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diy solar

Deye Inverter Shutdown Reason (Possibly found)


Electronic Engineer
May 1, 2021
As that other thread reaches 80+ pages I though I would share some info I got today from my Friend who is an Installer and Distributor.
I created a new thread because the other one has become way to long.

As i mentioned very early on in the older thread, I had contacted my friend the day after the Shutdown to ask if he know what had happened and he said he had heard about it and talked to an Installer he knew in Puerto Rico and the guy said that he had no inverters that were shutdown and had not heard of any that had been shutdown.

Several things have never added up with this Shutdown.

1) Why is it that so few people have come to this Forum or Reddit etc with this issue?
2) Why has Deye not posted anything officially anywhere explaining their position or why this happened?
3) Why does Sol-Ark IMHO seem to be genuinely caught off guard by this shutdown?
4) Why have none of the effected Installers contacted Deye and told us what Deye had to say?

So today I was finally able to talk to him again and he said on Friday he had contacted the Installer in PR again and the guy said he had talked to a Deye Rep and asked him point blank about the Shutdown because he was nervous about his own customers.

The Chinese Rep told him that it was a small amount of Inverters that had been targeted for Shutdown because they were all part of a Stolen Deye shipment of Inverters from several months ago!
He said all of the serial numbers in that shipment had been blacklisted.
They waited until enough of them were online and then sent them an update or command that disabled them.

There are no further details on the matter as he said the Deye Reps English was not good enough for an in depth conversation.
They waited until enough of them were online and then sent them an update or command that disabled them.

So this background story makes it sound like a righteous deed to cripple the inverters but why build such a capability into a product to begin with ?


I wouldn’t want to own equipment where someone can unilaterally decide to brick my system and I hope my Schneider and Victron stuff isn’t capable of such nonsense.
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The Chinese Rep told him that it was a small amount of Inverters that had been targeted for Shutdown because they were all part of a Stolen Deye shipment of Inverters from several months ago!
He said all of the serial numbers in that shipment had been blacklisted.
They waited until enough of them were online and then sent them an update or command that disabled them.
The units shut down in New Brunswick and Panama were reportedly purchased in 2022 / 2023, not just a few months ago.
So question for @webbbn - does this time line make any sense to you - did you just get your Deye in the last few months?
I still think it's questionable of Deye to just shut them down with no recourse for the "buyers".

Perhaps if the customers can provide Deye some type of proof of purchase, Deye will reactivate them. It's not the inverter owners fault some clowns on the internet were selling stolen Deye inverters (assuming they were purchased off the internet and not the back of a truck).

I'm not up to speed on how the purchase of stolen goods over the internet usually works out? If you buy something you didn't know was stolen on ebay, alibaba, aliexpress, whatever.. and somebody later comes around and says "Hey, that was stolen!" .. what happens to the buyer and the property?
I still think it's questionable of Deye to just shut them down with no recourse for the "buyers".

Perhaps if the customers can provide Deye some type of proof of purchase, Deye will reactivate them. It's not the inverter owners fault some clowns on the internet were selling stolen Deye inverters (assuming they were purchased off the internet and not the back of a truck).

I'm not up to speed on how the purchase of stolen goods over the internet usually works out? If you buy something you didn't know was stolen on ebay, alibaba, aliexpress, whatever.. and somebody later comes around and says "Hey, that was stolen!" .. what happens to the buyer and the property?
I know with automobiles, buyer beware is in full effect. It will ALWAYS go back to the original owners... always. Stolen vehicles belong to the registered owner. It doesnt matter if you bought it in hood faith from a dealer, a seller, or were the ones that stole it...
I still think it's questionable of Deye to just shut them down with no recourse for the "buyers".
I doubt a company is going to be very forgiving when it comes to stolen items.
Once again I stress that this is coming from one Installer. I am not even 100% sure this story is true, but I see no reason for him to lie since he does not have any problems with Deye Inverters being down, plus it makes a lot of sense given the info we have.
Perhaps if the customers can provide Deye some type of proof of purchase, Deye will reactivate them. It's not the inverter owners fault some clowns on the internet were selling stolen Deye inverters (assuming they were purchased off the internet and not the back of a truck).
Depends but this is China we are talking about.
I'm not up to speed on how the purchase of stolen goods over the internet usually works out? If you buy something you didn't know was stolen on ebay, alibaba, aliexpress, whatever.. and somebody later comes around and says "Hey, that was stolen!" .. what happens to the buyer and the property?
Depends on the price and the paper work you have. Also who you bought it from.
I suspect that the Banned guy was sucking up the expenses of those replacements for a reason.
If you bought a $2000 Inverter for $700 and the paper work is on a Napkin then you got zero options.
If you bought it from an Amazon reseller and paid full price then you can possibly make a case.

