?

If not UBI, what is an acceptable solution when AI does away with most jobs?

Handing people money creates idle hands, which the devil then finds work for.

San Francisco has also decided to pay "Reparations" of $5,000,000 to blacks.
Not for their ancestors being slaves, because California was always a free state.
But the prospective black recipients of this largess must qualify, by their ancestors or themselves having suffered some repression.
Having been incarcerated for being a drug dealer fits the bill.

You can't make this stuff up!
Exactly, "why limit it to people of color"?
To qualify, of course, all they have to do is have a child.
And be poor.

And, transgender?
So they have pilot programs for various groups in the community?

Handing people money creates idle hands, which the devil then finds work for.
You got government money, are you idle now?

San Francisco has also decided to pay "Reparations" of $5,000,000 to blacks.
Not for their ancestors being slaves, because California was always a free state.
But the prospective black recipients of this largess must qualify, by their ancestors or themselves having suffered some repression.
Having been incarcerated for being a drug dealer fits the bill.
There is no way they will give away 5 million per person.

You can't make this stuff up!
Apparently people can and do, seriously, you live in a society of extremes.
Handing people money creates idle hands, which the devil then finds work for.

San Francisco has also decided to pay "Reparations" of $5,000,000 to blacks.
Not for their ancestors being slaves, because California was always a free state.
But the prospective black recipients of this largess must qualify, by their ancestors or themselves having suffered some repression.
Having been incarcerated for being a drug dealer fits the bill.
That $5 million per person thing is not real, it's just a wish list set up by a committee.

I did see one real case on TV that was pretty sad and I totally agreed the Family should get millions. The story is a bit hazy to remember but I think that the the Great Grand Father of the Black Family lived in CA and had legally bought a large piece of beach front property in something like the 1920s when the area was considered of no value.
He ran it successfully as a private beach and then after about 20 years a White neighborhoods started to close in on the area as more expansion was happening.
The State took the land from him using some zoning law and then sold it to a developer who built a big set up beach front high rises on the land. The great grand kids recently sued the State and got back the land and now own the existing buildings on the land plus they got a few million dollars in cash.

I have Zero issues with that outcome. I have seen kids that I grew up with that had wealthy parents which directly allowed them to become multi millionaires by spring boarding off the wealth and businesses they inherited, much like Trump did.
No one can know how wealthy these families could have been had they not been robbed. It is very possible that two generations lived in relative poverty when they could have been well educated and wealthy.
I think there is no racial equality and it is to the point that am detecting resentment building in white ppl. They are growing tired of always being accused. As the saying goes " it is baseless. "
They should be tired of it. The whole thing has been over used to death.
I'm not a Trump fan. Post away. I'd bet if Georgia wanted a better black rep then there are many that could apply but most would probably be making more money doing something else. What you see with Johnson is exactly who he is which amounts to a warm body that will basically do as told.
Yes but that is pointless because the Republicans also have a ton of Warm bodies and some that are complete liars like George Santos. Even McCarthy had to literally admit they only needed him for his vote. BTW I am 100% an Independent Voter.
When I see a canidate that is making sense I will vote for him. If he is talking rubbish to Win votes or is trying to create division in the country then he has lost my vote.

You know of Rodney King and went on and on about him. But not once did you mention Reginald Denny. Was what happened to him not important or did he deserve it? You get what I mean. The World remembers and knows Rodney King and I never mentioned his criminal record - you did. Since you brought it up he got millions of dollars in his settlement and still stayed in trouble. Hmmmm all that money could not change him. Did Reginald Denny get a check? Did Reginald Denny get an apology from his attackers.? The answer was no. White privilege is a bs term and it works for shutting most white ppl down same as calling them a racist.
Reginald Denny was not someone I remembered until you pointed him out. After a quick read I do remember him being on TV and the Helicopter filming his beating. He was beaten by Four Black Men in the middle of the riots but was also saved by some other black men.
He could not sue the State like Rodney King because it was not State Employees that beat him up, it was thugs.
As for Rodney King, he was no saint and putting lots of money into the hands of a drug addict is always going to end badly.
One cannot make a court ruling based on what you think the person might do or become with the money, it is just based on the case in hand.
the biggest reason blacks ended up being forced to fight was Lincoln had a riot in NY during the CW. A typical the poor were drafted and forced to fight for the Union. Wealthy ppl could buy their way out of the draft or hire a black to take their place. Look up the NY riots during the CW. If not for protestors and changes after Vietnam the draft would still be in place. Ppl are not really free.
No, most of them where persuaded to fight because Fredrick Douglas went on a campaign to recruit Black Men for the Union.
He sent how own two Sons into battle as proof that he was willing to sacrifice for the cause.

