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diy solar

diy solar

discharge tool


New Member
Jul 7, 2022
I have an amp meter with max current recall....I would like to discharge supercaps at their max and keep track of the numbers on my clamp meter...what can I use with the meter to do this..??
What voltage are the Caps charged to and how big are the Cap values.
When you say discharge at the Max are you talking about shorting them out?
If they are medium to big caps the amount of Amps during that short will be very high.
You also need to know that your meter can read the level of current that will be produced and that, whatever is dissipating the current can withstand the current and the heat.
you never want to put a dead short across a supercap - you can damage it... Look for the number on the side of the supercap -- now lookup a datasheet and see what the max output current is... Then get a resistor that will produce that current at your voltage and make sure the wattage is high enough ... like 30w or better 100w ... Now you need a clamp meter with a very fast sample rate and that reads DC... so you are looking for one that reads inrush current ... if it is a fluke you are looking at a $900 meter... a Hoiki will be about 1/2 that price and the cheap $100 meters will have to low a sample rate to measure it.

Probably better to put the resistor in distilled water in a foam cup and measure the temperature... then short your cap through it and measure the temperature rise of the water. Then work the math to see how much power was delivered. You will need a stopwatch and a clamp meter to see how long it takes and when it is done...

Using that data you can figure out the rest.

diy solar

diy solar