diy solar

diy solar

Do panels lay on ground need earth grounding?


New Member
May 27, 2021
i have 4 panels basically laying on grass in my (residential) backyard, with some woods and bricks to help tilting, do i need to ground them? i don't think Will ever mentions with his on the ground set ups, am i wrong?
If connected in series, the voltage is probably 90V to 180V. If one had a leakage path to frame, that could be a hazard.
If parallel, voltage is much lower (although Voc of a "24V" panel isn't something you should touch while wet.)
We normally wire the frames together and back to equipment chassis and a ground rod somewhere as part of our permanent installations. The RV guys with some portable panels don't.
The sad answer is yes.... The ground has to have the surface area with good contact thus using a ground rod that tries to hit ground water...