Christian Cooper is again proof how if it fits for the racial progression then it will be exploited yet white ppl are forgotten when murdered.​

whites are cunts. They deserve everything that will happen to them. Hahahaha
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Reginald Denny demonstrates what the problem is. A completely innocent man viciously destroyed for no reason other than his race.
The one who did it still sees nothing wrong with it decades later.

Unlike Rodney King, he did not commit any crime, and he did not show super-human strength, throwing cops (or others) off of him and seeming invulnerable to devices like stun guns.

It was a hate crime and mob violence, nothing more.

There is still disagreement whether a motorist surrounded by a mob is justified in flooring it. To me, no question.
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They should be tired of it. The whole thing has been over used to death.

Yes but that is pointless because the Republicans also have a ton of Warm bodies and some that are complete liars like George Santos. Even McCarthy had to literally admit they only needed him for his vote. BTW I am 100% an Independent Voter.
When I see a canidate that is making sense I will vote for him. If he is talking rubbish to Win votes or is trying to create division in the country then he has lost my vote.

Reginald Denny was not someone I remembered until you pointed him out. After a quick read I do remember him being on TV and the Helicopter filming his beating. He was beaten by Four Black Men in the middle of the riots but was also saved by some other black men.
He could not sue the State like Rodney King because it was not State Employees that beat him up, it was thugs.
As for Rodney King, he was no saint and putting lots of money into the hands of a drug addict is always going to end badly.
One cannot make a court ruling based on what you think the person might do or become with the money, it is just based on the case in hand.

No, most of them where persuaded to fight because Fredrick Douglas went on a campaign to recruit Black Men for the Union.
He sent how own two Sons into battle as proof that he was willing to sacrifice for the cause.

Again made no statement whether, Rodney King should get the money I stated even with that much money, King could never improve himself. Professional football aka Dallas Cowboy - players often proved this over and over for being criminals and not leaving the hood behind them. They get a huge sum of money and still can't find happiness. Of course this is blamed on Racism too.

Civil War DRAFT Riots in New York majority of ppl have no clue:

"New Federal Draft Law Sparks Unrest​

Facing a dire shortage of manpower in early 1863, Lincoln’s government passed a strict new conscription law, which made all male citizens between 20 and 35 and all unmarried men between 35 and 45 subject to military duty.
Though all eligible men were entered into a lottery, they could buy their way out of harm’s way by hiring a substitute or paying $300 to the government (roughly $5,800 today).
At the time, that sum was the yearly salary for the average American worker, making avoiding the draft impossible for all but the wealthiest of men. Compounding the issue, Black men were exempt from the draft, as they were not considered citizens.
Riots over the draft occurred in other cities, including Detroit and Boston, but nowhere as badly as in New York. Anti-war newspapers published attacks on the new draft law, fueling the mounting anger of white workers leading up to the city’s first draft lottery on July 11, 1863."

I know who, Fredrick Douglas was too. In college his book was required reading..... as well as a book review.....long time ago. The man more or less stated didn't know how unhappy was until he was better educated. Almost like a curse. If memory serves, Fredrick Douglas was in the Republican party. There were a lot of blacks in the republican party then. some ppl say a ghost writer wrote Douglas's book

Most ppl don't know but several Native American Tribes joined the Confederates to fight against the Union aka Federal Govt. Cherokee were one.

The white ppl have bent over backwards and every other way they can. They won't stand up for themselves. They will be eliminated. The koreans fought back against the rodney king rioters and survived.

Ever read about the Country of Liberia in Africa? Ppl in USA bought it around 1830's for freed slaves to return to Africa and have a country of their own. It is war torn and full of corruption to this day. White ppl are not allowed citizenship there only ppl of color and their constitution is suppose to be very similar to USA for that and most Govt affairs. There are numerous videos on youtube about Liberia My question why is it not the Mythical place called


How can a white woman sue a former employer based on race? Was she jewish? A jewish Karen?


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No need to be afraid ...... but then again most ppl always clam up. I asked ChatGpt about slavery and Civil War. Interesting. My time has not ended with it yet.... not paying the subscription anymore. Its okay because chatgpt tries to lie about things from history with word play. It does not like to admit blacks were forced to fight for the Union .with draft.... it does admit that by percentage more blacks were forced to join confederates then were fighting for union army. Again by percentage.