As @Supervstech said, it's buyer beware.
I know with automobiles, buyer beware is in full effect. It will ALWAYS go back to the original owners... always. Stolen vehicles belong to the registered owner. It doesnt matter if you bought it in hood faith from a dealer, a seller, or were the ones that stole it...
That's a titled item registered with a government entity, with free online tools for verifying if stolen (assuming the person it was stolen from reported it).

I'm not sure about a Deye inverter meeting criteria like that.. should we be somehow checking stuff like that isn't stolen before we buy it online?
I doubt a company is going to be very forgiving when it comes to stolen items.
The way they handled this situation, and the lack of a public response to it, has cemented my negative feelings towards Deye. The fact we are getting this information from you, instead of Deye directly, is bullcrap.

If you bought a $2000 Inverter for $700 and the paper work is on a Napkin then you got zero options.
That's certainly fair.

If you bought it from an Amazon reseller and paid full price then you can possibly make a case.
Amazon or whomever, would owe you a refund in this case in my opinion.. and they could prosecute / get restitution from their seller.
Seems to be a bit of a d*ck move but the message was sent- No point stealing a Deye product
My BS detector is going off. Message they put on the screen makes no sense then. Why not say this inverter is stolen and ask to contact Deye customer service?
View attachment 258418
Legal repercussions if they got it wrong!
You accuse someone of having stolen goods when in fact it is not stolen because some technician at Deye typed in a 6 instead of an 8 into the blacklisted serial number list.

If it's all mistake then they will contact their Installer / Seller who will then contact Deye and Deye will check the invoices and realize it was a mistake and turn it back on.
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So this background story makes it sound like a righteous deed to cripple the inverters but why build such a capability into a product to begin with ?


I wouldn’t want to own equipment where someone can unilaterally decide to brick my system and I hope my Schneider and Victron stuff isn’t capable of such nonsense.
Anything can be bricked... if software is needed to keep itnoperational, software can be manipulated, or it can "expire" requiring updates or ransomware etc...

I like stand alone hardware... none of my personal vehicles have computers of any consequence... my newest car is a obd1 95 suburban diesel...
Most of my cars are 80s mercedes diesels that dont even need an alternator or battery to run...

I like my independence from computer controlled stuff.

I WANT an electeic car though... it certainly will not be my only vehicle.
I have documentation that shows my inverter was shipped September of last year (not a few moths ago) from NingBo (Home of Deye), directly to the US from the person that I purchased it from, who has been very vocal about their support for Deye. They gave me contact information for their support contact in Deye. They (Deye) had me register my inverter so they could update it after I installed it. That's why it's now bricked.

If they have proof that I am in possession of stolen equipment, they are obligated to inform me of that and I will return it, but surely they would have flagged the serial number as stolen in the 4 months before they asked me to register it, or some time in the almost year since then.
I have documentation that shows my inverter was shipped September of last year (not a few moths ago) from NingBo (Home of Deye), directly to the US from the person that I purchased it from, who has been very vocal about their support for Deye. They gave me contact information for their support contact in Deye. They (Deye) had me register my inverter so they could update it after I installed it. That's why it's now bricked.

If they have proof that I am in possession of stolen equipment, they are obligated to inform me of that and I will return it, but surely they would have flagged the serial number as stolen in the 4 months before they asked me to register it, or some time in the almost year since then.

Sounds like you need to contact Deye and get the story and with your paper trail get the code to turn it back on. And if it turns out it fell off a truck in NingBo I have no idea what recourse you would have.
As that other thread reaches 80+ pages I though I would share some info I got today from my Friend who is an Installer and Distributor.
I created a new thread because the other one has become way to long.

As i mentioned very early on in the older thread, I had contacted my friend the day after the Shutdown to ask if he know what had happened and he said he had heard about it and talked to an Installer he knew in Puerto Rico and the guy said that he had no inverters that were shutdown and had not heard of any that had been shutdown.

Several things have never added up with this Shutdown.

1) Why is it that so few people have come to this Forum or Reddit etc with this issue?
2) Why has Deye not posted anything officially anywhere explaining their position or why this happened?
3) Why does Sol-Ark IMHO seem to be genuinely caught off guard by this shutdown?
4) Why have none of the effected Installers contacted Deye and told us what Deye had to say?

