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diy solar

diy solar

Did I have a weird dream about Will adding a 'dislike' button?

I need to think of some form of punishment for people that continue to sidetrack threads as well. If you guys have any ideas let me know
Other than standard moderation efforts I am not sure that a Thread that drifts Off Topic, especially when the Topic was answered, is a problem. Sometimes if something is not broke it is best to avoid fixing it.
2 or 3 Warnings, then a time out.

We go off topic a little and I think that's ok (normal conversation), but if someone goes derailing enough to be wrecking stuff, and they don't listen to a written warning, they get warning points and booted from the thread. Enough warning points = a week vacation.

Warning points expire after a set time (maybe a week or two or three), so someone doesn't get a vacation months later over a momentary lapse of judgment.
Was a member of a really great forum with massive wealth of information. Then the Twitter/X ISMS began and within 6 months it because a sewage pit of krap. Watched as a HUGE Membership just poofed away to happier grounds.

I can't count how many times I got crapped on for reminding folks what "A thread was originally about"...
Ces't la vie, all good things must come to end... Note how some folks have already begun to peel away from here.
HEY now,

I can derail a conversation with the best of them, but it is usually after the original topic was answered.

A dislike button (the topic here) would sometimes be a good thing - a way of indicating that what was posted is totally incorrect or a very bad idea.

Maybe instead of a dislike button it needs to be a 'I disagree' button - emoticon of a smilely with arms crossed looking away?

How's your panel mounting going?
Yer off-topic, go start a new thread.
Other than standard moderation efforts I am not sure that a Thread that drifts Off Topic, especially when the Topic was answered, is a problem. Sometimes if something is not broke it is best to avoid fixing it.
That’s a great comment …reflecting wisdom….👍
Instead of a dislike button, how about an off-topic button? Maybe those posters will get the hint if they see enough of them from the forum community.
Hmmm... an Off Topic emoji? Maybe a contest to pick something appropriate. My first thoughts were a cat emoji (symbolizing people that post cat pictures) or a Banana emoji (symbolizing a fruit)?

ETA: An Off topic emoji could help moderators spot offending posts. Easy to see a Banana.
I would suggest keeping all vendor posts in a separate forum. (Is this part of the current site rules?)
I don't want to be advertised to here. Just learning from the objective experiences of people who use the various equipment is why I come here.
Hmmm... an Off Topic emoji? Maybe a contest to pick something appropriate. My first thoughts were a cat emoji (symbolizing people that post cat pictures) or a Banana emoji (symbolizing a fruit)?

ETA: An Off topic emoji could help moderators spot offending posts. Easy to see a Banana.
Im designing one right now with photoscape and making it red so we can spot it easily
At work when we are in a meeting and the topic is done we call 'pineapple' .... it isn't because we drift off topic, just because we are done for now
I would still wish for a "disagree" button .. For those I post a comment even without the button to say why I disagree, but a button might be fun to

diy solar

diy solar