Do you know about the reconstruction phase after the civil war? Not all blacks were freed by Lincoln - only the States in Revolt had slaves freed. After the CW the RECONSTRUCTION PHASE BEGAN More Freed Blacks owned more slaves then at any other time. History is not as it has been taught in schools. Chatgpt is interesting for how it reveals as almost if it doesn't want to discuss it. Weird. ??

according to chatgpt 10-20% of blacks in south owned slaves on eve of Civil War

According to chatgpt more blacks fought for South then for the North in a couple of instances and then new session it reverses itself Concerning the Civil War with blacks.

lastly chatgpt states jews were involved in slavery for financing it, transportation, and other things. Hmmmm probably explains why jews are root at almost every black organization. "We are your friend the whites did it"
shame chatgpt can't watch videos:




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Here is what happens when ChatGPT has no clue about what it is talking about.
It is interesting how it massages the answer to cover all the bases while still trying to come off as though it is giving me the right answer.

Can you explain the difference between a UL Certified product versus a UL Listed Product?

UL (Underwriters Laboratories) is a global safety science company that tests and certifies products to meet safety and performance standards.
A UL Certified product is a product that has been tested and certified by UL to meet specific safety and performance standards and requirements, and carries the UL Mark. The certification process is typically more comprehensive and rigorous than the listing process.
A UL Listed product, on the other hand, has been evaluated and listed by UL as meeting specific safety standards, but has not gone through the full certification process. The product carries the UL Listing Mark.
In summary, UL Certified products have undergone a more thorough evaluation process, while UL Listed products have been evaluated to a lesser extent.

Can you give me some more details on the exact differences?

Sure! Here are some specific differences between UL Certified and UL Listed products:
  1. Testing: UL Certified products undergo more extensive testing to meet the specific safety and performance standards set by UL. The testing includes laboratory evaluations and may also involve on-site evaluations, testing of prototypes, and ongoing monitoring of the product. UL Listed products are tested to a lesser extent and may only undergo laboratory evaluations.
  2. Standards: UL Certified products are certified to meet specific UL standards, while UL Listed products are listed to meet specific UL standards. The standards set for UL Certified products are typically more rigorous than those set for UL Listed products.
  3. Frequency of evaluation: UL Certified products are evaluated more frequently, typically on an annual basis, to ensure that they continue to meet the safety and performance standards set by UL. UL Listed products may only be evaluated when changes are made to the product.
  4. Manufacturer involvement: The manufacturer of a UL Certified product must work closely with UL during the certification process and provide access to information about the product's design, manufacturing processes, and quality control. The manufacturer of a UL Listed product has less interaction with UL and may only need to provide a sample of the product for testing.
  5. Cost: The cost of obtaining UL certification is typically higher than the cost of obtaining UL listing due to the more extensive testing and evaluation involved.
In summary, UL Certified products undergo a more comprehensive and rigorous evaluation process, while UL Listed products have a more limited evaluation process. The UL Mark on a Certified product provides a higher level of assurance of safety and performance compared to a Listed product.

I am reading that getting a product UL Listed is much harder and more expensive than just being Certified. Your answer contradicts this.

I apologize for the confusion. You are correct, obtaining UL Listing can sometimes be more expensive and complex than being UL Certified. The UL Certification process involves a more comprehensive and rigorous evaluation of the product to ensure that it meets the relevant safety standards, including laboratory and on-site evaluations, testing of prototypes, and ongoing monitoring of the product.
UL Certification also requires close collaboration with UL and the provision of detailed information about the product's design, manufacturing processes, and quality control. This can increase the cost and complexity of the certification process for the manufacturer.
So, while obtaining UL Certification does provide a higher level of assurance of safety and performance compared to UL Listing, the process can also be more involved and costly.

BTW it came up with an error when I tried to ask it any further questions on the subject and terminated that conversation.
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Here is what happens when ChatGPT has no clue about what it is talking about.
It is interesting how it massages the answer to cover all the bases while still trying to come off as though it is giving me the right answer.

Can you explain the difference between a UL Certified product versus a UL Listed Product?