So today I was finally able to talk to him again and he said on Friday he had contacted the Installer in PR again and the guy said he had talked to a Deye Rep and asked him point blank about the Shutdown because he was nervous about his own customers.

The Chinese Rep told him that it was a small amount of Inverters that had been targeted for Shutdown because they were all part of a Stolen Deye shipment of Inverters from several months ago!
He said all of the serial numbers in that shipment had been blacklisted.
They waited until enough of them were online and then sent them an update or command that disabled them.

There are no further details on the matter as he said the Deye Reps English was not good enough for an in depth conversation.
I asked another Deye sales representative in China, but they seemed reluctant to share details about what happened in the past or the actions they took. They explained that this information is confidential and cannot be disclosed.

It's unclear whether we can trust a sales representative to share such confidential information, as it's likely not authorized. Instead of speculating about what happened between Deye and Sol-Ark, perhaps we should wait for an official announcement from both parties. However, they may not choose to release any public statement. :unsure:
The pallet story is possibly true, but I don't think that's all that's going on here

Translation of first part:
Blue screens on DEYE inverters, a problem that should not go unnoticed.

Today we woke up to the news that hundreds of DEYE brand inverters appeared with a blue screen indicating that the device is not authorized to operate in the United States (including Puerto Rico).

He says HUNDREDS - hearsay of course, but the guy is "Director of Green Energy" for the "Hispanic Federation", some sort of non profit outfitting low income Puerto Ricans with Solar..

Sounds like someone in a position to know, with some credibility at face value?

Furthermore, this "Hispanic Federation" was also listed as receiving US DOE money from the same program I mentioned in the other thread.
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I asked another Deye sales representative in China, but they seemed reluctant to share details about what happened in the past or the actions they took. They explained that this information is confidential and cannot be disclosed.
I would have also expect a no comment response, but if he Rep does reply I don't buy into the notion that the guy would make up a story that involving stolen goods and a deliberate shutdown by Deye.
According to my friend there are hundreds of Deye Inverters in PR. and by now I would expect the various forums would be flooded with complaints if all of them went dead.
I would also expect it to make national News if hundreds of people in PR lost power due to a Chinese company deliberately shutting down Inverters.

It's unclear whether we can trust a sales representative to share such confidential information, as it's likely not authorized. Instead of speculating about what happened between Deye and Sol-Ark, perhaps we should wait for an official announcement from both parties. However, they may not choose to release any public statement. :unsure:
I think if any kind of official announcement was coming it would have come already.
I agree with everything you just said, Robby. If in fact hundreds should have been newsworthy in the US.

And I expect no official comment from Deye. :)
This makes way more sense than SS starting a china rumor. Years of public safety, security etc. We never told anyone what we were doing. We did what we did and waited to see who complained, how they complained and to whom. Then we continued to gather more and more information to backtrack and determine how and why the theft occurred...

Lots of Direct Tv "customers" were caught this way.... With a message to contact the dealer/customer service , a truly noncomplicit, innocent customer/victim might yield more evidence, if they are still gathering such...

I also expect Deye to remain silent. Based upon the theft theory. They are victims also. It really isn't there fault. Just a new realm of the how the world will deal with stolen property. I remember one victim put thousands into modifying a stolen car. They lost the purchase price plus all of the upgrades... It was returned to the original/legal owner as recovered.... It still sucks. I fell for those who were victims on both sides

robby , Thanks for the info.

Also a reminder to us all, we are responsible for our own safety, in more ways than one. The government is not concerned with individuals, just public order...
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I have documentation that shows my inverter was shipped September of last year (not a few moths ago) from NingBo (Home of Deye), directly to the US from the person that I purchased it from, who has been very vocal about their support for Deye. They gave me contact information for their support contact in Deye. They (Deye) had me register my inverter so they could update it after I installed it. That's why it's now bricked.

If they have proof that I am in possession of stolen equipment, they are obligated to inform me of that and I will return it, but surely they would have flagged the serial number as stolen in the 4 months before they asked me to register it, or some time in the almost year since then.
Which one do you have? 8k, 12k?
So today I was finally able to talk to him again and he said on Friday he had contacted the Installer in PR again and the guy said he had talked to a Deye Rep and asked him point blank about the Shutdown because he was nervous about his own customers.
So you talked to a guy who talked to a guy who talked to a guy. And the last guy's English was not good enough for an in depth conversation.
And we're hearing it from you, so that's 4 times removed from a source who can't really speak English. I dunno about that. :unsure: A definite maybe. Could be true though. Thanks for the info!
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diy solar

diy solar