diy solar

diy solar

Diagnosing kWh Generation Loss / Missing kWh


New Member
Jan 21, 2021

I am a small business owner with some rows of solar panels. I’ve owned these panels for over seven years and actively monitor the generation each and every day. I come to you to figure out a problem that has occurred since last summer. The reported generation for a given day diminishes the next morning anywhere between 20%-30%. For instance, Thursday's generation of 180kWh taken at 8PM somehow falls to 145kWh generated when checked the following morning. The previous generation report shrinks and remains shrunk which has impacted the solar credits and income generated from the panels significantly.

I contacted the solar monitoring/analytics provider two weeks ago to inform them of the problem. In that time, they followed up exactly once with no response to my response.

Any advice or idea as to what the problem could be? Is my generated kWh being stolen? If so, how would we detect for it? Moreover, how do you prevent it?

Thanks in advance for any help you may render.
Measured how?
There is the possibility that PV --> inverter --> Meter measures production separate from consumption, if you have a dedicated meter.
Maybe something go wired into the meter (kWh being stolen or diverted)
Maybe an inverter is now draining power back at night.

35 kWh missing overnight is about 3kW load.

Read the meter a couple times between 8PM and the following morning.
Switch off breakers or whatever disconnect after reading at 8 PM, check reading next morning and switch back on.