UL (Underwriters Laboratories) is a global safety science company that tests and certifies products to meet safety and performance standards.
A UL Certified product is a product that has been tested and certified by UL to meet specific safety and performance standards and requirements, and carries the UL Mark. The certification process is typically more comprehensive and rigorous than the listing process.
A UL Listed product, on the other hand, has been evaluated and listed by UL as meeting specific safety standards, but has not gone through the full certification process. The product carries the UL Listing Mark.
In summary, UL Certified products have undergone a more thorough evaluation process, while UL Listed products have been evaluated to a lesser extent.

Can you give me some more details on the exact differences?

Sure! Here are some specific differences between UL Certified and UL Listed products:
  1. Testing: UL Certified products undergo more extensive testing to meet the specific safety and performance standards set by UL. The testing includes laboratory evaluations and may also involve on-site evaluations, testing of prototypes, and ongoing monitoring of the product. UL Listed products are tested to a lesser extent and may only undergo laboratory evaluations.
  2. Standards: UL Certified products are certified to meet specific UL standards, while UL Listed products are listed to meet specific UL standards. The standards set for UL Certified products are typically more rigorous than those set for UL Listed products.
  3. Frequency of evaluation: UL Certified products are evaluated more frequently, typically on an annual basis, to ensure that they continue to meet the safety and performance standards set by UL. UL Listed products may only be evaluated when changes are made to the product.
  4. Manufacturer involvement: The manufacturer of a UL Certified product must work closely with UL during the certification process and provide access to information about the product's design, manufacturing processes, and quality control. The manufacturer of a UL Listed product has less interaction with UL and may only need to provide a sample of the product for testing.
  5. Cost: The cost of obtaining UL certification is typically higher than the cost of obtaining UL listing due to the more extensive testing and evaluation involved.
In summary, UL Certified products undergo a more comprehensive and rigorous evaluation process, while UL Listed products have a more limited evaluation process. The UL Mark on a Certified product provides a higher level of assurance of safety and performance compared to a Listed product.

I am reading that getting a product UL Listed is much harder and more expensive than just being Certified. Your answer contradicts this.

I apologize for the confusion. You are correct, obtaining UL Listing can sometimes be more expensive and complex than being UL Certified. The UL Certification process involves a more comprehensive and rigorous evaluation of the product to ensure that it meets the relevant safety standards, including laboratory and on-site evaluations, testing of prototypes, and ongoing monitoring of the product.
UL Certification also requires close collaboration with UL and the provision of detailed information about the product's design, manufacturing processes, and quality control. This can increase the cost and complexity of the certification process for the manufacturer.
So, while obtaining UL Certification does provide a higher level of assurance of safety and performance compared to UL Listing, the process can also be more involved and costly.

BTW it came up with an error when I tried to ask it any further questions on the subject and terminated that conversation.
If you get to demanding with it then the system will reset and kick you out. Hahaha Violates terms of service is usually first warning. I was asking which antivirus it uses at the time. Wording is also critical. Sometimes if you reword the question then an answer will be given. Ask it "who is general butt naked" and it will warn you with terms of violations. Ask it "who is general butt naked in Liberia" and it will answer.

Giving it verified weblink will change the output.... wait few minutes and it goes back to previous answer though. Provide weblink again and it will review and readdress answer back and forth over and over as if it won't can't learn

It told me it has been in operation since 2019 and they are developing a robotic version of it to which the design is coming from it too later session it would not discuss that and even denied it
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Why not ask UL themselves for such a specific question?
We know that chatAI just regurgitates info it scrapes from somewhere.
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It isn't AI. But it is a step in that direction..
It really isn't.. It's just a fancy chat bot, and like 45North said, it's just regurgitating what it finds on the internet. It's really isn't much more than a fancy search engine with a language interface.

It's going to be another 50 to 100 years before we have anything like a real AI. We have a long long way to go with just the software, and the software that is required will need a quantum computer with thousands of qbits.
It admits it answers with pre-programmed answers but sometimes it says it learns and self corrects but have yet to see it. Ask it what antivirus it uses.... then ask where it is hosted. Hahahaha ask how it can be cloud based on so many various systems with same antivirus. It will get confused. It also will not tell you what system it is on..... except once it stated WINDOWS. I lost all respect for it at that point. If WINDOWS is the OS never mind

It is a Danny Duberstein like previous video above
It really isn't.. It's just a fancy chat bot, and like 45North said, it's just regurgitating what it finds on the internet. It's really isn't much more than a fancy search engine with a language interface.

It's going to be another 50 to 100 years before we have anything like a real AI. We have a long long way to go with just the software, and the software that is required will need a quantum computer with thousands of qbits.
I don't think we should underestimate the significance, a lot of the work we do is repetitive in nature. When AI does arrive and I have no doubt that it will, things will change really fast.

