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diy solar

Direct Solar Power Review(s) directsolarpower.com


New Member
Jan 30, 2023
I had a very interesting experience with this new company. And I wanted to share it with the community.
Direct Solar Power or https://directsolarpower.com/ directsolarpower.com (adding all for tags and searches)

I am going to be a little vague for some mild anonymity.
I have recently purchased some(10+) solar panels that were no longer available from Signature Solar. I should have pulled the trigger on it earlier but some timings didn't add up, also I did not know it it was a last sale, or clearance for the panels.

The reason I bought these panels is:
I upgraded my inverter
I wanted to fill my PV input with the same panels on one of the 2 PV inputs.
I am using the new(at this time) 12000xp EG4 inverter. This purchase would closely max out my PV on one MPPT, and allow me growth on the other non-used MMPT. If I added more batteries, load, etc...

Initial Thoughts were not great. They seemed forthcoming, but I was not convinced. The person that answered the call mentioned after asked about their company history that they used to handle some signature solar fulfillment's and so forth. But also said they were new in the sales side. That the company is new, and that is true.

The whole time, I just did not feel confidence. It felt like I was ordering from another country. But using a credit card, I went ahead with the risk. At this time, this company was the only one I could find that had my exact solar panels. And during that initial phone call, they instantly added a 5% Christmas discount on my order/specific panels. A normal charge for shipping, and I placed my order within 10 minutes of the phone call.

Now things got a little spicy...
I received an email back within 1 or 2 days, stating that the price I payed, and the price on the website was too low. And that they needed to charge me more before completing the order. So I called back and mentioned the FTC Bait and Switch laws and well, it seamed like they avoided the issue, and tried to get away with it... Which I let them. And this is only because I was in a spot of possibly never matching my exact panels. Was it worth it? I am not sure yet.

So I somewhat agreed to paying the extra negotiated charge per panel. I stated in my responding email I would not pay more than XXX.xx which was around the middle of what the new price of what they asked, and the price I paid. And honestly, if they were going to charge me "full price" of the original MSRP that it was before the "sale" I would have not done it. Or if it was any more than my price I asked.

But they agreed. And then things continued...

So my order did not ever get updated that it was shipped until I called. Then they informed me that it was shipped out and would be delivered soon.
At this point, and before my confidence level was so low, I had already discussed the issues with my credit card company to make sure they would be okay with pushing a 2nd charge to them, and if they would back my payments if things went wrong legitimately.

I called the shipping company to confirm the order was on its way, and its contents, and luckily they told me when they expected to deliver. So since I was out of town, I had to make make my visit short to be there to accept the delivery.

After many red flags, and much lack of confidence, I am happy to say, I did get the product, in good condition as far as I know at this point. I have not tested each panel for proper output yet. But They did send the correct panels and they look new. There were not damaged panels, and it looked like they did a decent job with packing them.

I was honestly happy just to see all of this, after all the issues I had. But of course it doesn't make things right.

To recap:
-I found my panels that aren't being sold anywhere else seemingly(for a decent price).
-Called and even got a discount, then completed my order.
-Emailed back 1-2 days later that they want more money, and they were making a loss on the order.
-Payed again, never got a shipped notice, even when manually checking the sellers shipping service.
-Called a week later, got more information, and double checked, things seemed more promising.
-Delivered, Delivery seemed normal, without panel testing.

I honestly would try to avoid them at this point until they become a more reputable seller. This seems like a catch 22, and it sort of is.
They really seam like a new company, on every level. And maybe that is a good thing, Maybe they are learning.
All my interactions with them were them trying to be positive, which is good, but it really seemed on the scammer type side, or maybe just pure inexperience side.
Either way, I do not want to be spending my money preferably with random joe. And I did take the risk, and got some sort of reward, I can not promise this to other customers.

So I guess, Yeah, they delivered my product. With the expectations I wanted(so far, no testing yet). But they charged me more than their original listed price.

I made this review to recap an experience I had on a company that has very little information out there at this time.
I hope this serves people and this company well. I have seen them make a presence on this forum already.

Last note: Order at your own risk. Things might have turned well for me, But I would like to see things add up better. Are they only selling products on "clearance"? Are they fulfilling all their orders? I just am still leaving with some sort of credibility issues. I definitely would not expect them to stick around as long as signature solar at this point. But maybe they will.

Thanks for reading. And Good luck on your solar project!
Ive been there, youre sure you getting scammed and then they come through with flying colors. That whole upcharging you after the fact is enough not to ever use them
Just and update, without testing individual panels, it seems they are working fine. I only deployed about half. But due to a temporary deployment, and not yet individually testing each one, I can not fully confirm anything more than that they seem fine still.

As for what pikachoo states, I fully agree. I hate bombing a supposedly fresh company, but that was my experience. At least they came through, for me.
Hi Aether and everyone else reading this!

We appreciate your honest feedback, and are grateful that you gave us a chance to serve you. While we strive to be as transparent and forthcoming as possible, situations like this can happen and we sincerely apologize for this.

About the pricing discrepancy, we recognize that it was an error on our end. The price listed on our website was not updated to reflect the recent changes in the market, and we take full responsibility for this oversight. Once we discovered this issue, we reached out to you to offer solutions that we hoped would address the situation fairly. We offered you either a full refund or to pay the difference between the updated price, which we then settled half way as you mentioned.

Note: Even with that price we settled for, we had lost money fulfilling your order, but we were willing to take a small loss to diffuse the situation.

I'm happy to hear that your panels arrived in good condition and met your expectations so far. If you encounter any issues with the panels, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We're here to help resolve any concerns through warranty claims or other necessary steps.

As you noted, we are a indeed a new, growing company, and while we strive to deliver excellent service, mistakes can sometimes happen just like any other company that's been in business long enough. That said, we’re actively learning from every experience and implementing improvements to serve our customers better. Since this situation, we’ve thoroughly checked our pricing accuracy on our website, to ensure similar issues won’t arise again in the future.

Thank you again for your honest review, we hope you’ll give us another opportunity in the future to provide a smoother experience as we continue to build our reputation, and we wish you the best of luck with your solar project!
I landed here trying to find information about Direct Solar Power https://directsolarpower.com. One of my red flags is websites without a physical address and currently I cannot find one on their website.

They seem to have some low prices. Any one else ever ordered from them?
I landed here trying to find information about Direct Solar Power https://directsolarpower.com. One of my red flags is websites without a physical address and currently I cannot find one on their website.

They seem to have some low prices. Any one else ever ordered from them?

The website includes an address now on bottom of the site.
The website includes an address now on bottom of the site.
Yes indeed! We've noticed Frederick's reply to this thread and adjusted accordingly.

if anyone else notices any missing features on our website or points that we can improve on, I'd be happy to hear them and see how we can get them implemented to provide our customers a better experience

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diy solar