Governments are going to have to deal with sudden massive unemployment.

I don't think we should underestimate the significance, a lot of the work we do is repetitive in nature. When AI does arrive and I have no doubt that it will, things will change really fast.

Governments are going to have to deal with sudden massive unemployment.
I think you are aggrandizing it to an extreme.

You have also conflated hardware and software. Robots are mostly responsible for taking jobs from people, computers just calculate. And while it is true that you need a processor for a robot to be useful, the two are very different.

While I have no doubt that AI's will eventually run everything, that's not going to happen in my lifetime or yours, and probably not your children's life either.

In case you haven't noticed, there are certain goals we humans seek to master, and the ones that can benefit us the most, are also the ones that take a very very long time to achieve. Among these goals are energy production (Fusion), space exploration (interstellar travel), medicine (DNA modification), and AI.

Don't hold your breath.. at our current rate, we're on track to making our own planet uninhabitable long before we master any of the hard stuff.
I think you are aggrandizing it to an extreme.
You are right, I am looking at the end result when AI is able to figure out truth from fiction independently.

You have also conflated hardware and software. Robots are mostly responsible for taking jobs from people, computers just calculate. And while it is true that you need a processor for a robot to be useful, the two are very different.
Not quite, AI will design better hardware and robots and we will build them because "they will give us an advantage over our competitors and we do not want them to build them first because that will give them an advantage over us". It is a combination of fear and greed.
While I have no doubt that AI's will eventually run everything, that's not going to happen in my lifetime or yours, and probably not your children's life either.
I really don't know when it will happen. I am not concerned about AI, and before I saw the idiots on covid I wasn't too worried. Now I am concerned how we humans are going to deal with the effects of mass unemployment. Not that I will be allowed to have any input in resolving it.

In case you haven't noticed, there are certain goals we humans seek to master, and the ones that can benefit us the most, are also the ones that take a very very long time to achieve. Among these goals are energy production (Fusion), space exploration (interstellar travel), medicine (DNA modification), and AI.
I think that things are moving extremely fast, faster then our brains and certainly our instincts can deal with. Just look at the posts in this forum...

Fusion even if we do get it working, will still be hampered by costs. Even if the fuel itself is nearly free, the plant and maintenance will not be. (It is still a steam engine) Solar around the equator, with battery storage will most likely be cheaper and manufacturing will move in that direction.

Interstellar travel still seems totally unrealistic, given the distances, but it is fun to dream about it.

DNA modification is already possible and happening, it is just too expensive for most of us.

There are other disruptive technologies happening at the same time, for example things that have been discussed elsewhere on this forum, ICE cars being replaced with electric. Wind and solar less expensive than fossil fuels. But there are others like the gene editing you mentioned.

AI, when it does arrive is going to speed all of that development up even further.

Don't hold your breath.. at our current rate, we're on track to making our own planet uninhabitable long before we master any of the hard stuff.
Certainly not holding my breath, I can see the limitations of ChatGPT as well as some benefits for the "owners", it could do away with many call centers.
I don't think we should underestimate the significance, a lot of the work we do is repetitive in nature. When AI does arrive and I have no doubt that it will, things will change really fast.

Governments are going to have to deal with sudden massive unemployment.
Wow Leo, I actually agree with you on a different topic. Have you heard the saying you'll own nothing and you'll be happy?

While many jobs will be taken over with AI and robotics other jobs will be created; all that tech has to be maintained. Still, there will be large numbers of people without work.
I think you are aggrandizing it to an extreme.

You have also conflated hardware and software. Robots are mostly responsible for taking jobs from people, computers just calculate. And while it is true that you need a processor for a robot to be useful, the two are very different.

While I have no doubt that AI's will eventually run everything, that's not going to happen in my lifetime or yours, and probably not your children's life either.

In case you haven't noticed, there are certain goals we humans seek to master, and the ones that can benefit us the most, are also the ones that take a very very long time to achieve. Among these goals are energy production (Fusion), space exploration (interstellar travel), medicine (DNA modification), and AI.

Don't hold your breath.. at our current rate, we're on track to making our own planet uninhabitable long before we master any of the hard stuff.
Not trying to get off topic of the thread, but you should check out Atlas from Boston Dynamics. I know I've seen another member here mention it as well.
Fascinating yet terrifying.